Momo-suk pic?

Credits: shiro401 / naver
Just sharing a pic …. ok, I know I’m ogling at him, but he looks good in everything!

[News] Jang Geun Suk Suffered from Depression Due to Excessive Workload

English translation: jaychieh0208 @ Soompi
Thanks to Farina for the link.

Through an interview with Sports Chosun, Jang Geun Suk revealed that he had suffered from depression due to his excessive workload a while ago.

After filming for drama “Mary Stayed Out All Night”, he toured around Asia for fan meetings, and began filming for movie “You’re my Pet”. Not to mention he released singles and full-length album in between all these works; he even squeezed out time to film commercials. “In total, I had less than 25 days to rest in the past year.”

He further revealed that he had suffered from depression a while ago, “Fans tend to think I was taking a rest when I was not on TV, yet I was actually traveling abroad for work. Whether it was in Japan, Taiwan, or Singapore, I felt like I didn’t belong to anywhere.”

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Tree-J new address

The new address below should be with immediate effect since Tree-J made their office move on 20 July 2011.

Tree J Company
6th Floor, Tree J Building
40 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul 135-951
South Korea

Thanks to the various people who shared this information with us ^^

Shanghai Cri Show – Lounge H

Credits: bubblebee416

Ok, the Asia Tour is nearly over, but just in case you missed out lots of Shanghai Cri Show videos (like me), here’s something for relaxation on a Thursday night …..

[20.07.2011] JKS appearing outside Codes Combine shop

Updated 22 July 2011

Credits as tagged
Info from Sukbar


Jang Keun Suk has a Codes Combine autograph session on Thursday 21 July 2011. 100 queue numbers were supposed to be issued today at 11 am at the shop, but on Wednesday night, there were already more than 100 fans queueing. The Korean fans were not there yet; these fans who queued overnight were mostly from Japan.

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[19.07.2011] ZIP and mezamashi news

Credits & English subs: tenshi_akuma

Tenshi, thanks very much for subbing!

If you cannot see the English subs, at the bottom right-hand corner of the video, please click on the triangular up-arrow button and click on “CC”.


[Project] Gift

* Private & Confidential – Please do NOT re-post this information /pic anywhere else online. Much appreciated. *

19 July, 11.45 pm

Update 1
Almost committed the heinous sin of not introducing my team members for this project.
They are: Carol70, crazyoverjks, daydreaming and myself.

Update 2
Please refer to the section (IV) (2) below, where some explanatory guidelines have been added.

Update 3
For easy access to this post and project updates, please refer to the new page “Project” that is under the blog banner.



This is the first gift project that JangKeunSuk Forever Blog is undertaking. It’s not going to be a birthday present or Christmas present, but once we have completed the project, we will hand-deliver it to Tree-J in October 2011.

Many fans have been giving JKS lots of gifts, videos, scrapbooks and lots, lots more. As much as we are and want to shower JKS with gifts, really, the most important thing is not the gift itself, but that it is an expression of our love and support. As many have said on this blog and elsewhere, JKS is a multi-talented person but more than that, we support him because of his wonderful, fun and loving personality.

So, no matter which corner of the earth you’re from, so long as you are a JKS fan, all we need is perhaps just 5 to 10 minutes of your time to participate in this international project. Let us show to JKS how international he already is!

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[18.07.2011] Tree-J twitter

Tree-J twitter:

Eels, are you happy watching smap smap? JKS is looking forward to dancing shuffle in Seoul~~~ as a gift to you all, this is a pic of JKS backstage preparing to attend smap smap

张根硕贴吧官方微博:【TREE-J推特更新】(翻译:囧)鳗鱼们,samp samp 看的欢乐吗?jks一边期待着在首尔跳shuffle~~~出演samp samp的时候,在后台准备的jks的样子做为礼物给你们

[16.07.2011] Tree-J twitter


Tree-J twitter:

If eels have a change of heart, will remove its bones and organs, and put them on a stick to grill over charcoal fire!! Curry-man and Eel-man has already started preparation…!!

张根硕贴吧官方微博:【tree-j推特更新2】爬墙的话 把鳗鱼的骨头和内脏去掉 串起来放炭火上烤成料理!!咖喱男和鳗鱼男已经准备中了。。!!(翻译:颖)