Credits: Suk Baidu Bar & KeunSukChina
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Ticket to the autograph session
Crowded and waiting for JKS ….
Clearer media photos are out.
So beautiful … my heart stops… ^^
Autograph starts …
Always with a warm smile for his eels …
[Signing off for now]
Oh, Prince Jang is so cute…:)
Thank you for sharing.
he is soo lovely..agree with ya.
is it today event?
wow so fast….
there are already pics & report…
thanks….! i always refresh your blog to see any updates of our prince J.
yes, today’s events – happening at the same time!
power of the internet! ^^
Yes gotta love the internet…
wow! he looks so refreshed… he looks like the man you just wanna cuddle with always…
that is true!!! a man who can melt your heart away..:)
OMG wish i was there! He looks so tired but still very handsome!
aphrael77 do you knw when he flys into Singapore and when does he leave?
Pending Colored Rhythm’s confirmation when they release his flight arrival details on Facebook, I hear (quite reliable ) news that JKS will arrive in Singapore on Fri 22 April afternoon
OMO … I wish I was there. He’s so friendly and always smile, that’s why we ( EELS) can’t stop loving and adore him ^^
so pretty! haha.
KSC is superb, so fast making college pics! ^o^, DAEBAK!!
He always looks awesome anywhere & anytime…
I’m proud of him
thank u soooooooooooooooooooooo much for sharin.
it seems that he never wear any weird outfit again on any event (as far as i can see from aphrael udates) glad to see it that way… ^^
Keun Suk has the BEST smile ever! It’s in his eyes! Wish we could see more of him acting, really miss it a lot.
yup me too, did he suspend all of his filming because of his hectic Asia tour and promo album schedule ?? ohh… nooo…
Yes, and the thing about him acting is that we can re-play the drama over and over again ^^
haha true…!!!
I always amaze at how almost perpect JKS is. I have never seen any body as charming as him in my life. He has the whole package: the expressive eyes, the heartstopping smile,the velvetlike laughter, the sexy voice and he can act , he can sing, he can model,he rocks every styles, and he has great personality.I love him.
You really sum it all up for Keun Suk. Despite so many accolates about how wonderful he looks, his first and foremost outstanding characteristic is being a VERY dedicated and talented actor. One who is highly critical of his own work, keeps honing and perfecting his skills with thoughts of how to do it better and observing and learning from others around him. Let not what he is borned with overshadow the efforts that he has made to create this multi-talented him.
Woww… I love his smile !
guys thank you for putting all the words.. JKS is uncomparable…i just love his smile..
GOSH he is so cute … how do he keep his face so clean , clear, smooth and shiny ??
his eye is shining when he smile so cute … i wish i could meet him ….
love all th epics. very nice…
thank you very much 4 sharing…
Wow… his look & the way he attended his fans! So close…. 00….00. Melt ! His face a bit meaty in some of the pics, I like it. BTW I also own a Samsung Galaxy S phone, I wish I can get his autograph signing too ………. maybe should approach him when he comes to Malaysia, ha….