[16.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter


“I hate… I hate… I hate…” I hate home without love. I hate my mother who collapses. I hate my father who refuses her. Above all, the most hateful thing is me, their child who exists in the discrepancy between them.
“싫어요… 싫어요… 싫어요…” 사랑없는 가정도 싫고 무너지는 엄마도 싫고 거부하는 아빠도 싫고 그 어긋남 한가운데 존재하는 자신이 가장 싫었던 아이

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[14.04.2011] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter highlights

UPDATE: April 15

In Japan he got trend as a word “爆ツイ (tweet storm)”.
“爆ツイ” has become very famous among eels. Even though we didn’t use hash tag, eels tweeted like “JKS started tweet storm (爆ツイ)” and it became a big trend during that period! 😉

* Shown here are 33 of his 71 tweets.
Shared by Sukbar

JKS: ah ya my battery .. bye cri
哎呀我的电池..bye cri

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[10.04.2012] Tree-J twitter

Credits: Tree J/Sukbar Weibo /Cristina Rona ECI

04-10-2012 9:48am
장어분들, 굿모닝! 어제 서준으로 변신한 장배우 잘 보셨나요? 포토그래퍼 서준 실장님은 어떤 손으로 사진을 찍는지 궁금하실 장어분들께 서준의 멋진 손을 살짝 보여드립니다. 오늘도 우리 모두 사랑비 닥본사!!

鳗鱼们,good morning!昨天有看到变身为徐俊的张演员吗?摄影师徐俊是用什么样的手来拍照的呢 给好奇的鳗鱼们看看徐俊帅气的手吧。今天大家也要守在电视机前看爱情雨哦!!

Good Morning eels! Did you enjoyed Actor Jang who turned into Seo Jun yesterday?
Eels, who are curious about the beautiful hands of Photographer Seo Jun that he uses to take photographs, This is a picture showing Seo Jun’s awesome gentle hands. Please watch Love Rain today as well!!

[09.04.2012] Tree-J twitter

English translation: sa_sha26

Dear eels, today is the Love Rain day where you will meet Seo Jun. Together with Seo Jun every Monday and Tuesday night. Please give lots of love to Actor Jang’s Seo Jun ^^
장어분들, 오늘은 서준을 만나는 사랑비요일이네요. 월, 화요일밤은 사랑비의 서준과 함께해요. 배우 장근석의 서준도 많이 사랑해주세요^^

[04.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Credits: KSC (Chinese translation), Sarah Ye (English Translation)
Original Tweet:
바쁜 현장속에서도 챙길건 챙긴다! 사,랑,비! 이틀 현장근무후 남는건 졸음! 언능 집에가서 잠잠잠 좀~ 처리할건 많은데, 몸은 하나! 하나?
Apr 04 2012, 8:01pm


At busy shooting site, get prepared for all we needed to. LOVE RAIN! After two days working on site, I’m so sleepy, I need to go home to take rest, there are lots of things need to do. Only have one body! One?

Is Sukkie watching LR??

[02.04.2012] Tree-J twitter

Good morning on the LR day! So as you eels can see, we never fail to watch LR on time, right? This pic was JKS wrapping bus and Jang Keun Suk^^ Have a nice LR day for all eels ^^
사랑비요일에 아침 인사드립니다. 오늘도 장어분들 사랑비 닥치고 본방사수 아시죠? 사진은 장근석 버스와 장배우랍니다^^ 장어분들 사랑비요일에 좋은 하루 되세요^^

[News] JKS will open “princejks.com” website

UPDATE: Text Translation of the video message from Jang Keun Suk about “www.princejks.com”
see above the video.
Credits: sukbar weibo English translation by Sarah Ye

According to Tree-J twitter, JKS’ new website “princejks.com” will open temporarily tomorrow. The details were announced on his present official website (http://www.jangkeunsuk.co.kr/).


JKS new website hasn’t opened yet: March 28

JKS’ official website will be renewed. soon. It is scheduled to open temporarily tomorrow (March 29). The official opening day is April 1st. You can enjoy messages from JKS, his photos, videos and more on the site. Cri-J 2nd-period fan club members can continue your activities there as heretofore. In addition, we plan to recruit his long-awaited 3rd-period fan club members from April. Thank you for your interest to newly-opened JKS website.

1. The new website address: www.princejks.com
2. After signing up as members, you’ll access all the menu (contents). If you don’t, you can access only “ABOUT JKS”. We don’t accept any sign-ups right now. Please wait until further notice.

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[26.03.2012] Twitter collection

Shared by Sukbar, Sasha Twitter
UPDATE Tree J twitter 26-03-2012 9:33pm

“장어들아! 사랑비 본방사수! 내가 이렇게 지켜보고 있다!! 다들 티비 앞으로~!!” 라고, 장배우가 장어들에게 전달해달라고 하네요^^ 조금있으면 <사랑비> 첫방송 시작합니다. 장어분들 재미있게 시청하세요^^
“Eels! hold Love Rain to death! I am going to keep watching you like this!! Everyone infront of the TV now~!!” said Actor Jang. That’s the message he wants to convey to eels^^ The first episode of Love Rain is going to start soon. Eels have fun^^

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[24.03.2012] Tree-J twitter

Creits: Tree J Company, Saha twitter

24 Mar 10:40am
<사랑비> 시사회 현장도우미 2분이 선정되셨습니다. 명단을 확인하시려면, 장근석 공식홈페이지 공지사항에서 확인하시기 바랍니다. 선정된 2분께는 답변 메일 드렸으니, 확인부탁드립니다. 신청하신분들 감사드립니다.
Translation: (Love Rain) Selection of 2 helpers for the website premiere. Check out the list of names in Jang Keun Suk’s official website. Those who are selected will be informed via e-mail. Please check it. Thanks for applying.

24 Mar, 10:00am
오늘 3월 24일(토) 오후 3시 5분, KBS 2TV에서, <특집다큐 신한류의 중심, 나는 장근석> 재방송합니다. 관심있는 장어분들께서는 챙겨보세요^^
Translation: Today, March 24(Saturday) 3.05pm, (“I am Jang Keun Suk” Documentary) will be aired on KBS 2TV. Eels who are interested, please watch it.