18 thoughts on “[Pics] Lotte X’mas”

  1. Okay. Would it be wrong of me to say I hardly recognize anyone on the first picture besides Sukkie? I kinda recognize the guy with the red antlers but not sure his name. And the guy in the suit looks like Hyun Bin. Naturally I’m drawn to Sukkie’s playful cute side. He’s so good. He really is a man of a 1000 faces *sigh*.

    • The 3 guys are JYJ, part of TVXQ or DBSK before they disbanded. The extreme right is Junsu, middle is Jaejoong or Hero, and next is Mickey Yuchun the lead of Sunkyunkwan Scandal. The girl in the pic I’m not sure…

      • QQ, are you sure? She looks different… I think they changed to a different girl this year.

      • Oh Farina, I’m refering to first pic, the lady besides Hyun Bin.. now then I notice another lady besides Sukkie in the last pic ^_^ Looks like PSH but I don’t she is..

      • Ah okay… now I know where I seen Mickey. He’s Park Yoo Hwan’s older brother! LOL.. funny I know the lesser known brother better. (Piece of trivia. Mickey and Yoo Hwan actually grew up 20 miles from where I live.)

      • @Andrea, I know that JYJ, Mickey was grown up in Fairfax County, if we didn’t moved and we would be there too. Lol. I like JYJ, they are all so talented.

      • LOL.. if you hadn’t moved I would have had another Sukkie obsessed fan to get together with and gush over Sukkie!

    • The actress in the last picture, her name is Kim Sa Rang, she was the 2nd lead actress in Secret Garden. She was one of the stars for Lotte.

  2. Looking at Sukkie wallpapers, I can already feel New Year’s coming soon!!
    Andrea, same here!… My eyes can see nobody but only Suk!!! 🙂

    • I can’t wait til the New Year. I plan on joining the official fan club. It will also be my first year as an Eel. I wish I could remember the approximate date in which I became trapped or even drowned so I have something to mark the event!

      • I have tried but is pretty hard and unsucessful since it’ all in Korean. How you do it let me know.

      • I’m moaning right now about not being an official member because there are 3 notices right now that only members can view 🙁 I know Tree J will announce to the general public soon but official members always get a heads up *sigh* I really want to be an official member to get a heads up on the planned Dinner shows because more than likely official members are going to be offered opportunities to attend those events first before anyone else which my head tells me is right but my heart aches just thinking about it. Not that I would be able to go unless its later in the year.

  3. @SukkiefanNCUSA ,i think aphrael posted a guide somewhere here,just look over the previous post (archieves) or ask aphrael so she can help you..

    • The guide can be found under Categories. Just click JKS Official Fan Club and there is a step by step. I was never sure if I was successful because I couldn’t read the pop up messages that appeared. I’m going to try again at the beginning of January since I now know how to read Korean enough to put it thru a translator (Still don’t understand it).

      • @andrea,you mean you cannot even post a message to his OFC? I am a free member for quite some time now,but you are right,being an official or paid member can have better access to his stuffs,schedules etc..And because of secrecy we cannot ask eels about notices or private messages posted by Prince for his safety..

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