Message dated 22 May 2010 from JKS

Shared by: Ning on FB
This is an old message from JKS dated 22 May 2010.
I have read the Chinese translation of it somewhere in Baidu Sukbar, so I think it’s as authentic as it could be.
Strong views from our dear JKS, but this is him – a guy who dares to say what he feels, a guy who does his best and fights for what he wants, a guy who is involved in all nitty-gritty details of organizing events and yet is not defeated by all the problems that he faced when doing so. But he does feel down when fans misunderstand him or blame him for glitches happening during events.

So in view of all his hard work and perseverance, let’s continue to give JKS our love, support and understanding!
JKS, you are the best! Fighting!!

24 thoughts on “Message dated 22 May 2010 from JKS”

    • I’m not sure what happened at that time, but something must have happened to get this reaction from him …

  1. I simply love his passion!!!! By having the guts to say exactly what he wants and not giving a shit about what others think abt him… I love him more for this!

  2. Oh no…. What made him so angry last time?? ๐Ÿ™
    Hope he is not angry anymore. Dun like him to be unhappy! We need his smile!

    But wow i really admire his guts and fighting spirit!
    After seeing this article, i am kind of happy actually. Cos now i know and can be 200% sure that our dear sukkie will always put in his very best for all his fans and himself! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aphrael, thank you so much for sharing this article. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • heard from a friend that it’s a Lounge H event JKS organised in school. he requested students not to take photos, but photos leaked out

      • Oh i see…. i really hope he is not feeling angry anymore over that incident.
        I think all his fans really cannot resist his charm! Even his schoolmates! hehehe! ;p

        But one thing i’m very sure is that all his Spore fans are very good gals, very obedient. ;p
        Cos you all listen and didn’t bring cameras to his FM, just purely wanna pay attention at his FM and prefer looking at him through your own eyes and not through the camera lens. ๐Ÿ™‚
        So proud of you gals! 3 cheers for you all! Hip Hip Hooray x 3! (^o^)

  3. maybe something happened.. he’s just a human being like us…
    he commits mistake , he can be misunderstood and he has limits also…
    but anyway as you see him now he’s more matured…
    and he always show his smiles to every fans…
    yeah right,, we should support him all the way… that’s the best we can do for him…

  4. Back then, it was LH event. The Hanyang University Festival that he held for his school, not the LH event that you have seen recently. He was mad because he really dedicated himself with that event, even slept in the car at his school for this. And it’s university event, that he want all students and friends to come and have fun together. Not for fans, of course. He’d like to be just an ordinary person, Student Jang, not Actor Jang. He just want to have fun with friends. But some eels still chasing him around and taking his photos and leaking it out in public. That’s made him feel down and wrote this msg. And I hope you can understand his feeling at that time. I can understand the love of eels to him, but I understand his point, too.

  5. yes, I think I find Sukkie so unique is he speaks his mind & true to himself, very naturally honest young artist of this generation. He will apologise if he made wrong decision or mistake but each of such incident, he emerges a stronger man to face the challenging world & not to forget the eel fans who standby & suppoet him through thick & thin grew to love him more, I really like his personality behind his superstar image on screen, and enjoy the feebdack from people who work with him in dramas, CFs, he is respectful to seniors, always helping the juniors, professionalism etc.. I really love to share the vids I hv come across to eel fans in aphrael77’s blog as I have gone through a year to get to know him & like some eels have mentioned, we will get to love him more if you get to know his personaility & talents ^_^

  6. I would like share here some vids I have come across in Youtube of the university events & like what aphrael77 has shared, understand he faced funding problem from his U for the event but because of his “Critical” characteristics ^_^, he was able to organise the event by raising fund successfully with his friends & eel fans…vid#1 to 3 are related to LoungeH events in U and we can see LoungeH comes a long way & also leadership quality in Sukkie..for vid#3, he has given a long speech in Korean & again I feel the warm voice (though husky after the event) & most natural look in delivering the speech as JKS as an undergrad, not on big screen…last vid is one which reminds me of the backstage scene at Marina Square (I related the snacks given to him due to what he stressed in this vid LOL…)

    • Thanks! The 1st time I saw the Hanyang U speech….

      That last video on his 2010 FM really had me laughing.
      I dare say it’s the first time ever on TV that a star dares to “complain” that he’s sad because his fans forgot to bring him food !!
      Almost couldn’t believe my ears when I first saw this XD

      • aphrael77, nice to know u like the vid as I really like to see him on TV interview as he is so direct & natural that I find this so charming as a person who is superstar status, not afraid of what others say but at the same time, he can make you laugh with his comments…the last vid is the one I recall when I see the scene at backstage Marina Square, the eel fans must have get his message and offer him snacks whenever he has breaks in between…it is a memorable scene in S’pore though I only see it on vid as I was then further away, can’t see the snack passing scene myself until you posted it your blog ^_^

    • QQeyes007, thank you so much for sharing these videos. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Video #2 really make me laugh like mad…. JKS is so humorous & cute!
      And video#4 is super hilarious!! OMG! Why is our dear Sukkie sooooooooo cute!!
      No one bought food/snacks for him, poor thing! He must be starving! hehee! (^o^)
      I can’t help but to keep smiling to myself after watching these videos. He can really bring a BIG smile out of me! (^___^)

      Oh by the way, can anyone explain or translate what is JKS saying is video#3? Thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I was right above the stage and can view the passing of snacks clearly! I hv vids of it & tried to upload but it takes ages, so I canx the uploading in process… He was damn cute that I couldn’t believe my eyes at how many times he accepted those snacks! The cuter part was when he immediately opened the packets and shared them with the crowd and you see the securities scrambling to protect him!

    • thx QQeyes007 for sharing…. the star date (video #1) that you shared, is it the same Hanyang Event 2010 that aphrael posted? wow..he managed to gather 5,000 audience for that event! big event indeed! i love his sense of humor, i keep watching over and over again…

  7. sukkie’s more mature now…. *Talking like his parents..* hehe..*joke*
    seems like sukkie has already said it many times for not taking his photo… it will be really inconvenient for him…. I’m agree to him for ‘they must not be eels’.
    Thru all things happened to suk and what suk’s done to settle them, he’s really make me willing to fully support him ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thx for sharing this note. Late then never ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Hi!
    If you remember I’ve always said he must have his own space ‘to breathe’. He’s so POLITE that speaks nicely, but , in time, this kind of attitude from the fans, EVEN IT’S FROM LOVE!’, will errodate him. And it’s a pitty! He’s such a GENTLEMAN ! The PR people would have TO PROTECT HIM !!! I love him and his “human” side of his! And THANK YOU , APHRAEL, for your amability!


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