[20.07.2011] JKS appearing outside Codes Combine shop

Updated 22 July 2011

Credits as tagged
Info from Sukbar


Jang Keun Suk has a Codes Combine autograph session on Thursday 21 July 2011. 100 queue numbers were supposed to be issued today at 11 am at the shop, but on Wednesday night, there were already more than 100 fans queueing. The Korean fans were not there yet; these fans who queued overnight were mostly from Japan.

Knowing that fans were queueing overnight, JKS sent 100 gifts (message and coffee) to the eels and made a surprise appearance at night outside the shop to check on the welfare of his fans and he also did the shuffle dance twice to encourage them!



When I read about it this morning, tears came to my eyes. I’m very touched by JKS’ action. Really, I haven’t heard of any other artiste being so concerned about their fans to this extent. Such a genuine and caring person – how is it possible not to love him more and more?


20 thoughts on “[20.07.2011] JKS appearing outside Codes Combine shop”

  1. He is really the best! Neither did I heard other stars who go out of their way to personally visit his fans to see their welfare. Usually, we read news how other stars treat those fans who are following them whenever they go but in JGS case he went on his way to see his fans whom he knows are queuing the night before his autograph session the following day.

  2. after the long long waiting, all the exhaustion were swept away, the Japanese eels have not waited for the wrong man….

  3. He’s truly prince…look at how he appreciate his fans,no wonder his fans recognise the most faithful and extravagant.. 🙂 i’m so proud to be one of his eels.. ^o^

  4. Dear Aphrael, after reading your summary, my heart melts ~ me too become emotional. Never before heard a super star goes out his way to seek fans’ well being and comfort. Sukkie had shown us so many times, in many ways, and in many countries, that he is sincerely care about his Eels.

    Awwwe……. Feeling so good inside to know my love for him is definitely not in vain.

  5. Sorry i accidentally pushed the enter button
    I just started watching K-dramas and you’re beautiful was the first drama that i ever watched from there became fan of JKS i have never ever liked any actor like this, but with JKS i search all the internet for any kind of news, pics, videos of him. I want to see him succeed in all of his movies, dramas or music.
    this craziness is all new to me sometimes when I can’t believe my own craziness i think why I like him so much and I hear news like this I remember he’s so sweet in real life as well as in acting
    anyway sorry for rambling I wanted to leave a message for a long time but never had the courage but I wanted to thank Aphrael for this blog

    • Thanks for dropping by – we love new eels too! ^^

      … maybe many of us here are already used to this craziness for JKS, wanting to know everything about him and also wishing very much for his happiness …. i remember this line from a drama, that loving someone is a good thing!

      and as we love and support him, it brings much happiness to our own lives too, doesn’ t it? 🙂

  6. this is the reason why i like and love him so much.. never in my life i’ve been crazy to an artist. only to Jang Geun Suk. keep it up Sukie. Hope that one day I maybe able to see you in person. God bless


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