[17.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

10 am in the morning, I am listening to the lesson. Because attendance is recorded by access pass, want to escape, machine is poisoned… completely! listening hard to the lesson. ah… patriotic Hanyang. haven’t sent a tweet storm in a long time, shall I?? ka ka ka
上午10点钟我在听课ing 因为是电子打卡上下课 想逃跑来着 仪器中毒了。。。完!全!努力听课中 啊 。。。爱国汉阳 好久没暴推了 要不要暴推一下呀??卡卡卡

End of tweet storm.. should go for the next lesson… really, don’t even have a break on Monday..
爆推结束。。该去上下节课了。。真是的 星期一连无午休时间都没有。。

Puppet Jang Keun Suk occupies Arts University office!!!

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[16.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Recently everyone often says this to me…. “Keun-suk ah! Recently your popularity increased, looks really good~!” At this time, I have two thoughts…. (1) I am the world prince!!!! (2) All these will pass eventually… within a day, 50,000 thoughts run through my mind… and when I can go for overseas studies …..

最近大家常对我说的话。。。“根硕啊!最近人气上涨了看上去真不错~!”这种时候就会萌生两个想法。。。1.我就是世界王子world prince!!!!2.这些也都会过去的。。。一天之内有5万种念头在心里咚咚咚。。。还有神马时候才能去留学啊。。。

[15.10.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Eels, good morning. A photo of JKS who was filming late last night. This morning he started work early too, actor Jang will spend a busy day filming Love Rain. As you look at actor Jang, hope you have a happy weekend

[13.10.2011] Twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Hi everyone. Tree-J Facebook is officially open, in future more of actor Jang’s news will also be updated in Facebook ^^ (Tree-J Facebook address: http://www. facebook.com/treeJcompany )
大家好。tree-j Facebook正式开通,今后张演员的更多消息也会在facebook更新^^(tree-J Facebook地址:http://www. facebook.com/treeJcompany)

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[12.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

JKS 2.17am:
At this time I’ve just finished the Arena tour rehearsal, for the drama filming which starts in the morning, I have to set off for Daegu… this is not the schedule of a normal actor, but no choice since it is the path I’ve chosen…. When can I ever fall in love!!!
这个时间刚结束arena巡回的练习,为了早晨开始拍摄的电视剧,向大邱出发。。。这绝对不是正常演员的日程表啊 ,但是是我选择的路无可奈何嗯。。神马时候才能恋爱啊!!!

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[11.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Reporter: A small JKS incident! Miss M met Keun-chan at a roadside stall. After greeting him shyly, she immediately started the game “What JKS likes most is …” kekeke, said he’s very good at drinking soju. As expected of Keun-chan, a straightforward fellow~
JKS: Brother, what Keun-suk likes is random game -_-

【娱记:张根硕的一个小插曲!在路边摊上和根酱相遇的M小姐,腼腆地打了个招呼就马上进入游戏“根硕最喜欢的是。。”呵呵呵 说是很能喝烧酒。不愧是根酱,爽快的家伙~】【suk:哥 根硕喜欢的是random游戏-_-】

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[08.10.2011] Twitter

Shared by Sukbar

JKS: Ah… not Haeundae, it’s Gwangalli..sorry
啊..不是海云台 是广安里..sorry

JKS: hehehehehehehe … trap~ it’s Haeundae Ji-rang hahahahahahaha

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[07.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by: Sukbar

Ah… yesterday after dinner, I went to the hotel and then decided to attend LMFAO after-party, but… dozed for a while and woke up to find that the time was late….huh!!!! Is there anything worse than this??? What happened yesterday!!?!! Fresh liver failed in Japan due to adjustment to the time difference….
啊。。。昨天吃完晚饭后到宾馆决定去LMFAO After party,但。。。暂时打了个盹起来一看是这个时候了。。。哼!!!!有比这还冤枉的不???昨天到底发生了什么事情!!?!!生肝到日本后适应时差失败。。。

I’m on TV, kekekekekeke
我上电视了 呵呵呵呵呵

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[04.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Slept 3 hours and went to school cri…. it was quite tough initially but suddenly I heard good news…. afternoon’s lessons are cancelled…. indeed, what one wishes for comes true… end of school…. ah…happy!!

Goodbye.. doggie Suni who thinks that she is a human… rested a while on the filming car and now going back to doggie school.. please transform back into a dog… doggie Suni sickness..

[01.10.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

I want to recommend you my favorite album for autumn. It’s one of the most immortal albums in my life. It’s my first listening to Verbal Jin’s RAP… ^^I strongly recommend it.


※ tenshi_akuma’s note: The pic is one of the album “Lucky 7” by 015B. You can preview and buy it from iTunes. And the song of the pic (probably it is the most popular song in this album) is the 4th song, “잠시 길을 잃다 (feat. 신보경)”
iTunes “Lucky 7” by 015B

[01.10.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Cold weekend, are eels fine. During filming break, actor Jang is also checking the footage that he has filmed, hope eels have a happy weekend ^^