*Announcement for 2017 ECI membership registration (Posted on August 15th, 2017)
*** The application period for 2017 membership was closed. ***
After closing the application period, We shall contact applicants via Facebook friend request to complete the registration. It may take some time, but please wait for a while. If you don’t submit all * particulars, it will take longer. So please make sure all info is in order before your submission.
We look forward to having fun getting to know more eel brothers & sisters!
From ECI Admin Team
Because of our Prince, we are blessed to find friends in one another regardless of which country we are from.
Eels’ Club International (ECI) is a closed, private group on Facebook, established on 16 November 2011. Founded by Farina as a social platform for eels to interact, get to know more friends and basically have fun, ECI has grown to a membership strength of 749 members from 80 countries currently (as of August 15th, 2017).
This banner below was made for drama “Daebak (The Royal Gambler)” press conference held on March 24th, 2016.
Viva Eels’ Club!! Ok then President, here I come…
But wait, if Farina is the President, what about you aphrael? Ooo.. I know it!
You’re The CEO of Eels’ Foundation with the President Director Mrs. Farina ^_^
Hi Farina,
Please also let me in.. Thanks!
Mary joy, please email me as above. Thanks
How to sign up in this blog?
I want to join on this club let me soon…
I want to join on this club let me in soon im forever jks
hola Farina me gustaria ser parte del club me gustaria integrarme …
our family love jang keun suk so much…
hi,i’m Chinese eel
I’m a fan of Jang Keun Suk, and i’m from Finland
me,too .We all need Jang Keun Suk.快快呼唤他!!weibo needs you.Chinese fans need you.@张根硕
谢谢!You heard ny call
I’m “prince控” in weibo.
He has definitely read your comment, Lingling.

O(∩_∩)O I think so,but who are you,where are you from?(๑•ั็ω•็ั๑)库玛哇,prince
Pleeeeeeease… I am begging you… let me in.. I’m a Filipino Eel.
Can I join her.please reply
hey plz do accept me…and be part of it
I am an eel from Puerto Rico…
Hi farina. How so i suppose to join Eel? I’m Indonesian. Please let me know by email. Thank you.
Greetings to everyone! i really wanted to join the fan group..watched “You are beautiful “just recently and been going crazy over Jang keun suk lately, watched it actually 5 times on NETFLIX already!!! hehehe…please let me be a part of it I’m Annie from Toronto, Canada..
Hope to hear from you guys soon! shout out to the people who loves gang keun suk!
Sometime in September 2019. I found your beautiful and feel head over heals for him.
plz share registration info..
I’m from México
In México also there are many fans from JKS ….
Please let me in!!!
We love him …
Hola, como envio la solicitud de registración?
Soy de México !!!
Please let me in…..
Please farina let me in ….
In México there are many fans from jks
Please let me in
Hi sis . Can I please join the group. I’m iranian but I live in korea .
Hi I want to join the Facebook group pls
Plz let me in I’m Manipuri
Hola como puedo ser parte de este blog soy mexicana y me gustaría entrar a este club!!!
Please let me in too
Can i join ? Please ?
Hello can anyone please help me to be included in his fanclub. He is too great. Please help.
kyaa…i’m in…i’m in…!
i want to know his moles (besides in his face n neck), kkkk
Please let me in too. I’m a new eel ^^ . Thank you so much to Farina for creating this club.
This is great!
Just posted about this on twitter! Hope to meet millions of fellow eels through this club!
Follow me on twitter @MsSukBi
Yeyyyy… I’m just sent it…
sooooo excited to join this Eel’s club… ,┐(‘⌣’┐) (┌’⌣’)┌
Anita, I replied you saying that I can’t open the attachment. Did you receive it?
I just sent back my identity, hope you can open right now… ^_^
Hi farina. How so i suppose to join this club? Please let me know by email. Thank you.
awe this is awesome .. thank you so much for making this club ..
I’M 100 % IN 
Mole Hunters! I just got assured that he has mole on his arm!! I wasn’t sure about it up to now cuz in the other pix this mole was not clear!!!
Yay!!! One more mole found!
i can’t open it,,T_T
charlotte! u got mail.
Can’t open it either for some reason i get an error page
Andrea! Don’t be sad! I have another pic with another mole! I guess Farina hasn’t found it yet!
Got it! Near the National Treasure too!! Lol!!!!
Wow! Near the NT too???? O.o will u share???
That one I give to Dom
@miracle, also can’t open it.
can you please e-mail it to me? thanks a bunch!
browneyes! u got mail!
just emailed my information to the President of the club!
@Farina, I emailed my info. Thanks!
Good day Ms.Farina, just emailed my info….. Thanks
Hi girls!
Would like to highlight that Blog ID means the name you use on THIS blog. For those who don’t hv a blog ID, please use whatever name you want to be addressed with when submitting your profiles otherwise I will use your real name ok?
Second, DOB means Date of Birth.
Good day! it’s ok for me not to have a Blog ID.
Hi Farina
i did wonder for a while (meaning of BOD) hehehehe!!!! but already submitted mine.
didn’t know what DOB meant too
but I just kinda googled it 

but thanks
I am sending my info right now ^^ hope to be accepted
Awesome blog by the way!!!
Hi, would like to join in, I am a “non-active” eel and would like to start to be active and have the bond among all eels around the world, will send my data soon. Thanks
I’m forced to be an un-active eel cause my family and friends don’t really like un-American things but this blog might change that about me so if you can please accept me
Dear friends, please please bear with me for being very slow with the contact list. I’m really bogged down with a lot of activities these days. Today is my late mom-in-law’s prayer session and it’s a whole day affair. Really, mianhe….
Take your time dear Farina, and don’t feel pressured. With more and more eels joining in this must be getting harder. So on behalf of all eels,we are all so appreciative of the work you’re doing no matter how long it takes, and we just wish if there is anything we can do to help!
May God bless your Mom’s in law soul ( Rahmat Allah alaiha ) We will remember her with all our beloved ones in our prayers. Alfateha
Thanks Sahar:) miss you! Where’s Cri-J??
In the end, just when the prayer ceremony is abt to start, I received a call that my hubby has been vomiting nonstop and he’s on the road with my 2 elder kids n niece. I had to leave the ceremony to bring him to the doctor. Diagnosed Vertigo. Perhaps Dr Maya can enlighten me what in the world this is. So anyway, he was given injection which will make him sleep and now I’m at home accompanying him. I managed to draw up the list and just awaiting for our CEO to proof-read my draft. Hope I can shoot it out soon
Oh. Vertigo is rough. My boss’ husband suffers from the same thing. But its something that can be treated once diagnosed. Its important that he follows the treatment the doctor gives him. Its like having severe motion sickness but usually has to do with inner ear problems or blood flow to the brain which is why he was vomiting.
Ah, Farina! Work of eels’ blog can wait, u should take care of ur family first! Hope ur hubby will recover soon!! We miss u too!
( didn’t know abt ur situation and few mins ago i emailed u, but it’s not urgent, don’t waste time for it now, u can read it some time later, ok??!)
Thanks all
Andrea, according to the Dr once you get it, it will recur as and when for the rest of yr life
Yup something abt 3 bones in yr ear being out of alignment.
Miracle, recvd n replied.
Browneyes, now that I have drawn up the list, I feel more at peace
Beforehand, apologies for any shortcomings
Luv you all!
Yeah.. thats why its important to follow treatment. My boss’ husband was diagnosed several years back and just had an occurence again about a month ago. Its rough. Hopefully he will be okay but you guys are probably under a lot of stress especially lately with his mother
no need for apologies, farina. compiling eels’ data in this blog is no joke. thanks for your patience and hard work.
i hope your hubby is feeling better now…
just read the comments here. @ farina… i sincerely pray and wish that everything will be fine.Your family needs you now.The eels’ work can wait…
Now I’m having trouble sleeping so I try to catch up on so many news! Only managed to peek here and there
Ahhhh!!! Sure miss you guys!
@farina,,take care of yourself and I will be praying for your husband recovery..And don’t feel sorry for the delay take your time and be with your family..
Thank you my dear! Hugs!
just read what happened to your hubby.. hope he’s fine now.. don’t worry about us here..just take care of your hubby first.. we can wait for you..
today he seems quite ok.
Farina, hope your hubby is recovering well now.. you too, take care & don’t overwork…
Thanks QQ
Would like to join JKS fansclub, please advise ….thank you
Farina dear, Hope you will get more rest…don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Pray all things go well for everyone.
PS : About the eels’ club…..I wanna be in too…will definitely send in my application. Thanks.
Take your time ms.farina , God bless you always!
Girls, check your emails. The contact list is out!
Wow! Farina, u’ve done great job! Now all JKS’ Eels r united!! Thank u for taking the initiative!!! Really appreciate ur hard work!!
Thanks, Farina,
I got your email.
Wow! JKS is going global with his (international)eels…..I’m sure the list will grow.
Thank you girls! Don’t forget to share MOLE pix!
Sure! Whenever new mole is found, our President will b reported first about its location!! ^.~
got your e-mail.. thanks!
Good day ms.Farina, can’t received anything yet!
Can u please email me again? Tks
got it! thanks farina!!!
Dear Farina, have u got my email yet..
I haven’t got anything from you. Pls resend. I usually acknowledge receipt of profile. Thank you
Hi! Have u sent me an email? Pls use ‘snow909’ as blog ID so I can identify and match profile sent. Please do note my address is ‘.co’ and not ‘.com’. I will reply you via email tt I got yr profile.
Received email thanks!
Opened my mail first before i went here and didn’t know abt your hubby. Hope his fine now and you take care of yourself also!
Pssst! Please wait for acceptance on FB ok? Big boss in big bad mood! Can’t go online on office PC. iPhone doesn’t allow me to invite members….sigh… (crunching fingers)
got your email…. Thanks:)
@ farina, i was just scrolling down the list of the eels that you’ve compiled.Gosh…
just like what @Kuletsky said, he IS going international ( the list )…and yes , i do believe that the list will grow and counting !
Not many of us yet but so far FB has been amusing. I posted a few times. By the way anyone can send me a friend request. I accept all eels. Same with twitter (anddawede) although Sukkie isn’t using anymore. Might be hard to believe but I am a little shy at first so I am little nervous about sending friend requests.
Bz hunting moles whole day! Lol!!
The problem I hv is trying to match blog ID-real names-FB acc. So new entries please provide all 3 details or my hair will turn white! Present members who wld like to be on the FB and I hv not added to the closed group, please indicate u wld like to be in the group
LOL!!dint know that anddawede was you sis!!!Small world!!
Got it. Thanks much Farina
May I join too?
I am too late! but please I’m in too ^_^
I will send everything now.
Ms. Farina, data has been sent. have you received it? thanks
dear farina,
i just sent my data. hope to hearing from you soon
Konnichiwa Farina-sama,
May I join the Eel’s club aswell?
Oppa is truly amazing <3
Pls email me
I did, Happily Awaiting Reply
Dear I just checked but there’s nothing…. Try emailing me from here – farina1968@yahoo.co.uk
Or give me yr address cos some eels had problem sending it
i love him so much
got your email, thanks:)
Waiting 4 ur email @Farina
Huh?….ok maybe I missed it…pls be a dear and email me again. Tks
don’t forget to quote yr ID: AnikaCh ok?
Just sent u the email again……:)
I just checked…nothing….maybe if it’s ok with you, give me yr email address and I will send you an email.
Checked again…nothing….
I dnt knw what’s wrong with my mail account!!!! it’s always showing the mail has been sent….!!!! Better i should go with ur idea……:)
Here is my mail id munia_03@yahoo.com
Sry 4 da trouble…:(
i have same problem with u.. sis farina this is my email tenghasnahanom@yahoo.com..everyday i sent my profile and it showing has been sent..sorry
Sent u an email
Got ur mail n already sent my details. Thnx
Welcome to Eels Club!
@farina i just sent you email, wait 4 ur reply
Hello all
So far two-thirds of the members are on FB. a lot of action is going on there and the rapport is great! So for the rest of the members who would like to be linked up, please add me as a friend first ok?
1) find and add me as friend: Arba’ayah Abdullah
2) it would really help if you can inform me your Blog ID if you are using other names
3) I will add you on the Eels Club once I get hold of a PC or Lappy
I sent it again just now
Got it n replied
let me in too~~
i’ll send u the email~
waaaaaaaaaa~so excited <3<3~~~
Hello? How can I join?
pls email me yr profile as above (even though all parts are optional, I really need following details:
1. blog ID-ie bbgs
2. real name
3. FB name(if you hv an account & wld like to be linked
4. country
My email address: farina1968@yahoo.co.uk
I will acknowledge upon receipt of email.
Have u sent me yr profile? I received one but am not sure if it’s you….
Ms. Farina, I emailed you my details about joining the eels’ club. I want to join too!
Thanks! ^.^
Jac, I can’t find you on FB. I replied you via email. Pse kindly revert
this is hari from India.. i am happy to say thank you and you are doing good job, we are providing our prince updates .. i love you
Omo!!! a sukkie fan fro India!!! Hurray!!!at last
wer r u fro?
Harichandu, welcome!
hope i can be part of this.
Of course you can! Just email me yr profile and if you’re on FB, include yr FB name too
hi farina, I’ve already sent you my profile, Hope I can be part of this group! thnk you ^^.
i want to be apart of eels..
and i’m from malaysia..
help me plz..
really2 admire jang keun suk..
can email me at ejanaz87@yahoo.com
thanks eels..
Name: Pirawan Damrongkiatdee(Jum)
Age: 39 years Country: Bangkok, Thailand Blog gang: No
Education: Bangkok University Major: Accounting school
Working: JTB (Thailand) Ltd. Position:Accountant
Marital status: Single
My idol,My inspiration,My beautiful are Jang kuen suk
Hi Pirawan
Can u pls email me at farina1968@yahoo.co.uk cos I nd yr email address
I can’t browse and copy my picture to here, if you want to see my picture, you can see by facebook Pirawan Damrongkiatdee.Thank you.
country: saudi arabia
Marital Status:still snigle ^^
Date of birth:1/25/1995
You have an amazing website i love it
Hi Saad:)
You’ve got mail…
I want to join..
what will i do ?
Hi! Ms. Farina ..
I just sent you my email ..
Welcome to ECI Lara! You’re already in the group
HI Ms. Farina..
I just sent you my email…pls.accept me to be a member of Eel’s CLub
April rose, I got yr email n replied. Somehow I can’t add u as friend on FB. Can u pls add me instead?? Find me: Arba’ayah Farina Abdullah
Once u accept, then only can I add u in ECI. Thanks
Hi Farina, I dropped you an email on 2 Jan. May I know if I’m accepted as a member? TQ!
Jazzie, I didn’t recv any from you. Pls resend
Hi Farina, resent. thanks!
Anyonghasaeyo JKS chi!!! How r u?What r u doing? Are u tired? Onieruen chornuen just to have time for update your news.Chongmun mobchie kurivonhada and hengbokhada nan, I’d to see your concert, everyday I try to count the date untill on Songkran’s festival nottem I’d like to give your new year gift for you that I pay attention to make for you.Umm!!!relax more and unjunjanghada naka.I’ll inspire you every time.Chongmun saranghaeyo my idol,my beautiful,my inspiration ,Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo,Hansang congkanghasaeyo,Chika,Saranghaeyo,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)
Anyonghasaeyo JKS chi!!! How r u?What r u doing? Are u tired? Onieruen chornuen just to have time for update your news.Chongmun mobchie kurivonhada and hengbokhada nan, I’d to see your concert, everyday I try to count the date untill on Songkran’s festival nottem I’d like to give your new year gift for you that I pay attention to make for you.Umm!!!relax more and unjunjanghada naka.I’ll inspire you every time.Chongmun saranghaeyo my idol,my beautiful,my inspiration ,Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo,Hansang congkanghasaeyo,Chika,Saranghaeyo,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)
hahahaha!!! i really lik sis farinas hmm and ur LOL…i can see her expression in front of my eyes… O.o
Try to imagine Aphrael’s then….
DAEBAK SIS APHRAEL!!! nice expression lol..hahahahah!!!
That either means Aphrael has eyesight problems and she’s wearing binoculars or she’s shocked till her eyes are popping out! Lol!!!
thinks its the third option lol…hahaha
hahaha…I’d never seem Farina unnie speechless before…..Hmmm…
@farina: i knew that feeling! lol!
HUH ???
hmmm ….
Speechless !!!!
Girls, please behave…..
Unnie …..OK LOL!!!
Pirawan! I hope u often visit jksforever blog with ur extraordinarily “cheering up” comments!!!….to tell the truth, I’m a bit shocked by ur Korlish (korean-english) though… ^^
and i think u’ve chosen the right place for “commenting” cuz i’m sure JKS reads this blog whenever he has free time, so it means ur message’s sent to ( and received by) Jang Keun Suk!!! Lol! ^^
I wanna talk with u more in fb…waiting for ur inclusion,,comeon comeon..kekekeke
Lol! I’m coming baby….wait for me….kekeke
Hi I just sent u an email!!
Hi girls… So excited to be part of this club!!
Please count me in… Whatever u guys need, Im here 4 all of U!!
Got it
Welcome aboard!!
I am so so late! I have been super busy that I feel like I’m losing myself. For a moment, I’m like in hybernation. I’m now trying to slowly recover. I’m coming back…
hello… =)
im soo excited to be part of this clib
I really like jang keun suk with park shin hye!!!!!!!!
im a geunshin addict..XD
Anyonghasaeyo JKS chii!!! How r u?What r u doing?Are u tired?chornuen chong mun kurivonhada nan so much.When do you have time to yor-henghada at tae-kuk nara, and if you yor-henghada ,you’d like to take a vocation at the same place that you ever been there Right?. Chuen-kob-kae ponaesaeyo, Don’t forget to show cri too.I’ll wait to see your performance too.Hansangcongkanghasaeyo,Don’t work hard too much naka.Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo.I misssssssssss u so much.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)Saranghaeyo sajangnim.
Discovered JKS about 2 months ago via YAB via Hulu.com. I was immediately a fan of this multi-talented young man! Of course I have watched Beethoven’s Virus there and Hong Gil Dong. I’ve caught a few of his other works via YouTube as well.
K-dramas & K-pop have become my latest obsession!
Jan. 20, is my b-day… so I will further my addiction and surround myself with what I love… more JKS! LOL
Just give him a minute and JKS will steal your heart! He has mine! <3
Happy birthday Nan!!!
hi nan!
glad to meet you here ^^ happy birthday! looking forward in sharing our passion with keun suk with you.
Hi Farina.. I just sent you my sis and my info! Really excited to join the club
Thank you for uniting JGS’s Eels from ard the world!
Hello there !!!
Hi Farina!
I sent you my details so I can join the club…Have you received it already?
Hi Jen!
No, I did not receive yr email. Please try direct from here:
Hmmm…that’s where I sent the email…let me try it one more time and send it thru my yahoo account as well. ^^
Jen I received your email n replied you:)
I got your email asking me if I received the first response you sent…I didn’t get the first one though.
Hi eels!!
This is my first post here.
One week ago i sent a messege on facebook to JKS profile: https://www.facebook.com/keunsuk87
and got blocked:( I can’t see this profile anymore.
The messege was:
“Hello JKS!
My name is katia, I’m 23 years old and i’m studying political science, international relations and japanese language at the asian studies faculty. Next year i’m planning to study korean language too.I think that you are very talented actor.
There is many facebook profiles of you. how can I know wich one is the real one? Hope you’re not mad because of this question:)
Have a nice day!
Did i write something wrong?
It was writen in a formal style. didn’t ment to make him angry
What do you think?
What should i do?
I really like Jang Keun Suk, don’t want him to be mad.
hi Katia,
The FB page that you sent to is not his official FB page.
There’s nothing wrong with your message, and JKS won’t get angry over this kind of thing ^^
I seem to recall that he did set up an official FB page, but so far, he has not used it yet.
I’ll leave it to my other eel sisters who have better memory than me to update you
I think his official facebook was closed.
That’s because it was synchronized with Twitter?
I’m quite new about FB, so I didn’t subscribe his official FB before.
Thank you:) I really glad to hear it ^ ^
Anyonghasaeyo JKS chi!!! I’d you to know that nottem you that make me have more inspiration to study korea language, for one day that I can meet you by face to face, then I can speak with you in your native speaker.I hope that this day will comming soon.Please inspire me naka.
Please let me in farina
I JKS forever
@pirawan: It’s very good to know that you like JKS much but.. this is eels’ blog… and not of JKS himself… though anyone can share anything and everything about him… big thanks to aphrael… you can join… give your comments…
Been a silent follower of this blog forever, love it, Aphrael you bring the world of our dear JKS that bit closer to all of us and we all love you for it, but i’m feeling a little left out of the action now you’ve started ECI so I thought I would take a deep breath and jump in (ask to join)! I’m a little shy, lol. So Farina I’ve sent you my particulars, please let me know if that’s ok and if there is anything else you need. Many Thanks :0) xx
hi Rebikita,
That’s a good decision, cos most of the excitement and juicy bits of news have moved to ECI on Facebook, not to mention lots of bonding! ^^ Welcome~!
Hi Rebikita!
I’ve not received any email from you…. There hv been cases when people emailed me but for some reason I never received them…. You can try by emailing me direct from here:
Ok Sweetie, I have sent it again it is telling me you have recieved them both, if you are still having trouble, email me at rebikita@hotmail.co.uk and I will just reply to that. Fingers crossed :0) Thanks Hon
Thats lovely, thanks for the warm welcome aphrael, i’ve also added you on my twitter
I’m a JGS fan from Romania.
Vote Jang Geun Suk for “The Most Popular People of the World” here: http://www.whopopular.com/Jang-Geun-suk – is a site from Turkye.
We vote and he is now 237 in the world.
Hi Farina I’m jks fans from indonesia…please let me join in eels internasional dan clubbb please…
Hi! Please email me your details as above. Thanks
Hi! I am an Eel from Turkey.I need to your support.We have a survey about idol taht come to Turkey.We want Jang Keun Suk.But our vote isnt enough.So please help me! Please vote for us!
Hi! I am planning to go Seoul this year and would like to go to JKS concert or fan meeting while I’m there. I have not decided on the date yet. Would appreciate if someone could tell me where to find the schedules and how to buy the ticket before I decide when to go. Thank you so much!
Fifi, the official schedule of this Asia tour concert is not out yet.. we are all waiting for that too ^_^ Eel fans will share the schedule once it is out..
hi Farina … i wanna join the club too
Juz emailed you the details …
Hey Farina,
I’ve just emailed you. Hope I can join the group. Am excited!!!
Hi Farina,
I would like to join this club.
Watched YAB first then I found him so talented, followed by M3 which story I did not like (I loves his rockstar performance in delivering “My Bus”), and really really love BV!!!
He should never regret not taking up the role of GJP which later LMH shot to fame. he is much better in BV by winning the award & worked with many seniors, and in YAB he was truly awesome!!!
please email me yr details as above 
Hi farina!
im a huge fan of Geun Suk i just hope you will help me find new friends who also love him. ive just sent you an email.
just finished sending u an email! hope i could also join.
Hi Farina! I’ve add u on FB~ Thank you~
Hello there!
I am new here and wanted to join all about JKS!
Hi! Please email me yr details
Hi! I tried sending my details but it bounced back. Please help. I also want to join ECI. Thank you!
Hi tet!
I tried emailing you but the mail bounced. Please try sending direct from here:
Email sent. Thank you!
Wow! it sounds great!! I also wanna be in ^__^
You’ve got mail
Greetings Farina,
I am very happy
that there is an eels club. I just joined today. Looking forward to meeting a lot of eels from around the world.
Hi Farina,
I sent you an email last 3/10/2012. Have you recieved it? Maybe you haven’t since I have not recieved any response from you.
Hi Greetings from Guayaquil Ecuador … I like to keep us informed about everything related to Sukkie ..
dear Farina,
good afternoon…
I’ve sent u an email, kindly check it ..
thanks ^^
Unni, i already send my info and also I hereby attached my personal photo to your email account for ur reference…Please let me in.. Thanks!
Hi Farina, have also emailed you my details, thanks ^^
Hi gingercake
I don’t think I received yr email… Perhaps you can resend from here: farina1968@yahoo.co.uk
I will acknowledge upon receipt.
사랑비노래가 개속 나애개지금 듣지앟아도 그사랑비 노래가 지금나애개 개속 들려 ..노래가 너무좋아 노래들 처음들엇을대 편지같은느낌 .사랑의매새지….정말바라고 진실한마음..그노래만으로 다 사랑비 노래만들어도 노래를 부르다면 아마도 드라마애서 미안아직난 드라마 보지앟앗 엉 잠간나애개온 소식란애서 보앗고 노래도 오늘처음아니어재그리고오늘도…만약애 이노래를 부른다면 드라마든 사랑하는사람애개든 너무감동일것같은..노래가 하트를 움직이개 아무것도 필요하지앟코 노래하나만으로도 충분히 장어님들 지금애 사랑하는사람이잇다면이노래 열심히 불러서 해보새요 아마도 사랑비같은 보여지든 들리고 하트를 움직이개하는 사랑비많이개속 항상넘치는개속개속 매일매일 오는사랑비를느끼길 바래요
hi! it is such a great honor to finally be joining this club of sukkie fans!
i will email my details to Ms. Farina. thank you again!
hey iam only a student can i still join?
We have a minimum age limit of 16!
Dear EELS , hello !!!!
We are from Romania and we love Sukkie .
Thanks for this blog , for information and news .
Please , vote for JKS !
1 vote /10′ ( minutes)
1 vote/ hour – push red button – “1vote” – no registration
and http://worldtv.main.jp/kstaren0
1vote/day . Here push down to page the button “vote” for validity .
thanks !
hiii farina,,, I am nita from Indonesia. I am one of Eels. let me in ^_^
Hi Nita
Pls email me at farina1968@yahoo.co.uk
I need details especially date/year of birth & country.
Hi Farina,
i’ve email it….Thanks again ! Cheers
Hi Farina
I think I already sent this but get no reply, so I resent again. Thanks. Hope to join ECI
Hi lianayus,
Sometimes I don’t recv emails…not sure why. Maybe you try send to my other email address: farina1968@gmail.com. I will acknowledge upon receipt.
Recvd n replied yr email. Did u get it?
Ooops sorry replied in the wrong column.
Hi Farina
Receive your email. Already add as friend, just open facebook because of ECI. Hehehe! I fell of my chair when I saw your photo so soooooooooooo beautifulllll. sorry but I drool on my laptop.
Hi Farina! Could you please let me in? Please? I’m from the Philippines and i would like to get into your club :)) Please. Thank you
Hi again Farina!
I already sent you my details and also my pictures :)) please let me IN! :>
We really love JKS, my family. Hes a good actor specially in Love Rain episode 12
Farina me too. im so addicted to jang geun suk
Hi ladies
Please email me at
I will acknowledge upon receipt.
I emailed my info earlier today. I hope I get to be in. Thanks.
i want to be part of the family info sent…
hi farina!
have you got my message?
i really want to join in this club
Hi farina i sent you an email to become a member of this site, i dont have any blog id so you can use my real name instead. thanks alot
Hi farina! I sent my info… please accept me as one of your members…lol… thanks a lot
I just sent my info..
I really want to join in this club..
plz accept me, thank you
oppa jang keun suk i love you so much i love you very much i like you . im iranian fan . my name is elnaz .
I’m from Iran tooo….:))
Hey Farina,

I just e-mailed you!
Dying to join you guys!
Accept me, please?
Thank you!
Can i join the eel club?pls.let me in. thank you
Hi farina i just emailed u ….i dont have any blog …so please accept me
how can I join to the club I’m new here ^^
hi..thank you for this site.. i’m always updated about JKS.. ^_^
Already submitted the detail
hi! may i goin your group?
Hi, please follow the instructions above and email your particulars to the email address provided. Thanks!
hi farina ,ive been watching sukkies vid and news about him everyday here and i really thank you all for this blog ..but i havent join yet in eels..i love to… but ..is it ok for a grandma to join ?..i really love this kid soo much.
Hello Farina )
I have just today found your EEL’s club, so eager to join you, as I’m devoted fan of JKS )))
Anneong to every EEL ))
ola yo tmb quiero integrarme.porfa vor
Hi Farina
I have just send my particulars to you, I hope is OK. Thank you.
Hi Farina, I just recently send my details to you via gmail.. ope to hear from you..
Hi farina,how can i join
Hai my name is Sakshi, am from India,…..I love watching your shows and you….I wish u cld cm to India for a concert…coz u Have many fans here…I want to meet you….ur work is appreciable and am one of your eels….,ur totally awsm…..!!!!
Am one your eels from India…..!!!
Hi Farina,
I just sent my particulars to ur mail.
hola soy de ecuador y deseo pertenecer al club porfavor aceptemen
i wanna join!!! may i?, i want to be updated too.. ^_^ actually,i first noticed jks in you’re beautiful when it was about to be aired here in the philippines., then started to like and appreciate him even more in marry me mary., started to watch his other dramas and movies., and then thought i was falling for this guy., and just lately., turned completely crazy over him., i wanted to know more about him so started reading articles, news and posts ’bout him., then found myself visiting this site regularly for updates.. ^_^
yeah!! particulars sent!! ^_^ looking forward to be part of this group.. ^^
Hi dear Farina..I’m Kayang Manang from Indonesia,i’m an Eel so would you let me in n joint with you and others Eels? Thnx
Hello everybody
Please read the instructions at the top to join us on Facebook
Hi Farina! I’m interested with ECI. I’ve sent my particulars to your e-mail. Thanks!
I am deaf.
jang keun suk is my friend. very very please please
Hi Farina
I’ve sent my particulars to your e-mail.
Hope I can join ECI soon
Tks you so much
Hallo Jang Geun Suk oppa..
I’m Eels from indonesia…My name’s kahirunnisak..
I’m new eels..:)
Hi… Yes… Is my day…?! Because l become eel… So happy!!!
Note….love rain or rain(‘s) love.???
I feel, this two words are same…?
Because love such as rain cleans to hearts and rain such as love with every beutys to be finish ,soon!!!!!
But this…,every bodies going to happiness ,because your heart tobe clean…!
Love such as rain to must be in this manner….?!????!
Thx jang geun suk for your performance on prety drama…(kiss he chole oppa)…!? Is right ?!?!
I sent out an email to join the Eels FB club yesterday. I wonder if the admin received it. I know you must be busy. No hurry. Just checking.
I just e-mailed my “information sheet.”
I hope you will include me here.
Hi… Please help me for join to eels fb club… But ldont know how…?!? Help me?!?
Look at the top of this page…….
Just sent my particulars to the admins. Hope I can join the club and make lots of new friends!
I send to gmail my information…
I so want to join to your club…
Farina, I dont want to write this in jksforever because maybe Ivy and Tenshi fire me from the blog, Tenshi and QQeyes said that I am allow to write freely here,i saw a photo of jks dancing,i think was sexy back,the girl behine him ,with all respect ,its you?hahahaha,sorry,i love you,dont get mad at me.kkkkkkkkkkkk
Ups I forgot to write the site,Jangkeunsuk international club in facebook.
Sexy back, sexier front lol!!! I hardly look at other pages cos nowadays kkk. No time…
Esther, in case you might misunderstand “Jangkeunsuk international club” means “張根碩國際後援會 Jang Keun Suk International Fans Club ” on facebook??? It’s not ECI (Eels’ Club International). ECI is a private group community, so you can’t access the group until you become the member.
Dear Farina, I just sent you my particulars, hope you check and join me in please.
OK,I understand i visit other pages when you in Asia are sleeping or working,only saw and go,but my heart belongs to Jankeunsuk forever and ECI,I describe the photo for you,he is dancing Sexy back and that old lady{the one that i asked is you},kkkk is bihind ,grabing him,she have a big camera trying to see and take a photo of his undies.Its very funny.Now i realize your job here,you anserwer all members questions and process the information sheet,wow you are very busy.I admire you so much for doing that,sorry for telling you old lady,i think maybe we are the same age.
Esther, im not sure if we are same age….they call me ajumma not for nothing lol!!!
OK,Tenshi, i didn’t know i have to join the club first and then comment,sorry for that,i never join a fan club before,i will join soon.I know is diferents clubs,i saw a photo there and want to tease{a joke} Farina saying is was her,sorry for the misunderstanding.I dont comment until i join,CLEAR NOW .
Esther, hope we’ll soon see again there
Hi, please wait… I send email for you…dear lvy!
Dear Farina, Dear Tenshi
OMG, I have been writting some comments there under the uploading photos at home page but I though I have written one comments here too. Just now I know I need to sent that datas.But how can i get jangkeunsuckforever.com ID? Can u give me some idea.I have been looking through how to sing up to get my own ID but i still can’t . I would like to become a true eel by having some good idea from you all.I do appreciate your warmly welcome to this blog to me.I think I am a one from a few eels from Myanmar where they actually can’t use internet with a high speed.It’s my great luck to meet all of you who love our prince and support forever like what i really do.
Thank you very much.
Hi Maria,
Please allow me to answer. There is no ID required on this blog.
If you wish to join our group of eels on Facebook, you can send in the required information (listed above) to jks-eci@hotmail.com
Ohh thank you very much for answering Aphrael ,I am really happy and my heart is beating fast now.I feel like I am very much closer with you all now .I am waiting for the answer before I sleep .Its time to sleep here in Singapore now.Thank you .i will send them tomorrow .Here go my big hug to you .:)
Dear Farina & Tenshi,
I juz send you guys email to apply as ECI member…pls check..
Thanks ya,
Hi dear Farina
I have sent email about my data to you all. Pls kindly reply me .thank you very much.
Hi Dear Admins, (Ivy) I have sent all my answer and invited friend request to you right now to your facebook.Thank you.
Dear..admin..I am so confused because many name on twitter is jks.who the real twitter is real jks?I am fan jks so much..he is multitalent actor and so beautifull and hansome.I am from indonesia I hope oneday jks tour ini indonesia.many people in here love u so much.I hope can see you…
Hi. Dear aphreal, when can i to take action for join to princejks.com in the next year …?!
jang keun suk charming guy your fans sophia wong really like you acting whole korean movies!
jang keun suk is very cut
i love you for ever keun suk
First of all I would like to thank Farina and QQeyes cause they were the first two who I met in this blog.Thanks to the drama Love Rain through which I met wonderfull eels all around.This is such an experience one should definetely go through!!!It is impossible to express my exact feelings;you can only share my emotions once you are really here.I guarentee you will simply love it.Of course if it was not for my admiration to the real talent; artist Jang Keun Suk this would have never happened.His music,dramas,tv shows,team H performances,movies,concerts,fan meetings,dream planet site,crishows,wps are a proof of his talent and why I am a dedicated fan.The weirdest thing is (as a foreigner and who has known him only for three months)after being on this blog I have been loaded with unbelievable amount of information and I just felt so proud of knowing him.I hope whoever joins this blog enjoys it as much as I do:)))His art and humuros character is something you must not miss….so thanks again to the eels and administers for the introduction of the new JKS World….. GO go go Prince,Korea and our growing fan love…Zikzin!!!*=*
Jang Geun suk your fans sophia wong sent E-mail for you Jang Geun suk
please Jang Geun suk reply your E-mail address to your fans sophia wong
Jang Geun suk you very sexy and the eye is charming too Jang Geun suk and so Fans really like you Jang keun suk you know why many korean Girls and Japan Girls like you.
because Jang keun suk handsome guy the eye very charming and have glamour !
Jang geun suk can sophia wong ask you A one question ?
Jang keun suk How old are you !
Sorry about email…just I want information this page…thx
I want to join this, but where I must send that email?my data?
whts jang keun suk face book adress…guide me?!?
Jang Geun suk can you help sophia wong Looking for sophia wong new boyfriend korean
Handsome IDOL Jang Geun-suk when become sophia wong Birthday Gift! Jang Geun-suk
The Facts sophia wong this December christmas day is sophia wong 33 year old BIRTHDAY!
Jang Geun- suk and so sophia wong wants to help sophia wong find A boyfriend to become
sophia wong When send up A copy of BIRTHDAY GIFT CAN Jang Geun-suk?
Jang Geun-suk The facts sophia wong don’t every days I saw Jang Geun- suk inside
my computer . He very handsome and have glamour , Even He eye is charming !
NO Wonder many korean GIRLS AND Japan GIRLS with hong kong like him Too !
sophia wong all righ hope can from korean Handsome IDOL Jang Geun- suk
To call up a for sophia wong will say BIRTHDAY to you sophia wong !
I love you
you are their prince but you are my only star & you there in that world to be for me .^_^.
Hi ,I have no idea how to join in JKS Forever Blog ,I opened a blog on worldpress .But I can see that is not the thing .Is is limited ? Could I get in ? I really want to .
Azalea, JKS forever blog is opened to public but to join ECI in Facebook, you need to email the particulars as requested at the top of this page, once approved by the admin team, then the registration will go through.
Hi, I already sent my information to you , but not sure about the blog ID.
hi im from the philippines and i also love jang keun suk. i found your website interesting and tells so much about jang keun suk. can i also join your club?
Dear Anna Aguilar,
To apply to join ECI, please send your particulars (as below) to the ECI Admin team at
The ECI Admin team undertakes not to reveal your particulars to anyone else without your consent.
No. 1 to 7 are compulsory.
1. JKS Forever Blog ID
2. Real name
3. Facebook name
4. Country
5. Date of Birth
6. Email address
7. Your personal blog (if any)
8. Occupation
9. Picture
hi, i just mailed my profile on your email. thanks
Hi, I sent profile days ago , wonder when will I get reply?
hi im from India and i also love jang keun suk. i found your website interesting &sent my profile on your mail…please i also want to join…..i lke him alottt
hi i wl snt my informations…i want to join this club…i love him a lot…
Just emailed you. Hope to get invited soon. Btw may i know why i cant register the official JKS member from the web?? :(((
hi ECI ADMIN..i have just sent my infos,i really love PRINCE JKS and you’ve helped me a lot in getting to know the real him through the blog and i thank you so much for that..i want to be a official member please please don’t deny me this opportunity..in just a short time i felt so at home here and evryone’s my family already..i’ll wait for the response,i’ll cross my fingers till you acccept me…thanks so much!
by the way…are there any other eels here in United Arab Emirates? if so i wanted to meet them
thanks again!
hello guys.. I’m jay marie from philippines but currently working here in saudi arabia . Im a huge fan of jks and a stalker of your blog hehehe .. I want to be an eels member here can i??? . Thanks a lot ..
OK I like it ♥ but shall I Sign up here ? because I can’t find the way to sign up here

I mean in this Site
Hi you have to send the requested information to the email address provided above.
Hi Apharel,
I ‘ve just sent my personal identity, please check it Apharel.
Thank you.
PLZ gve me a reply,i hv snt ma details…
Rienne ,,Farina,help,i cant access the ECI FB page because they said write the password and I dont remember it,because I always push the logo of FB and the page apear, so I dont have to write the pasword every day, I on my phone,what should I do? I am in agony,dying here,SOS,please.
Esther, I think you have forgotten your password for your FB account.. try to use the following option to retrieve your password from your email first.
Thanks,QQeyes,i did what you said and they sent me a number to my other email account and I cant enter in this account to see the number,so I will search the email that Ivy sent to me ,she oppened the two accounts for me,so the password is there,i tell you when I finish. I hope I can find it,thanks again sweetie.
i’ve sent my personal identity,, please i want to be a part of ECI’s member… thank you so much… ^^
I’ve sent my personal identity,, please Apharel i want to be a part of ECI’s member… thank you so much… ^^
Rahman, i have replied you. Please provide the necessary requirements. Thank you… looking forward to your reply
Fill me in!
I’m not in face book,and I won’t be.Is there any other way to be an eel?
Please help me!
I want t b your member.please receive me..thank you:)
Hi ms Farina,can i join here even if i dont have JKS blog?
Hi Katz,
You just need to send the requested information to the email provided. Thanks.
why don’t you help me?!:(
I really wanna be a real Eel!
Farzaneh, as ECI requires a FaceBook account to include you in the ECI group (which is facebook based), so having a FB is a must to join ECI.. Like you before, I don’t have FB account but I created one just to join ECI and also if you’re not comfortable with personal information being shared, you don’t have to use your real name in FB and also you don’t have to share your personal info there too ^_^ Looking forward to see you there!
Hi farzaneh,
As replied by QQ, ECI operates ONLY on Facebook. You may set an account using an alias. Hope to see you there
Hello everyone! Does somebody know Jang Keun Seok’s manager email? And how we can contact with him?
Hi, ECI. I had apllied to join ECI alerady. Please accept me. Thank you.
CRIINDO..have u being accepted? im waiting frm eci group to accept me..did i do something wrong? im not sure though..anybody answer me please…:!
sis Farina, i just sent my info…accept me please..
thank you very much….
Hello every body !i’m Iranian fan …
Is there any body from iran?
Just sent in my info! Hope to hear back from you soon~
Greetings from eels in Italy =)
Dear admins, I just sent in my info.
Please accept me into ECI. I am a BIG FAN of Jang Keun Suk.
Thank you
Hello admin, Can I join the club?
I will send my info soon.
Hi Farina~
I will sand the info.
what does picture mean? is that a photo of myself? or…
I really want to join in ECI. Plz accept me, thanks.
Hi Farina~
I sent the info.
Plz accept me into this club, thanks.
Hello there!! do i have to be an ECI member to be a part of this blog?i’m really looking forward to join the eels out there….i just want to thank the man who has changed my life….this is my first time in joining a site like this..so could anyone please guide me and help me out by telling me what to do???:)
I just sent an e-mail to join.
I want to support The Prince in any way I can.
Thanks for creating the club.
Looking forward to meeting more eels like me =)
HI Ms. Farina..
I just sent you my email…please accept me to be a member of Eel’s CLub
Hello dear Ms. Farina,
I just send you email of my particular to join !
Support Asia Prince always !
I already send a email to
Hello Ms. Farina, I just sent you an email. Please check it. Thank you
Hi Ms. Farina,
I really wanna join in this club,i really like en love JKS..hope you’ll accept me..
Thank you so much…
please check mail, i already send e-mail 4 join ECI..
Hi Ms. Farina…I just sent you my email… Thanks for all
hola^^soy nueva en esto^^que debo hacer para ke me acepten??si no tengo blog personal y no respondo la 7 me aceptan igual??no entiendo el primer punto…
hi !can anyone give me info about this club?
hello i just joined yesterday but didn’t get any reply from admin.i really like JKS hopin’ to be part of EEL’s Clan.
hello everybody
I am sahar.
I am one thousands iranian jks’s fans.
I love prince suky.
I hope he will comes to iran a someday….I hope…!!!
HI Farina,
I want to join please let me in.
I wanna join too!
I just send my email ^^
Dear ECI,
I sent my email to you via Facebook. Is that okay?
Just let me know if I’m in. Hahaha
Thanks A Lot.
미안헤요 Sorry, I took me to so long to join this group. I have been super super super extremely extremely tremendously busy. However, I’m still a regular to this blog. It’s just that I have been a “silent eel” for a while. I have sent my application email. I look forward to your approval!
Hi Rose! Long time no see!!!
I’m happy you applied for ECI membership. Soon the adimi will reply you.
See you soon at ECI ^^
Hola que devo hacer para hacer para que me acepte
Thank you
i am also great fan jks.i am pediatrician i like child heart in jks i too want to join jks fan club
i just want to join!! i am huge fan of our prince let me in
we have a fun page of mr. jang keun suk !! and we really thankful that you all admin here was broadcasting a news for us! and i really want to join! please
Hi any singaporean fans of JKS here?
Hi….there are many Singaporean fans in ECI… we have members from approximately 60 countries in the club
Hi there
I am a new singapore eel. haha
Hi ECI hope you’ll receive my email, i really want to join in this group, i really love Jang Keun Suk oppa. ZIKZIN!!!
hola chicos y chicas soy nicaraguense y me gustaria ser parte de Eels’ Club International por favor algien me puede decir cuales son los requisitos x fis!!!
hi to all eels .im happy to chat all eels around the world because of jang keun suk my days always colorful. .i addicted to him .hes good actor and nice voice eventhough I dont understand the lyrics but the melody and his voice is perfect.he captured all the girls wen he sing and act .thank u becky.for guiding me in site.cause im not good in internet.GODBLESS.TO ALL EELS
Hello to you dear sist Jane..i’d like to know you here..
we are have same idol..Prince Jang Keun Suk. hmm..nice to know you as an eel too
So..can we be a sister in the Prince Suk hood? Regard from Indonesia 
Heavenly Eel
of course and im glad to meet a friends around the world from sukkie world .answer the info about ur self above of this blog.GODBLESS EELS
Hello all sister here in ECI..I’m from Indonesia..May i join into the Club? How to be connected with all sister/bro Eel here?
Hi, Farina. I sent e-mail two days ago. But i didn’t get any reply. Maybe you didn’t check it yet. Please, check it.^^ Sorry for my impatience but it’s about JKS and I’m so excited
To apply to join ECI, please send your particulars (as below) to the ECI Admin team at
The ECI Admin team undertakes not to reveal your particulars to anyone else without your consent.
No. 2 to 7 are compulsory.
1. JKS Forever Blog nickname
2. Real name
3. Facebook name
4. Country
5. Date of Birth
6. Email address
7. Your personal blog (if any)
8. Occupation
9. Picture
From the ECI Admin Team
(Farina, Ivy, Hazy, QQeyes007, Andrea and Ruba)
First of all, thankyou for making this groupM and yea i’ve sent my email ^^ please consider me and Pretty pleassse let me in
Anw, do u Guys Know Why I Cant Join The Official Jangkeunsuk Website?
I was wandering that also, but if you want to be a member of his official website, you have to pay something for being a member
Hi, Farina. I sent e-mail three days ago. But i didn’t get any reply,please let me join your club
Oh yeah, dear Farina, how can i join your club?my email lidia_now4ti@yahoo.co.id please reply my email, cause i really really wanna join this eel club so bad … Tq a lot…
Nan sarangae pajyeo ne… Keun Suk …What a talented you are… I fell in love with you in You’re beautiful and love you more in Love Rain…so great acted and so sweet of song… I even learn to sing your song “Love Rain…”…Wish you will come to Indonesia… You have many eel here… Can’t wait to see your acting again… Acha acha…gomawooooo… To be a such great actor and singer… Keeping create a wonderful film and song… With love from Indonesia…
you are korea prince
Dear farina I wanna join your club. Please count me in!!!
Thank You
i want to be a part of this club!
i will be glad of you let me join! and is anyone around here from India?
thank you! ^_^
hi………I’m kimia from iran……..
Please let me in! ^_^
please let me in too~~~~TT_TT
Let me in….please….
Are you from finland?
I sent an email to join ECI last week, However still no reply, I really hope the membership still open. Please let me know.
Thank you so much :).
hi! im sending over my application hope i can join too! im visiting korea this winter anyone knows if JKS would be holding any concert or public performances? I’d like to see him in person?! please please your reply is much appreciated!
Hi! I already sent an email to join ECI. Please count me in. =)) Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
I hope the membership for ECI is still open (*v*) I really like to be part of ECI family that supports JKS all the way. Yeong-wonhi JKS (Jang Keun/Geun Suk)♥♥♥
hi~ i sent a request about joining ecl around one month past
however, i didnt get any respond yet
isnt it i fail the test or what?
i am an eel that update oppa information everyday
hope get respond here, thanks…
Jang Geun Suk.. Im fall for his voice. His voice really amazing make me everyday listen all his song..he really can act
Im so admire the way he act..he look so cool n handsome. Especially in You’re beautiful as Hwang Tae Kyung n Love Rain ad Seo Joon @ In Ha. Very awesome.
I wanna be a part of ECI !!
Hola ,ya les envie mi informacion espero que este todo correctamente ,espero su respuesta por favor
Hi Farina!
I already submitted an application several days ago….please confirm.. ^_^
yay!! already sent my application.. hoping for a confirmation soon.. Thanks!! (‘v’)
Hello ^_^ my name is Irma and i am a new fan of Sukkie ^_^
I think he is very handsome and cute ^_^
And he is a guy with the most beautiful hair!
No question why is that, his Horoscope is Leo^_^
Sorry but he’s a Virgo
kkk… Farina, he’s a libra
Please read about his birthday mystery
Can i join even i don’t have facebook? I really want to…
I’m afraid ECI functions ONLY on Facebook. You will need to create a Facebook account to be a member
Sorry, message was not complete… If you need help setting up an account on Facebook, please inform us. However, first you will need to go through our registration process as stated at the top of this page. Hope to see you
hi farina, i really want to join, and ive already emailed you my profile, hope got a reply…
I really want to join…
KeunShin4ever, I’m like you too as before I join ECI, I also don’t have a facebook account ^_^ But in order to join ECI, I create one which I don’t share personal info but just an account to join ECI.. you can create facebook account using mobile phone or notebook/PC.
How can I register here? I really want to be part of this website/fans club. I really love JKS and I am looking forward to see him in person. May God bless him in all his projects/activities. Thank you.
I sent the request
Wish to be admitted soon ^ ^
Thanks for giving me this oprotunidad
Greetings! I’m from Russia! Is here someone from Russia?
Is here anyone from Finland?
I really want to be part of the eels group! I admire sukkie a lot..
Hi Admin, I wish to join the fan club for one main reason that i love Jang Keun Suk for who he is and whatever he does. He is a talented person and he truly inspires me. I hope that you will let me in. I sent you an email of my application. I hope that you will consider. Thanks!
Juat senr my ECI application ;). I hope you guys let me in :p.
Wanna join this club!!!! Forever JANG KEUN SUK!!!

Dear Admin Team,
I wish to join the club and I have e-mailed the particulars.
I really want to join this club. please let me in Farina.. thanks so much in advance.
I wish to join ECI. I have sent my info. Thank!
hello i wish join in eci
Hi Farina and eels,
I was wondering why this sites has few comments per post. Now I know the reason why, the active discussion must be happened within the group. I really wish that I could join but I quit FB months ago. I dont think I could be in the group. I envy you guys.
hye farina..how 2 join this club…
I wish to join the club..
I have send an application..
Please let me in..
I am friends with several eels on Facebook, and they’ve all encouraged me to join the fan club. JKS is my all-time favorite actor, and I love his sweet singing voice. I think he’s amazing. I’d like to become a member. I hope you’ll email me. Thank you.
Thank you for your interest. You need to apply for ECI following the procedure above.
Dear Admin,
Just wander what happen to my application to join the ECI? I have email the particulars on 9th November and yet to receive any info. regarding it. Is there any error/ mistake in my application? Please let me know so that I can clarify it. TQ.
I have sent my details to the mail above…
Plz let me in…
JGS fighting!!!
Joined ECI, email sent just now! Thanks!
i m not in fb and dont wanna join.can i join ECI?
I’m exactly the same that you..
I have sent my particulars
I hope to join ECI soon!!!
how can I get a JKS Forever Blog? I really want to join ECI. I will send email soon to join.
i’m jang geuns suk’s fan…. i ‘m from indonesia…..
Sending in my application information today
Hope to be included soon!
FYI Can’t wait till he reschedules his Team H Concerts in LA, got all excited and then crushed.
Hii!! I’m sending my aplication today!! I really want to join to ECI!!
I’d tried to apply the FC Jan11th morning but not succeed! Anyone could help me please???
I’m sorry but already the deadline passed… I don’t know which part of procedure you failed.
Thanks for your reply anyway
Wish the prince and team H will come to LA as soon.
I just started to watch BM, because i’m going to watch many episodes per day
Dear Admin Team,
I wish to join the club and I have e-mailed my particulars.Thanks!
Can I still apply as a member?
Hi Ms.Farina,me and my guardian aunt would also like to join the club.We would love to be friends with different nationalities who have the same advocacy and interest as we do.We hope that you’ll accept more and more members for the sake of our prince jks.Let him know that we are united as one because of him.Thanks.
por fis envienme un correo
Hello, I am a Cuban girl. My name is Ines. I am 24 years old and I am a big fan of you and a dreamer. I wish I can see you at least once in my life. I love the roles you play especially ¨Seo In Ha in Love Rides the Rain¨ since I identify my self with yoona. In the drama You’re beautiful, Hwang Tae Kyung he says she can not believe in a fan’s love because it always end in betrayal. I know that was part of the script but it a affected me. I decided to admire your career. Well greetings and !fighting!. Can you please send me message just to know it you received mine?
hello ECI admin team….
wish to join the club and I have e-mailed my particulars.more power.
Hi ECI team! =)
I have also emailed my particulars over.
I hope to be part of EEL and definitely proud to be one!
Please confirm my registration.
Thank you!
장근석 안녕하세요, 제 이름은 7SF입니다. 내가 뭔가를받을 당신이 바위 만들고 싶어하지만 … 저로 직접하시기 바랍니다 방법을 모르겠어요. 그것은 팬으로 나에게 매우 중요합니다.
let me in too… i’m jks no.1 fan in philippines
Hello, I am a Cuban girl. My name is Julissa. I am 34 years old and I am a big fan of you and a dreamer. I wish I can see you at least once in my life.
VISIT PERU)Here there are also eels.
Saranghae JKS I am your fans have seen I love your novels are wonderful
I hope you understand my English I’m no expert
Hello Dear Farina, Please confirm my registration
Thanks ♥
hello ECI…
I’ve been your silent follower for about 5 months…hehe
And now I decided to join this club since I am truly hooked by the prince of eels…
I already sent my particulars to the account written on this blog..
I hope you let me in.. pretty please..
Thank you very much!!! <3 <3 <3
same here… I’m just quitely hanging around reading stories and updates about Jang Keun/Geun Suk “SUKKIE” my sarang…hehehe and watching his dramas, movies and FM clips all over again….(sometimes even if I can’t understand because there is no eng-sub as long as I’m hearing and watching him makes me feel so happy)
and now I finally want to be a official ECI member to love and support him forever…
please let us in dear admins,,, farina unni???? <3
no-mu kam-sa-ham-ni-da!
hello admin, please confirm my registration ^^
thank you..
I want to join on this club let me ….thanks
so sad where is my cuntury ??
Hello ECI..
My sister had given me this site..
It’s for KPOP Artist and was a bit surprised because JKS is nominated here..
We can vote here 19 times a day, so let’s keep on voting him..
Zikzin eels..
I want to join on this club let me soon pleeeeease
I want to join please let me in
Hello! I am the group leader for the Facebook group “JANG KEUN SUK ENGLISH EELS CANADA AND USA ” and I am extremely active Eel. I will soon have my podcast up called “Jolzie Radio” My eel group has over 4,000 eels and both male and female has joined. I will be emailing you my information because. I would like to be a ECI member just like one of my group members. I am very dedicated to JKS Jang I support him 100%. I will email you very soon.
I just sent the information to join ECI. I added in some extra info on how active I am at being a true Eel. I am leader of the group on Facebook JANG KEUN SUK ENGLISH EELS CANADA AND USA and I except all eels but we do have rules to follow. We have 2,979 right now but we get over 100 members joining every single day and the group is only 3 months old but we are very successful and we like to do fundraisers for good deeds. We have a lot of fun things to do together as a group.
But with me joining ECI will help me with my JKS projects and become a better group leader. I am going to start a JANG KUEN SUK STREET TEAM because not many people in Canada and USA and other parts of the world do not know about him and never heard of him and as Eels it is our job to make him known to the whole world.
Hi Ms. Gray
I want to join your group, tell me how, I’m in the US and want to help make him known here too, NY USA
HI farina, Im from the Philippines and i just sent an email.
i’m hoping that you’ll accept me in this Eels club. Im an active fan. Thank you in advance. Take care. 
Hi Bea
Where are you in the Philippines, I am an eel and from Philippines
and Uruguay?
-Alejandra Miranda
-Alejandra G miranda
-19 octubre
-Es este alex.gabriela2015@hotmail.com
-No tengo um blog
Qui estan mis datos esperao que me acepten
Hola soy Andrea , La verdad no tengo Website , Soy de Bogotá Colombia.
i want to join pls let me in
Heloo! I just managed to send an e-Meil with my details to be accepted in ECI. I would be glad to be with you! Waiting for your answer with hopes and I wish you all the best!
*Sorry! Hello! Because of emotion ….
deseo entrar ha este clu soy de colombia de medellin antioquia ejejejejejejje sere una buena noona para todos
Saludos…aprecio su trabajo, muy interesante, refleja lo humano, libre y feliz que puedes llegar a ser y lo más admirable siendo tú mismo … me agradaría ser parte de esta comunidad para apoyar desde mi país —-ECUADOR
How can I sign up to be a member I want to join
How can i join this club?!?!! I really wanna join this club
Hi! I send my request and I’m wating for your response
I want to sign in plzzz
Ilove you Jang
Hi … I’m Nikita
I’m Eels from Iran
I’m five years old eel … And I am so happy and proud that I am an eel ♥
All of us always support our Oppa ^_^
hello to all ECI admin. i’m interested to join on ECI. i’ve already sent my infos on your email..please allow me to be part of EELS CLUB INTERNATIONAL. i hope you’ll accept me.thank you so much..Godbless you all..keep up the good work..
hi I sent your a question a your email but you don´t answer me
Hi! I am interested in joining JKS’s Japan official fan club, but I don’t understand Japanese. Are there translations in that web site for English or Chinese? I would really appreciate your opinion before I decide to join. Thanks a lot!
I’m Gayathri from India, how can i join with this team, i’m really love JKS
Hi ms Farina!
I want to join too but i do not have facebook. Is it ok to just use my instagram acct? I dont care much for facebook ( believe it or not) also is there any news for team H touring in the Philippines? There was a electronic dance music concert here just recently and there were a lot of foreign DJs and i thought big bro and sukki would have been great to party with the filipinos
Hi Karenny
I’m afraid ECI operates ONLY on Facebook. We do not hae any Instagram account. We do have a Twitter account but it’s active only when we have a trending event. We hope you would re-consider having a FB account cos we’re having lots of fun there
Hi Karenny
I’m afraid ECI operates ONLY on Facebook. We hope you will join us there!
Hi Ms Farina
How can I get in touch with USA members? I really want to make a noise for JKS in the US, I know I cannot do it alone, who knows our Prince may get his wish for an Oscar.
Hi Delia Go
Sarah is from USA. She’s probably busy with the Xmas & new year. There are other USA eels swimming here too
All of us hope one day Sukkie and/or Team H will cross the globe and perform not only in USA, but in other world stages too! We will support him wherever he goes and whatever he does
So do I. I did request on FB long time ago but not accepted yet.
Hi Ms Farina
Thank you for answering me, how can I contact Ms Sarah? you can give her my info too maybe we could do something here for our Prince JKS.
Btw, I have written a song for the Prince, how can I give it to him?
How is my eels application going? I want to be an official member.
Thanks Ms Farina
May we all have a prosperous new year.
Hi Delia Go
Please refer to the top of this page for application procedures. Our admin in charge of registration will assist you. Thanks
Hi Ms Farina
I have submitted my application but have not heard from them yet, is it bcoz I don’t have a Facebook account? I can create one if that’s the only one missing, let me know.
Hello ms. farina, i would like to know if you received my email last october 2014 about joining the ECI? I’ve already sent my infos in the email address above. How will we know that we are accepted to the ECI? Thank you so much. Godbless!! ^_^
Hi Ms Sarah
Ms Farina said you are from U.S.A. I want to connect with other eels here and maybe we can do something to promote our Prince here in the America.
I also want to know how many eels are we here?
Hi eci admin
i just send my infos right now coz i wanna join in ur group..
Please let me in…thanks!!
Dear Admin,
I sent an email about 7 weeks ago for joining the ECI, but still waiting for your response. I am a new eel & I feel left behind. I will very grateful to you if you give me a chance to be a part of your club & show my support to Prince. Thanks
I have just watched “You’re beautiful” that I haven’t seen before. So I think I have alitle love for you, remember just a little.
I wish I could to visit Korea a time and may be I could meet some actors that I love. And i wanna wanna to meet JKS oppa.
Sorry Mod and all member, I study English not well.
Good night everyboy, I love you all.
I am so glad to join “Eels Family” JKS lover….
Why there no email yet??? Im waiting… Please let me join in ur group!!! Thanks
well i have sent my infos more than 10 days now T________________T plz add me ><
i sent it i hope my message reach you dear Farina
i sent it to jks-eci@hotmail.com by my other Email sama_semo_suky@hotmail.com
if my message didn’t reach you please tell me to send it again .. thank you
How to join this group, teach me how. And then wanted to join us, do you have any other account? I will join them, please! !
You said, they have Facebook account, what is it the? ?
I’ve sent my application in again over a month ago …. (╥﹏╥) … is there a problem …
i want to joinin this group. plz give me d details how to join
i want to joinin this group. plz give me d details how to join
me too
I love him too much i am a iranian girl and that is about 4years that i
Love him he is so beautifull
Alot of my classmate love him as their brothers
Sometimes i fighted with my classmate about him
In iran alot of clubs loving hlm
And believe that he is the prenses of asia.
I love him and i can not say my love
how can i join on this club.. please let me know.. chebal…
Sorry, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. Thanks.
Hello Eels! i think i have sent the e-mail info twice….and i’m waiting for an answer….please let me know.
Thank You!
Sorry for keeping you waiting. I will ask my registration admin about your inquiry. Thanks.
Hello, any answer? i really want to get in ECI. Thanks for your effort.
Hi, Iam eels indonesia
how to join in this blog?
Forever JKS >saranghae kkk<
Hi, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. Thanks.
Hi there. I am eels Philippines please let me in at this fans club. Jang keun suk is my idol. Please.
Hello, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. Thanks.
Hi everyone, appreciate if you guys could tell me how to join this club. Since I’m new, and after seen lot of links,it’s kind of hard to follow the proper instructions. Would like to support this club since I like Jang keun suk. Thank you
Hello, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. To join ECI, you need Facebook account. Thanks.
How to join this club? thank you so much.
Hello, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. Thanks.
i’m kishi
and i’m a big fan of jang keun suk
i live in belgium
may i please also get in this special fan club
xxx kishi
i hope you accept it
Hello, sorry, now we stop accepting new applications. Please wait until the application opens again. But you can freely visit and comment in our blog. Plus, there is Jang Keun Suk Europe FC as we introduced before.
If you’re interested in their FC, please visit there, too ^^
Hi I’m solmaz from Iran and I want to join to the group but I don’t know how! please help me anf send me an email
my instagram @jks_teamh
Hello, sorry but as we announced above, now we have closed accepting new members. Please wait for a while until we announce the new registration period. Thanks.
im sad that you do not accept any more eels to join in on your fc.. -_-
hola quiero ser parte, soy de El Salvador
I want to join in, into this fan club.
Hola quisiera unirme a este club de fans, soy de Mexico
Hi I want to join the club.I am from Philippines.Thank you!
hi!I’m Iranian,I love jong keun suk¡:-) How do I join?help me!is this website real? bye
Hi, I would like to become a member of your fan club. I’m from the Czech Republic. I look forward to the answer.
Hi all, sorry to have kept you waiting for so long to accept our new ECI members again. We hope we can announce the recruitment period starts in this fall. Please wait for a while. Thank you.
Thank ypu i’ll be waiting.
Hiii, im fan Jang Keun Suk from Indonesia and i really love him so much. let me join into your club please..
OK, I like to wait. I look forward to.
from New York !..Cant wait to join in!!!!
by the way ,what does these different colored logos before the name means ?
hi… proud eels from Dubai.. cant wait for the next recruitment.. i will be patiently waiting.
I have been waiting to join Jang Geun Suk’s EELS Fanclub. Will be on the look out for when we can join. Thank you.
Hello Tenshi, when we can apply to be part of ECI, i sent my info twice, and nothing happened.
Sorry for our delay… Our registration admin has been sick… so it seems to take longer time.
hi i am a filipina and i want to join in this group.pls .thank u guys.even my husband jelous with jks.i persue my love for jks.pls send an email to me wen its open to join.than and Godbles!
Hello, I am new to fanclub memberships and wondering how can i apply for international fanclub please? I am in the United Kingdom and absolutely adore Jang Keun Suk, he mesmorizes me at every turn, whether it be his beautiful voice (singing or just talking) or his amazing heart, or his incredible acting talent! I love everything about him, he is absolutely wonderful!
Thank you
Hello to Eels all over the world. I am a fan of JKS from the USA. Since I first saw JKS on screen, he has warmed my heart. No matter how tough my week has gone I can always smile watching his facial expressions. Whether through his sunny smile or through the scenes where he is making a irritated pout, I cant help but to laugh and smile. He has such a sincerity and passion to his acting that he quickly became my favorite. Hearing his music his voice strikes such a deep response in my heart. He is the kind of person that just shines from within. I would like to share in supporting him with all his Eels. I am in a number of groups on facebook for Kdrama, Kpop, and of course to fan our Prince. I am very priviledged to be an admin in a couple of the groups. Through these groups I have met fellow Eels, fellow kpop/kdrama fans who are like family to me. I have gotten my sons and my nieces to be fans of this wonderful world as well. It would mean the world to me to be part of his Eels officially and share kind thoughts supporting him (and all Eels) Please email me how to make this possible. Thank you and have a great week.
Hello dear Farina,
I sent my particulars almost 8 months back.But couldn’t see any reply from you because somehow it was hacked & I had to close that email ID.I want to send my particulars again.Could you tell me the approximate time when I can send them again??Waiting eagerly to join…..:)
I woulds like to become an Eel from the USA. I live in Oregon. Please let me know how to apply.
With thanks and love,
Hi, can you help me i want to join the eels, i love keun duk oppa soooooo much i can’t but smile when i see his face and smile he makes me soo happy. When i saw him for the first time i could’nt stop to watch every thing about him. Oppa i love yousoo much. Please accept me one of your eels. I can’t access to any thing in princejks.com because i not a member i am from algeria please help me when it will be posdible to join you

Hi! I’m from the phillipines I really really love jang keun suk very much as an actor and singer and as a man who had an angel smile.plsssss…….. let me joine into your club.
Hiii, im fan Jang Keun Suk from Indonesia and i really love him so much. let me join into your club please..
quiero ser parte de este club como puedo aser… :/
porfavor ponerse en contacto con migo al
How can i join the club.. Please let me know. I’m from Philippines and I’m a huge fan of Jang Geun Suk.. Thank you in advance..
hello eels! how can I join ECI? sent a request on facebook.
i am from Singapore. thank you!
I wanna join please help me
I am 81 years old. i discovered JKS 2 years ago and fell in love with his music He is so talented and a wonderful
entertainer, He also seems to be the nicest person. i believe his private life should be his own. He has contributed so much to our world why not just enjoy him and wish him some of the happiness he so generously gives to his audiences. God bless and keep you strong, healthy and happy always. i look forward to listening to your music for a long time. You are a precious poet in so many peoples lives
I would like to become a member of your fan club but my computer skills are just beginning to develope so maybe i will try next Stay well enjoy Love Nana Esther
stay well enjoy love you nana Esther
I’m a big fan of jang keun suk and I’m french.
I wanna join please.
Waiting eagerly to join.
Thank you.
I can’t wait to see daebak ….good luck..
Hi, can I join please?
Hello, is anyone there??
Sorry, we haven’t started to accepting new members yet.
Thanks for your reply Tenshi. When do you accept new members please?
We hope asap…. but sorry already one year has passed. We’ll try to announce soon.
Good day guys. I’m Jak from Philippines and I discovered this fan site when I was looking for an updated news/events of Asia Prince and so lucky to found this site. Thank you Tenshi for your time and effort for all the news. Since i found out how JKS cares and love his fans, i really want to be a memher of his eels.
I’m begging you guys to tell me how to be member of his official eels.
Thanks a million. Be healthy and happy =)
Hello?! Is there anyone there? Seems eveyone is busy…..
Fan de México
Hola! Quiero felicitar a este joven talentoso que ha cautivado el corazón de mi hija de 15 años (y siendo honesta…el mío) En mi país es muy raro ver series juveniles románticas que excluyan temas de sexo y violencia. A través de Netflix hemos podido apreciar dramas coreanos hermosos como la serie ‘You are ‘beatiful’. A pesar de que las series hayan sido realizadas hace algunos años, aquí en Chihuahua, México tienen poco tiempo que han causado gran revuelo entre las jovencitas! En especial las de JKS
please make an advance announcement for the registration,hoping to receive an email about the registration (nhokee@gmail.com) a lot of people really love our prince and want to be a member and i really really want to be one of his eels.Thank you Tenshi for all the effort about our prince and because of you we are able to understand more about him.JKS Saranghae.love love love.
Hi there
I am a huge fan in Australia, can you please let me know how I can join the fan club?
I have been looking forward to registration for a long time. I am hoping to connect with others who live in the Tacoma/Seattle Washington area. I discovered how talented JKS is when I saw You’re Beautiful. He is an amazing actor and singer. I know that I can buy anything he does and never be disappointed in it. Everyone should see Budapest Diary, it’s amazing. The JKS app is great from iTunes. I love that he is a caring person and sets a good example for everyone. He inspires so many of his eels to follow his example to do good things. He has inspired me to continue learning Korean and do good deeds,I try to do them daily.
I am Soe Soe Aung.
My blog name ပန္ပန္[Pan Pan]
I am shopkeeper.
I am female .
I live in Yangon,Myanmar.
I sent my registration a few days ago but no one has sent me a reply email yet and I have noticed that there is only 3 days left. I hope to hear from you in the next day or 2. Thank you.
As we mentioned, we will contact the applicants one by one after the closing date. So please wait for a while.
I’m eel from 2012 but i never try to be a member of this family but i will do this year
Thanks for eveey thing you do to support our lovely prince
Please let me in, I’m from México, I want to be an eel
Hello everyone! I’m a new fan of JKS, just late last year. I’m from Philippines, living and working here in Dubai. He’s an amazing man with a captivating personality and ethereal beauty. I’ve never been a real fan of foreign artist. I was infatuated after watching You’re Beautiful (first of his many dramas I’ve watched). Now I’m hooked, ayieee! I want to be an eel but I’m already 43 (too old?… nope) plus registration is over (poor me!). I came across this site today only (my fault, grrrr!!!). Hope there’ll be next time for those who are late for registration, like next year, maybe? By the way, this site is impressive, lots of information about JKS plus subbed videos. Suitable for a new fan like me. Kudos to all! God bless all JKS eels around the world.
Hi, I’ve missed the registration in this ECI. Can I just email the details now in case I miss the registration again. Pls let me know. Thank you.
I’m sorry the registration in 2016 was over this round. So please wait for the next one. Thanks for your understanding.
only you, I’m from Aquila star
Hello.my name is shervin from iran,ilove very jang keun suk
I’d like to contact with site maneger,im a big fan of cristiano ronaldo in Iran,i do promis to do my best
Hola Señora Tenshi, yo soy anguila de corazón, pero me gustaría enomemente y sería un verdadero honor ser Anguila Oficial, me gustaría infinitamente sea una servidora considerada para ser admitida, y poder apoyar a nuestro Príncipe 장근석. Me es grato enviarle un cordial saludo a usted y a todas las anguilas que aman y apoyan a,장근석.
Hola! Yo deseo de todo corazón ser oficialmente Anguila, JKS es un ser maravilloso, lo conocí primero por su música y simplemente ya no pude dejar de estar feliz por cada paso que da. Me encantaría ser parte de la familia Anguila!! Aquí lo apoyo y nunca dejaré de hacerlo, pues creo en él saludos cordiales!
How do you become member,from perth western australia, australia
Please wait for the next recruitment. Thanks for your understanding.
When it will be?
I am an eel from 4 years
Please let me in
I am an eel 4 years ago
I am too happy that I am an eel
Let us all keep supporting JKS forever
Hi, how can I join?
Hi,my name is Tannaz,I’m from Iran.I find your site after 2years.
I realy want to be one member in your site,how can I enrol in your site?????????????
Good day…Sorry but I want to be one member in your site, may I?
When will be the next recruitment date?
i (seriously) want to join… 
I want to join and be a member. How???
gracias estuve esperando largo tiempo para la inscripción al grupo del facebook
hello there i wanna join too, am from phillipines am an avid fan from phillipines of jks since 2009 and i really really wanna join, please let me in .. thank u so much !!!
are you still accepting member and still on going?
Sorry… we’ve been too busy to proceed our recruitment procedure. We hope to complete by the end of October. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Hi, I’ve been wanting to be an official member of JKS fans club. I’ve sent my particulars. Please reconsider my application. Thank you.
I love all EELS! I’m a Türkish eel but I really can’t stand stupid Turkish eels without me
Will you be accepting new members for the ECI this year? I’d love to join you guys. JKS has got me hook, line and sinker ever since.
I did everything to join and was even asked for additional information during the registration period in 2016 and never got in. I hope others have better luck. It was disappointing. I wish all the best for JKS and will continue to support him. He inspires me to do good deeds everyday.
Please patient, Admin will open for Eels attending. If you want to join, sending the email to them.
Thank you for your advice. We are now working on solving this problem. I hope we can fix the problem soon!
Hello sis. I feel sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I checked what happened in 2016, and found I sent you Facebook message to add me as a friend, but didn’t reply from you. Please check your e-mail and Facebook message again. I hope the situation will be alright soon.
I appreciate all your efforts. I don’t know why Facebook won’t let me give or receive your friend requests. But I’ll keep trying.
Thank you for everything. Success!! I’m very happy that we worked it out. Now I just have to figure out how to use Facebook. A trip to the library tomorrow should help with that. I look forward to talking to other Eels.
How to join Eels Club international?
Hi. Very interested in joining your group. Do you still accept new members? Thanks!
Hello, when will eels club registration be reopened?
can i join it?
Sorry we haven’t decided yet when we open the recruitment in 2018. Please wait for the announcement for a while. Thanks.
Hello..been following interaction of eels around the world..been hoping that i could also join the group coz i love jks as a person and as an artist and how he loves his eels..im an avid fan here in the philippines.thank you.please let me know the details of how could i join.
I wish I could join too. Please let me know. Thank you very much…from the Philippines.
Hi I have already post a comment to be in maybe it was not the appropriate place. So here I am to ask it again. Looking forward to be in
Much love and respect for Sukie! <3
When will be the next member intake?
Thank you for your interest. Sorry we haven’t decided yet when we’ll start to recruit the new membership…. but as he’s back, we need to consider it.
Hi, am a huge fan of jks and I want be a member of his eels community, please let me know how can I join in the eels club.
Hi Tenshi, I am a huge fan of jks and I want be a member of his eels community, please let me know how can I join in the eels club and when will new membership intake ?