[11.03.2012] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Great Eastern Japan earthquake’s first anniversary… sincere sympathies to those who suffered in the great earthquake, best wishes for a fast recovery and cheering for you all

[10.03.2012] Twitter & Weibo

Filming in Hokkaido has ended successfully, actor Jang is greeting Keun-chan ^^ please look forward to Love Rain ^^
在北海道的拍摄顺利结束了,张演员见到根酱在打招呼呢^^ 请大家多多期待爱情雨^^
훗카이도에서 촬영 무사히 잘 끝내고, 장배우가 근짱을 만나 인사하네요^^ 사랑비 기대 많이 해주세요^^

AsiaPrince_JKS: Finally!

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[07.03.12] Japanese twitter

Shared by Sukbar

(1) Hokkaido is really good~~~ everything is so delicious (^_^)v (2) ah ah, photos are uploaded in the staff blog~~!
【120307日推更新】①北海道真好~~~东西好好吃呀(^_^)v ②啊啊,staff blog 里面上传了照片了~~!

Ice cream on top of the tree? ^^
【120307日推更新2】树上有冰淇淋? ^^

[03.03.12] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Actor Jang is still filming Love Rain in cold Hokkaido. Thanks to everyone for your interest in Team H’s “Can’t Stop”. Let you all see what actor Jang looks like today in Hokkaido ^^
张演员今天仍然在寒冷的北海道拍摄爱情雨。感谢大家对“TEAM H”<受够了>的热切关注,给你们稍微看看北海道张演员今天的样子吧^^

[News] World Prince Shop (WPS) opens on 29 Feb 2012!

Credits: Sweet on JKS Days

Jang Keun Suk’s official Japanese World Prince Shop (WPS) opens on 29 Feb 2012.

Open: 11am-7pm (365 days a year)
Address: Central Okubo bldg. 1F, 2-19-1, Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81 3-5272-8188
How to access: WPS is located near Shin-Okubo station (JR Yamanote line). When you walk out of ticket gates, turn right and walk along the street. The shop is located on the opposite side of the street, so I recommend you cross to the other side of the street at the crosswalk. Around 5 to 7 minutes later, you’ll find WPS (red mark). The next-door shop is a flower shop. If you can’t find it, you can ask passengers, showing the map below or Japanese address (新宿区大久保2-19-1 セントラル大久保ビル1F) or just ask them “Do you know where WPS, Jang Keun Suk Official Shop is?”

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[22.02.2012] Tree-J twitter

Shared by Sukbar

The happy LH performance has ended successfully. Now returning to Korea. Thanks, everyone! Everyone, please give lots of love to me and Team H~~~~~~
愉快的“LH”公演圆满的结束了.现在回韩国了.感谢大家!请大家多多爱我和”TEAM H”~~~~~~