Jason neglects me these days.. I should become more dreamy beauty.. I want to go to China..-_-
제이슨이 요즘 나에게 소흘하다.. 미모나 가꾸어야 겠다.. 중국가고 싶은데..-_-
From JKS / JKS official
[04.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
2012.05.04 12:15
It’s the end of puberty.. er, what a waste of my 5 months… Ahhh!!!
사춘기 끝 아..내 아까운 5개월… 쌰아앙!!!
[04.05.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter
2012.05.04 09:22
Good morning, eels. Actor Jang, who’s been shooting LR since early this morning as usual, takes a simple drink in place of a breakfast. Today we have Cri-J event! Have a good day for both Actor Jang and eels ^^
장어분들, 좋은 아침입니다. 오늘도 아침 일찍부터 드라마 사랑비 촬영중인 장배우는 간단한 음료로 아침식사를 대신하고 있네요. 점심때 크리제이 이벵도 있는 오늘! 장배우도 장어분들도, 힘나는 하루 되세요^^
[02.05.2012] Tree-J staff twitter
[02.05.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
[02.05.2012] Weibo
[30.04.2012] Tree-J twitter
2012.04.30 16:34
Now we found that some information of the staff blog and photos posted on “PrinceJKS.com” are uploaded on Weibo in China. If we find such situations again, we’ll force the member to withdraw from “PrinceJKS.com” membership. Please be forewarned.
현재 프린스JKS닷컴에 올려져있는 스텝글과 장배우사진이 중국 웨이보에 올라가있습니다. 계속해서 프린스JKS닷컴의 내용과 사진을 올리는것이 적발될경우, 홈페이지 회원에서 강제탈퇴 조치하겠습니다. 이 점 주의해주시기 바랍니다.
2012.04.30 16:36
“PrinceJKS.com” is the place which consists of members who love our prince and provides his information and photos to them. If you are really eels to love Jang Keun Suk, please keep our rules more carefully.
프린스JKS닷컴은 배우 장근석을 사랑하는 회원분들로 이루어진 공간이며, 그분들을 위해서 장배우의 소식과 사진을 알려드리는 곳입니다. 장배우를 사랑하는 장어분들이시라면, 더욱 소중하게 지켜주시기 바랍니다.
[29.04.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
English translation & summary: sa_sha26
*I altered some translations a little bit.
*Summary about what happened to him and made him tweet storm today:
He met an accident approximately around 5am in the morning, while rushing to Seoul for Love Rain filming. The front wheel of the car was damaged badly. If not because of the railing, the car might have been fallen off the cliff. But luckily, the person who was driving (MJ) managed to stop the car. The accident happen because of tiredness, his managers didn’t have any sleep and worked overtime together with Actor Jang. He wasn’t injured badly, but he’s in pain due to the wounds. But he still continued Love Rain filming after that, of course after a simple medical check up. He thought the serious consequence for not going to the filming set, so he chose to continue the filming today. The team were worried if Actor Jang would stop the filming because of tiring schedule and now the accident.
[26.04.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter
[24.04.2012] Tree-J staff twitter
[20.04.2012] Tree-J twitter
English translation: sa_sha26
프린스닷컴은 현재 한국분들의 회원가입을 받고 있습니다. 해외분들의 정회원 가입은 다음주부터 받을 예정입니다. 양해부탁드립니다. 프린스닷컴 FAQ http://www.princejks.com/member/faq.asp 확인해주세요.
JKSTweet Translation: Now PrinceJKS.com is accepting member registration. For international eels, registration will start next week. Please take note of that. Please check FAQ at www.princejks.com