[Video] 15th GCMA green carpet

Video / subtitles: Aphrael77

Erm…. if there’s anything not satisfactory about the video, it’s due to the poor skills of the photographer i.e. me.
I over-zoomed slightly and my TV is wide-screen, so I couldn’t find him when he went off to the side. My camera can do zooming in the midst of video, but I panicked and didn’t know why I cannot zoom out too….. Whew!

Basically, watching the green carpet is very exciting because there are lots of other celebrities, and more exciting because I was waiting with bated breath for JKS! His performance will be coming up later!

15th GCMA “Green” Carpet

The GCMA has an environmentally green theme this year, which accounts for the “green” carpet, the bamboo backdrop on which celebrities pen their signature and the green ribbon that each celebrity wears on their attire. Even the Awards are organised in an open-style concept of a “bamboo forest party”.

Jang Keun Suk appeared on the green carpet at around 5.56 pm China time, which was much earlier than I expected him to. It seems like the other artistes take a long time to walk down that stretch of carpet, but JKS seems to finish that walk in such a short time! He introduced himself in Chinese and completed his greeting in English. It is a pity that some of the other celebrities get asked interesting questions by the emcees, and I was looking forward to how JKS would display his wit and humour in answering questions, but the emcees didn’t ask him anything! Language barrier, I suppose?

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GCMA Rehearsal News

Jang Keun Suk had quite a late night on 14 April, as he wasn’t satisfied with his performance and requested to rehearse many more times. On 15 April, he declined an interview in order to spend more time on rehearsal, though because of his late night, he slept past 1 pm and the organising team and crew were all waiting for Sukkie to wake up!

Even GCMA organisers comment that Jang Keun Suk really has stage presence, and the audience will definitely be charmed by him and his singing!

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15th GCMA Online Broadcast

Credits: KeunSukChina
Shared by: JKS Fans Club Malaysia

You can try these two Chinese websites that will supposedly broadcast the 15th GCMA online, though the website will lag at high traffic volume. If they air the red carpet section, it will start at 7 pm China time, or the Awards at 8 pm China time.

One of these websites seems to have a bug that keeps making an internet window pop up, but I just close it.

This first website is at least working now:

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[14 Apr 2011] JKS at Chengdu Airport

JKS at Chengdu Airport, posted with vodpod

Credits: Suk Baidu Bar

JKS looks absolutely cool!

On an unrelated note, for tonight’s 15th Global Chinese Music Awards, I have done a test run but found out that after I compressed my video from over 300 MB to 160 MB (as .bik file which I don’t know if Youtube accepts), it still takes donkey’s years to upload. If anyone knows how to compress a video file for quicker upload to Youtube, please teach me!

For another cool pic,

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[14 April 2011] JKS arrives in Chengdu, China

JKS at Incheon Airport

Despite HS Media, Tree-J and Jang Keun Suk not releasing his flight details, eels got wind of JKS’ flight details on 14 April 2011, departing Incheon airport at 20:00 hours and reaching Chengdu, China at 22:50 hours. Chinese eels headed excitedly for ShuangLiu Airport from as early as noon.

Unfortunately, the eels didn’t have an easy time at the airport, because there were fans of 3 other Chinese artistes there, so the situation was a bit chaotic with lots of cheering and shouts. JKS exited the airport in a record 10 seconds and most eels didn’t even manage to catch a glimpse of JKS…

The latest news is that JKS has GCMA rehearsal throughout the night.

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3 versions of JKS’ official photo-book “Jplus”!! Pre-order starts 15 April

Aphrael77’s note:

Jang Keun Suk’s first official photo-book will come out in 3 different versions!
For more details, please click below to continue reading.

I’m confused by some of the information. It seems as if “Jplus Limited” (the only one with the DVD) and Jplus are only available for sale in Japan and Korea, and overseas fans can only buy Jplus Favourite (the 80 photograph cards)?? I’m speechless … I am not sure whether these 3 versions are all there will be, or whether there is another international (or English?) version that will come out….

Pre-order starts on Frau (Japanese website) on 15 April 2011 to 10 May 2011. Out of the people who order “Jplus Limited” during the special pre-order period, 300 fans will be selected for a JKS autograph session in Japan. The organisers will then inform these 300 fans the details of the autograph session by mid-June.

Although “Jplus Limited” is only available in Japan, for those residing in Singapore, there is a way to get it.

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[Notice] Change of server & possible down-time

Dear friends,

As always, the bad news come with the good.

Bad News

My blog has to move to another server again, barely 2 months after my last move. Necessary because I’m uploading too many pics = = and am about to run out of space on this server, and another server in Singapore is offering much more space.

As a result of some domain DNS change needing about 2 days to fully take effect, what this means to you is that when you try to access my blog in the next 2 days, you may be directed to my old server, where there will be NO other updates after this notice.

If you see current updates, that means you have come to the new server. 🙂

I hope everything will be settled by Friday 15 April, because that’s when I will try to upload my recording of JKS attending the 15th Global Chinese Music Awards.

* NOTE: My blog address is still the same:

Good news

Er, that’s hopefully my blog doesn’t have to move again and I will have lots of server space to upload beautiful pics! ^^


[News] JKS signing record contract with Chinese company?

I cannot pinpoint the exact source of the news, but Sukbar and Sina are circulating news that in addition to the agency contract that Jang Keun Suk will sign with HS Media on Saturday 16 April, he will also sign a music album contract with one of the biggest and reputed record companies in China, Typhoon Group. This news has the Chinese eels in ecstacy, as they look forward to JKS’ Chinese music album and the prospect of his further career development in China.

Some very brief background news about Typhoon Group: It’s buying over the shares of all EMI record companies in the greater China region. All the artistes under EMI will be transferred to Typhoon Group, including Jolin Tsai, A-mei, Elva Hsiao and Show Luo. All album releases outside of China will still be executed by EMI. In an environment where many Chinese music record companies are bringing in foreign capital, this is the first time that a Chinese company has bought over an international company.

Typhoon Group plans to branch out into music, movies, drama and other areas of the entertainment industry, and will continue to collaborate with artistes who have the potential.

[News] JKS fans pay for advertisement

Hong Kong “Sun” – “You are Beautiful” star Jang Keun Suk, who has just attended an autograph session as mobile phone brand ambassador in Seoul yesterday, will be having a fan-meeting in Kowloon Hong Kong on 30 April. Tickets are priced at HK$1,280 and HK$580. Spending about 4 days in Hong Kong, JKS will arrive on 28 April afternoon, hold a press conference at APM on 29 April and on 30 April, JKS will be attending an autograph session at APM for fan-meeting VIP ticket-holders.

In order to welcome their idol, the Hong Kong fans paid around HK$30,000 to buy advertisement space on 12 buses for his fan-meeting , and have also initiated a charity fund-raising event in aid of the Japanese earthquake victims. All the charity proceeds will be donated via Hong Kong Red Cross in Jang Keun Suk’s name.

Credits: “Sun” newspaper & Suk Nation Hong Kong

[News] JKS Fans’ Autograph – His transformation into handsome sales manager

Credits as tagged

13 April 2011 – On 12 April afternoon at basement 1 of Samsung Electronics Centre, in order to celebrate the opening of super-big IT and mobile phone retail outlet D’light Shop, actor Jang Keun Suk had an autograph session and even became a manager for a day.

As Samsung mobile phone brand ambassador, JKS not only signed autographs for fans, he also became a shop manager for a day, and demonstrated his professionalism in participating in the shop’s opening activities. Not only did he promote the functions of new products to D’light Shop customers with ease and familiarity, he also organised a live auction whereby the proceeds from the sale of two mobile phones were donated to charity.

Currently, JKS is busy with filming commercials in Korea and in other Asian countries, and also with preparation for his Asia Tour. His debut single to be released in Japan on 27 April is also highly anticipated by fans.

Credits: TV Daily Chinese

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