Shared by Sukbar / KeunSukChina
【110815 TREE-J twitter】
JKS: I also have fans!!! But where did sisters get the news from, very curious cri ….
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Shared by Sukbar / KeunSukChina
【110815 TREE-J twitter】
JKS: I also have fans!!! But where did sisters get the news from, very curious cri ….
Chinese subs: Sukbar / KeunSukChina
【110814 Sina】
JKS: Haven’t seen Rain for 10 years~~ Today, Busan is going to be hot~
10년만에 만난 레인!! 오늘 또 부산뒤집어지나요~
【110814 tree j twitter】
JKS: Haven’t met Rain for 10 years? Rain’s concert in Busan!! Eels, see whether you can find me! Hahaha
10年没见了?rain演唱会 in 釜山!!鳗鱼们啊 看看能不能找到我!哈哈哈哈
Tree-J twitter:
Mens’ Nonno is finally out!!! If eels snap up Mens’ Nonno with JKS on the cover until the magazine runs out of stock, actor Jang will dance the shuffle dance in front of Seoul station! Eels, charge! ~!
张根硕贴吧官方微博:【110809TREE-J推特更新】(翻译:颖)终于出来了mens’ nonno!!!咚咚!!要是鳗鱼们买完根硕君封面的mens’ nonno ,张演员就到首尔站跳shuffle!鳗鱼们冲啊!~!
Shared by: Sukbar
Tree-J twitter:
JKS is now practising dance for “You’re my Pet”! The lower end of his shirt is missing!!!!! Tomorrow is the filming of the performance scene, cheers for those who come from Japan!
@nekomusume:TreeJ company official twitter 너는펫 안무 연습중인 장근석 군! 여러분 근석군의 하의가 실종되었어요!! 내일부터 시작될 영화 너는펫 공연씬 촬영 일본에서 오신 장어분들도 화이팅입니다!
Sina update from @JasonJang:
Eating brunch at the Bund~ so relax~ haha in love with SH. Hard on everyone. Thanks!
在外滩吃brunch~ so relax~ haha in love wid SH 大家辛苦了 感谢!
JKS: Have gone on a tour of HS Media company. Now going back to Seoul.
Hs media흥신소 방문 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ笑!이제 서울로 고고씽~~!!by근석
王子去了HS MEDIA總部逛了逛。現在出發回去首爾了~