[18.07.2011] Tree-J twitter

Tree-J twitter:

Eels, are you happy watching smap smap? JKS is looking forward to dancing shuffle in Seoul~~~ as a gift to you all, this is a pic of JKS backstage preparing to attend smap smap

张根硕贴吧官方微博:【TREE-J推特更新】(翻译:囧)鳗鱼们,samp samp 看的欢乐吗?jks一边期待着在首尔跳shuffle~~~出演samp samp的时候,在后台准备的jks的样子做为礼物给你们

[16.07.2011] Tree-J twitter


Tree-J twitter:

If eels have a change of heart, will remove its bones and organs, and put them on a stick to grill over charcoal fire!! Curry-man and Eel-man has already started preparation…!!

张根硕贴吧官方微博:【tree-j推特更新2】爬墙的话 把鳗鱼的骨头和内脏去掉 串起来放炭火上烤成料理!!咖喱男和鳗鱼男已经准备中了。。!!(翻译:颖)

[15.07.11] Tree-J twitter

Tree-J twitter:

JKS has been filming YMP together with eels this morning, because it’s a happy day with eels, so his mood is very good ^^ Please let me see the power of eels!! Fighting!

张根硕全球中文网:Tree-j公司twitter更新:从早上开始和鳗鱼们一起拍摄的张根硕,因为是与鳗鱼同乐的一天,所以心情很好啊^ ^请给我看鳗鱼的力量!!加油!韩文部分翻译无责任乱翻猫,日文部分halo

[14.07.11] Tree-J twitter

Tree-J twitter:
JKS is now practising dance for “You’re my Pet”! The lower end of his shirt is missing!!!!! Tomorrow is the filming of the performance scene, cheers for those who come from Japan!


@nekomusume:TreeJ company official twitter 너는펫 안무 연습중인 장근석 군! 여러분 근석군의 하의가 실종되었어요!! 내일부터 시작될 영화 너는펫 공연씬 촬영 일본에서 오신 장어분들도 화이팅입니다!

[12.07.11] Whereabouts …

Sina update from @JasonJang:
Eating brunch at the Bund~ so relax~ haha in love with SH. Hard on everyone. Thanks!
在外滩吃brunch~ so relax~ haha in love wid SH 大家辛苦了 感谢!

Tree J twitter:

JKS: Have gone on a tour of HS Media company. Now going back to Seoul.
Hs media흥신소 방문 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ笑!이제 서울로 고고씽~~!!by근석
王子去了HS MEDIA總部逛了逛。現在出發回去首爾了~

[05.07.11] Tree-J twitter


Tree-J twitter: JKS has completed 22 hours of filming, a tough day for him. Despite the long hours, he’s not tired at all, and gets his energy from teasing staff and making them happy. He needs support from eels! Please look forward to it!


Chinese translation: KeunSukChina

[03.07.11] Tree-J twitter

Tree-J twitter: JKS has finished the cover photo shoot for a magazine that he very, very much wanted to be on, so what magazine is that? Please wait a while more~ eels


[15 June 2011] JKS’ interview by Korean fans


Credits: KeunSukChina & Sukbar’s translations
English translation: Aphrael77

The Korean-Chinese translators grumbled that JKS’ handwriting was very hard to understand!

——————— 10 Questions for JKS ———————
(JKS’ answers in bold here / in white in the pics)

1. What do you wish to say to jangkeunsuk.net members?

Change the message arrival indicator sound. I’m tired of it … hahaha ….

2. For how long will actor Jang’s love of the leopard print last? So long as it is leopard-print, anything is ok?

Maybe it will be fashionable for a while more, hard to say, in the midst of considering …

3. What is the correct meaning of ㅊㅈㅊㅈ? And the new phrases you use recently?

Read more

[App update] Tree-J’s new office

Credits: mimilovesuk @ Sina
Chinese translation: Miyuki_JKS
Thanks to soulmate for part of translation

——————- App message ——————-

新的tree j 办公室 感觉好棒!
New tree J office!! It feels great! sooooo big!! hehehe

——————- End ——————-

Aphrael77’s note:

Tree-J has moved to new office premises! In the new building that JKS bought?
An official notice should be coming out soon!

Message dated 22 May 2010 from JKS

Shared by: Ning on FB
This is an old message from JKS dated 22 May 2010.
I have read the Chinese translation of it somewhere in Baidu Sukbar, so I think it’s as authentic as it could be.
Strong views from our dear JKS, but this is him – a guy who dares to say what he feels, a guy who does his best and fights for what he wants, a guy who is involved in all nitty-gritty details of organizing events and yet is not defeated by all the problems that he faced when doing so. But he does feel down when fans misunderstand him or blame him for glitches happening during events.

So in view of all his hard work and perseverance, let’s continue to give JKS our love, support and understanding!
JKS, you are the best! Fighting!!