Aphrael77’s note:
Jang Keun Suk’s first official photo-book will come out in 3 different versions!
For more details, please click below to continue reading.
I’m confused by some of the information. It seems as if “Jplus Limited” (the only one with the DVD) and Jplus are only available for sale in Japan and Korea, and overseas fans can only buy Jplus Favourite (the 80 photograph cards)?? I’m speechless … I am not sure whether these 3 versions are all there will be, or whether there is another international (or English?) version that will come out….
Pre-order starts on Frau (Japanese website) on 15 April 2011 to 10 May 2011. Out of the people who order “Jplus Limited” during the special pre-order period, 300 fans will be selected for a JKS autograph session in Japan. The organisers will then inform these 300 fans the details of the autograph session by mid-June.
Although “Jplus Limited” is only available in Japan, for those residing in Singapore, there is a way to get it. vPost (an online service by Singapore Post) is able to arrange for vendor’s delivery to a Japan address, then arrange to deliver it to Singapore. Initial cost estimate is SGD 200 for “Jplus Limited” plus SGD 50 for delivery to Singapore depending on the weight. I am sorely tempted to get “Jplus Limited”, not because of the chance for autograph, but because…. well, it’s the biggest-sized photo-book and comes with a Region 2 DVD. “Jplus Limited” is a limited version, though of course one can always wait to see if other sales website will sell this…. I don’t feel like waiting though… People who pre-order will get their order delivered sometime in June, which is ahead of the July market release date.
As for whether you can play Region 2 DVD in your country, well, I’m afraid it differs from country to country and so you have to check it out. I read somewhere online that there are DVD players that are region-unlocked, which means it can play DVD of any region…. I have to ask the shops that though….
You can check out Frau website.
——————- Information from Frau website ——————-
[Hope you understand me more – a collation of 24 years of growth and thoughts]
As an actor and singer, Jang Keun Suk shows his true self for the first time, in his first large-scale, luxurious photograph book which will be a much cherished edition that enscapulates his feelings and growth. Even the beautiful scenery or the historical streets could not hide his radiance. Shopping on the street innocently, with his face sometimes schooled into a serious expression, JKS possesses the charm that impacts the people around him. And relaxing in the shower and hotel room…. images of the genuine JKS are captured from different angles. 160 photos in B4 size showing the innocence of his youth to his early 20s sexiness, this is the first official photograph book that completely displays Jang Keun Suk.
1.【Jplus Limited】
Contents: 160 pages, 32 pages of behind-the-scenes photos, behind-the-scenes 60-minute DVD
Size: B4 257*364
Price: 9,800 yen (excluding delivery charges)
– Limited edition
– Only on sale in Korean and Japan
* Contents and format subject to change without informing.
[Always look at me only]
A compilation of JKS’ thoughts and feelings, the packaging comes in the form of an exquisite photo frame; you can see JKS every day. There are 80 photograph stickers from which you can select and decorate any part of your room.
In the beautiful scenery and warm sunlight of London, he would laugh innocently, or sometimes become serious suddenly! His charm is infectious. Relaxing in the shower and hotel room…. and photographs not in the other series… all his ever-changing facial expressions are captured in this little box.
2.【Jplus Favourite】
Contents: 80 photograph cards, photo frame box
Size: Unconfirmed
Price: 2,940 yen (excluding delivery charges)
* Contents and format subject to change without informing.
[Which one is the real me]
In this book, for the first time in 24 years, JKS did a review of himself in the past. While searching for his original self, he demonstrates his youth. Even the beautiful scenery or the historical streets could not hide his radiance. Shopping on the street innocently, with his face sometimes schooled into a serious expression, JKS possesses the charm that impacts the people around him. And relaxing in the shower and hotel room…. images of the genuine JKS are captured from different angles. 160 photos in B4 size showing the innocence of his youth to his early 20s sexiness, this is the first official photograph book that completely displays Jang Keun Suk.
Contents: 160 pages
Size: A4, 210*297
Price: 3,990 yen (excluding delivery charges)
* Only available for sale in Japan
* Some difference with Jplus Limited in contents and design
* Contents and format subject to change without informing.
张根硕的首本正式写真集 Jplus Limited
[想要你更加了解我 聚集了24年的成长和想法]
张根硕初公式写真集 【Jplus Limited】
内容:本编160页 预计 offshort写真集32页 预计 花絮 60分 预计
SIZE:B4 257*364
价格:9800 日元 (约762RMB 不计邮费)初版为限量生产
* 韩国 日本国内限定贩卖
* 内容 以及形式在没有通知的情况下有可能更改。
张根硕的首本写真集 Jplus Limited
张根硕初公式写真集 【Jplus Limited】
内容:照片卡 80张 预计 相框盒 预定
价格:2940日元(约228RMB 不计邮费)
* 内容 以及形式在没有通知的情况下有可能更改。
张根硕的首本写真集 日本限定
张根硕初公式写真集 【J plus 】
内容:160页 预定
SIZE:A4 210*297 预定
价格:3990日元 (约310RMB 不计邮费)
*和Jplus Limited在内容和设计上有所不同
*内容 以及形式在没有通知的情况下有可能更改。
Dear aphrael77,
I live in Japan, so
I’ll ask Frau International Inc. what is the international version instead of you.
Dear tenshi_akuma,
I’m from Singapore. How can we purchase from koari.net?
I want to get the JPlus Limited version!!
Tenshi !!!!
Thanks!!! I love you!!! In fact, we all love you
Thanks so much for offering to help us poor overseas fans by clarifying with Frau, instead of having to wonder and guess and keep on waiting for an English international version that may not exist.
If there is no English international version, I’ll immediately pre-order the Jplus Limited.
And if there is anything I can help you with, either now or in future, just feel free to let me know ^^
Aphrael, though the cost of the Jplus Limited is not cheap, I am tempting to buy as well. If you pre-order it and get it deliver to Singapore, can I order together with you?
Sure, once Tenshi comes back with the answer as to whether there will be an international English version and when I’m ready to pre-order, I’ll put up another post within these few days, and give the pre-order deadline (with me) as next Thurs 21 April so I can pre-order on Fri 22 April.
Please note that delivery is according to weight, and therefore if we order more, it means the delivery charges (even if shared) will not be cheaper. Delivery will be around SGD 50 multiplied by the number of people. I’ll share the details later ^^
Thanks ^^ will wait for the update ….
Too much merchandise are coming up! I don’t know what to buy first? The DVD of his drama, CD of his album or this photobook?
Hi M3Lover,
Totally AGREE… Too many stuff plus concert, concert merchandise and magazine…
Buy whichever is limited edition and that is within your afforable means…
Thx for the update… Jus checking out the details on koari.. Wanted to pre-order but will wait together then…
Hi aphrael77, considering of ordering together too..
Can be sent to Malaysia too ?
Hi-cri, everyone!
First of all, I’m so sorry that I haven’t got the reply from Frau International Inc. ,
and unfortunately today is Friday, so probably it will take a few more days to get
the answer… So I wrote requesting a reply to my previous e-mail tonight.
I asked them whether the international version is the same as “Jplus Favorite” or not.
As soon as I get the answer, I will let you know.
Please wait for a while.
Hi Tenshi,
It’s ok, we can wait a few more days ^^
Thank you so much for helping us to ask.
Thanks a lot! I’m waiting for the answer too ^^
Everyone, sorry for kept you waiting —— !!!!
I’ve got the reply today, but honestly it remains dim.
The JKS Japan Official Fan Club said that they are planning to publish the international version, but the details(contents and released schedule etc.) are not fixed yet.
So the only thing I can say now is that the international version is not the same as the “Jplus Favorite”. As soon as details are available, I will let you know.
Many Thx for the update…
Thank you!!!! You gave me hope ^^
sorry, i just want to know, in which version is his drama included? it’s a short film right? sorry, im kinda lost. thanks!
ice-yelo, does “his drama” mean the short film shown at CRI SHOW in HK?
At first, I thought this is the same DVD attached Jplus Limited, but now I doubt it. That’s because the DVD attached Jplus Limited is said to be “behind-the-scenes 60-minute DVD”. It sounds like JKS’s private shots during his photo-book shooting tour. On the other hand, the film shown at CRI SHOW in HK is more artistic and like a short film. Hence I’m inquiring of Frau about the attached DVD. Until now I haven’t got the reply yet.
yes, that film shown in HK. thanks tenshi!
Hi Tenshi,
I’ve emailed you a question – can you please check your email account (the one you input here) and answer me as soon as you can?
Thanks so much!
Hi Aphrael77 ! i’VE ordered JKS photoalbum from u a month ago.. just to let u know there has been changes in my email adreess. It used to be sitiohsiti@hotmail.com
now im using this email ya. my previous a/c was suspended by hotmail and i cnt access to it anymore.. tsk. sorry for the inconvenience!