[News] JKS plans a different production at Tokyo Dome

Credits as tagged

JKS succeeded to be sold out his additional tickets of arena tour in Japan held at Tokyo Dome on Nov. 26, 2011. The number is about 50,000! That means he succeeded to sell about 100,000 tickets for his fan meeting held during two months. It’s so amazing!!!! Unfortunately I can’t go there, but my mom will attend it instead of me. She is also his eel now šŸ™‚

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Lotte provides special packages printed JKS’ face

Credits: LOTTE Co., Ltd.

Lotte Co., Ltd announced that they would sell special packages printed JKS’ face on Nov. 22, 2011. One is for fruits flavored gum “Frutio” bottles and the other is for bundled packages of “Charlotte-i”. Especially the bundled packages of “Charlotte-i”, various version will be released. For example, there is a bundle package of three “Charlotte-i” with one JKS postcard, which is selected from 12 types at random. Others are special boxes printed JKS, which includes 6 or 10 “Charlotte-i”. You can see their pictures from the link below.
Japanese women must get weigh easily in proportion to their love to JKS! šŸ˜‰ Being fat is happy or not? :p

For another pic,

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