[04.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Credits: KSC (Chinese translation), Sarah Ye (English Translation)
Original Tweet:
바쁜 현장속에서도 챙길건 챙긴다! 사,랑,비! 이틀 현장근무후 남는건 졸음! 언능 집에가서 잠잠잠 좀~ 처리할건 많은데, 몸은 하나! 하나?
Apr 04 2012, 8:01pm


At busy shooting site, get prepared for all we needed to. LOVE RAIN! After two days working on site, I’m so sleepy, I need to go home to take rest, there are lots of things need to do. Only have one body! One?

Is Sukkie watching LR??

5 thoughts on “[04.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter”

  1. Even the staff is so tiring and busy, you can imagine how Sukkie would be. 🙁 Take care, Sukkie!!! Hope you feel better.

  2. sukkie pls tc..dun b too hard on urslf..no one is perfect..jas do ur best..we will support u..luv jks 4evr..


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