[News] 2012 Cri Show Tour

Credits: Sukbar weibo/HS Media Weibo
English Translation: Sarah Ye

HS Media Official Weibo:
从“亚洲王子”逐步走向“世界王子”的@张根硕,以今年7月首尔演出开始为2012张根硕亚洲巡演 拉开帷幕,将分别在日本各地区(横滨、大阪、名古屋、福冈 );上海、深圳、台北、曼谷等中华圈东南亚4个地区展现出变得更强烈的只属于张根硕的演出,整个巡演将再次震撼全亚洲。@JasonJang
From “Asian Prince” become “World Prince”, @Jang Keun Suk will start his 2012 Asia Tour in July. THE CRI SHOW 2 will begin in Seoul, then will go to Japan (Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka); Grand China area, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taipei, and East Asia, Bangkok. The exciting show only belongs to Jang Keun Suk, the whole show will shake Asia again. @JasonJang.

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“Love Rain” press conference streaming site

I’m sorry for the short notice.
“Love Rain” press conference will be webcast at 15:00 (Korea local time) today!!! SOON!!!

USTREAM: mediaconan

And also the procession will be post on Facebook.

Shared by Twitter
Preparing for the press conference. A lot of rice wreath!!!

“Love Rain” press conference starts at 15:00 on March 22


Our long-awaited day has come!!! ( #KBS Love Rain ) The press conference will be broadcast live at 15:00 on March 21!!! Please give your more attention.
기다리고 기다리던 그날이 돌아왔다!!! < #KBS사랑비 > 제작발표회 실황중계!!! 내일 3/22 (목) 3시 많은 관심 바랍니다

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[News] Team H special program will be webcast on March 20

In commemoration of the debut of Team H in Japan, their special program will be webcast for 15 hours on NICONICO LIVE, the same webcast site of Team H special live on Feb. 21. Watching the program, you have to sign up as a NICONICO LIVE membership. I introduced the procedure how to sign up it before. I post the link of the introduction below.


You can enter the live page on March 20 at 20:50 (Japan local time), 10 minutes before the program begins. The program will starts at 21:00.
— web-casting hours: from 21:00 on March 20 to 12:00 on March 21
— time-shift of validity period: one month

The scheduled contents are below.
— web-casting of full MV “GOTTA GETCHA” “Can’t Stop -JPN ver.-”
— trial listening of all the tracks of their debut album “Lounge H The First impression”
— their exclusive interview

And also you can book the live and watch it later (but only once, be careful!), using the feature called “タイムシフト予約 (time-shift)”. You can watch it from 30 minutes to a month after the show ends. I think you can check the exact deadline on the web.

Access the special page of Team H program webcast

How to watch NicoNico Live

How to watch the time-shift of NicoNico Live


Lounge H Zepp Tour

Cr: as logo
Shared by: 台湾首站/JKSFC Malaysia

The two Lounge H performances on 20 Feb and 21 Feb 2012 are free, but limited to Japanese official website/fanclub members based on a lucky draw. Some Chinese eels who are also Japanese fanclub official members have also gotten tickets through the draw.

[News] “Lounge H” album to release in Japan on 21 March 2012

Shared by tenshi_akuma
Japanese version will be released on March 21, 2012 at 2,800 yen and the contents are different, as below. They sang some songs in Japanese!

*Gotta Getcha
*Shake it! ~Korean Ver.~
*Shake it! ~Japanese Ver.~
*我慢するだけ我慢した~Korean Ver.~
*我慢するだけ我慢した~Japanese Ver.~
*我慢するだけ我慢した MV & Making Video

Visit to Filming Set of Love Rain on 13 Dec 2011

Shared by Sukbar
This visit, organized recently and targeted at Japanese fans, comprises of a free one-day visit to the filming venue of Love Rain and offers a limited 40 places only (must be direly insufficient!). Registration should be already over. All other travel and accommodation expenses are self paid.

The visit will take place on 13 Dec 2011. Hope to see more news, pics and videos of the visit!

How to pre-order the ticket of Tokyo Dome (Nov.26,2011)

The additional arena tour is scheduled to be held at Tokyo Dome on Nov. 26, 2011. And how to pre-order the ticket was announced yesterday.
the application page for Tokyo Dome ticket

In Japan, how to order and receive the ticket is very complex… So it must be rather difficult for foreigners. I’m not sure if there are any agencies which are planning to arrange getting the ticket for foreigners. You can inquire about it for Tree-J company.

If you sing up as Lawson web members, you can pre-order the ticket from Nov. 3 at 19:00 to Nov.6 at 23:59. I found English guidance. So if you are interested in getting the ticket, please try to become the member.
How to sign up as Lawson Web Members

After becoming the member, I’ll show you the details to order including how to pay and receive it step by step. So please let me know! 🙂
But I’m really sorry that I won’t be in Japan at that time, so if you need some helps, it may takes some time… 🙁

Delayed release date of Lounge H album

Credits: Sukbar & as tagged

The official release date of Lounge H album has been pushed back to 12 Oct 2011, and above seems to be the new album cover for the pre-order version.

(For those who have ordered through me, the delay naturally affects us and hopefully we get it sometime in Oct.)

[07.9.2011] Watch “Knee-drop Guru” online today


The programme “Golden Fishery – Knee-drop Guru” will be broadcast live tonight (7 September) at 10.05 pm China time.

Possible to watch it online at this link, though not sure if the website will lag due to heavy traffic!

Credits: Sukbar
