[02.9.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
Writer Zo Sun Hi!!!! Don’t put on a fake laugh!!! Don’t make your mouth triangular!!!! Said that to me many times!!!! Hahaha
조선희 작가님!!!! 억지 웃음 짓지 말라니까!!! 입 삼각 만들지 말라고!!!! 나한테 몇번을 말했어!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋ

[27.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
The Porsche car team is resting in the living room …. talking about car-related topics for 5 hours … ah … how many days already without a rest …..?

[27.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
Wah, going crazy, hahahaha, why is brother Joong Ki by my side??? After Chocoball after-party ended….. Ah! We are absolutely not gay …. -_- ;;; wake up!!!!
哇 疯了 呵呵呵呵呵 为什么钟基哥在我旁边???巧克力球after party结束后……啊!我们绝对不是gay哦….-_-;;;wake up!!!!

[25.8.2011] Weibo

The memory of being on the chartered plane … was very scared in the beginning, but fell asleep drooling k k k k
乘坐专机的回忆…开始怕的要死,竟然留着口水睡着了k k k k
전세기의 추억…완전 쫄아있다가 침흘리고 잠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[25.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
At the filming scene of “You’re my Pet”, 400 kg polar bear in the performance but there is something familiar … the camera keeps filming me hehehehehe
宠物情人拍摄现场 北极400公斤的熊出演 但是有眼熟的…照相机一直在拍我 呵呵呵呵呵呵

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[25.8.2011] Weibo

Hahahahahahaha it’s too funny. Early morning, I laughed until my stomach hurt. hehehehe
噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 太搞笑了 一大早开始肚子都笑痛了 呵呵呵呵
푸하하하핳ㅎ하라 왕웃겨 아침부터 배잡네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Click this link to the animated gif done by a Chinese eel.

[24.8.2011] Weibo and twitter

Shared by: Sukbar / KSC
This is a chartered flight!!! But frankly speaking, I was a bit scared… Gun-sama scared me by saying that small planes jolt a lot… but I fell asleep, drooling … -_-
이것이 전세기다!!!!근데 솔직히 쫄았음..건사마가 작은비행기 많이 흔들린다고 겁줬음.. 근데 침흘리면서 잤다-_-

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[21.8.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar
Wow… first time sitting in this car … If this car is scratched, I’ll have to be sold. hehehe, Jason, why did you not prepare this car for me in China …. bad manager
哇。。第一次坐这车。。这个如果被刮花了要卖了我才行啊 呵呵呵 jason为什么在中国没给我准备这样的车呢。。坏经纪人