[5 Jan 2011] Arrival in Bangkok

Thai TV coverage of JKS arrival in Bangkok


Watch video below at your own risk! May cause headache! :p

Both credits: BlueInLive

[Feb 2011] Lounge H Tour in Japan

News from JKS official Japanese website:

Jang Keun Suk’s Lounge H concerts will take place in Japan on the dates below.

Osaka – 11 Feb and 12 Feb 2011
Tokyo – 14 Feb and 15 Feb 2011




[2 Jan 2011] JKS arrival in Guang-zhou, China 广州行

[vodpod id=Video.5241011&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Credits: baidusukbar

JKS’ arrival in Guang-zhou, China, on 2 Jan 2011 at 5.10 pm caused quite a stir as expected. Over 400 fans have been waiting for him at the airport since morning. In the clip above, the railing was overturned and a few eels fell, but luckily no one was injured. JKS paused to see whether help was needed. On his way out of the airport, he blew kisses at fans and left in a car, with many fans in cars pursuing him!


Credit to: 百度张根锡吧. For more pictures, please click here.

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