Credits: Suk Baidu Bar & KeunSukChina
For more updates,
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Credits: Suk Baidu Bar
Disclaimer: I have not proceeded to making actual payment, but you should be able to complete the online purchase. Please note that I will not be bearing any responsibility should any issue occur in your transaction, and neither would I be able to help as I don’t understand Japanese. You could try e-mailing them in English.
Finally, there is a way to order Cri-J magazine.
Some general information:
Release dates:
Issue 1: 10 April 2011
Issue 2: 10 July 2011
Issue 3: 10 October 2011
Issue 4: 10 January 2012
– One issue is about 400 grammes in weight.
– A4 size
– Price of 4 issues: 8,400 yen + EMS overseas delivery.
– The total seems to be 12,800 yen (I cannot confirm this), but you should see the final amount when you are making payment via credit card.
For ordering, please follow these steps:
Go to this website
Refer to pic above.
Aphrael77’s note:
I didn’t save pics of Japanese “Cut” magazine, so these pics are from Zegda and totally not related to the article at all ^^. Chinese website Sohu Entertainment translated the “Cut” interview.
As much as we all adore JKS’ pics, I love his interviews equally too. Provided the interviewer doesn’t ask questions that we’ve all heard before, interviews provide an insight to Jang Keun Suk. The more I know about JKS, the more I admire and love him. He is the most dedicated and professional actor I’ve come across, and always so passionate and responsible for the things that he does.
Sohu Entertainment – Korean star Jang Keun Suk’s debut “Let me cry” album, originally slated for release on 23 March, has been postponed as a result of the massive Eastern Japan earthquake, and now the release date is confirmed on 27 April. Television dramas such as “You are Beautiful” and “Marry me Mary” have made this actor the best loved Korean star in Japan. His official music album debut has been much anticipated, and fans are not unfamiliar with JKS’ voice as he has sung drama soundtracks at fan meetings and on television. His musical talent demonstrated in Lounge H collaboration with good friend Big Brother also amazed fans. Upon the first hearing of “Let me cry”, many Japanese reporters who are not familiar with JKS are greatly surprised by the explosive power of his voice, and comment that JKS is frankly a rock singer and has performed his debut song effectively. Recently, JKS accepted the interview of reputed Japanese magazine “Cut”. Facing the reporter who has a reputation for asking challengingly tricky and sophisticated questions, JKS was open and talked freely about his experiences thus far, and answered questions like why he chose to launch his singing career in Japan.
Credits: KeunSukChina
* Update *
In the grey field, please input the password jks.
Then click the button next to the field to see the MV ^^
Man, if I have known that a video (albeit a shortened version) would come out so soon, I wouldn’t have spent one hour trying to upload screencaps on my super-slow-as-snail home internet >< Anyway, JKS is SUPER COOL in the MV! Love him!
The sale of JKS merchandise on his official Japanese website in aid of the Japanese earthquake relief efforts have raised funds amounting to 10,126,004 yen.
All proceeds will be donated to the Japan Red Cross.
Credits: Suk Baidu Bar
As of 11 April, 1.18 pm China time
1. Jang Keun Suk 62,220 votes
2. Kim Hyun Joon 27,672 votes
3. Hyun Bin 3,342 votes
Thanks to all the eels who are voting, JKS is leading by a wide, wide margin! And even better news is that I can access the GCMA website during the day today, and hopefully that is the same case for all of you, which means that we can continue voting for JKS!
If we continue to vote, there is no reason why JKS will lose!
For specific instructions on how to vote, please go to this post.
Updated with English subtitles
Credits: Suk Baidu Bar
English subtitles: Aphrael77
That guy is cute, he’s fun and I love to hear his laughter.
Enjoy the video!
p.s. if error is displayed here, please click on video to go directly to Youtube to view.
* Updated 9 April, 11.10 pm *
This is what JKS iPhone application looks like.
Some preliminary information about the application:
– you need to be the Korean official website member before you can use the application
– the application costs US$9.99
– something about your iPhone system requirement needs to be 4.3 or above, in order to install / run this application.