Credits: mazzmaxx100
[22.04.11] JKS Autograph / photo-taking session – last 4 videos from Aphrael77
Credits: Aphrael77
My videos are all of various photo-taking groups, and the last one is the speech that JKS made before the event ended.
For more videos,
[22 Apr 2011] JKS at Changi airport
Having had no experience in chasing stars at airports, I thought I was late when I reached Changi airport at 10.15am, but it turned out I was way too early and no one else was there. Apparently Singapore is different from China.
Then I met up with friend SY, we had time to get lunch too. A couple of hours prior to JKS’ arrival time, Changi airport staff had already set up metal barricades such that it formed a path to the exit, so we knew we were at the right spot, and we took up different strategic positions behind the barricades in order to get videos with different view.
Then Rongling joined me (the first time we met up ^^ ). I noticed a white car outside the exit, and thought that it would be JKS’ transport, which turned out to be right. Rongling and I took turns to go out and take photos of the white, long limousine, and joked that his car was so obvious that it would be visible to spot on the road. After that, it was back to waiting again.
Jang Keun Suk’s flight landed at 2.20 pm.
[Note] Delay of video post
Hi gals,
I hate to go back on my word, but have to apologise for the delay of that subtitled Chinese entertainment news video due to a technical error.
I spent 3 hours last night trying to figure out why the video came out black-and-white in VirtualDub.
Previewed the input video which is fine in colour, but when I “Preview filtered” and “Preview output video”, it’s black-and-white.
Got to delay this …. 🙁
If anyone can help, thanks in advance!!
I’m late!! Got to rush to airport! See you later! ^^
[Personal] FM preparation
Some friends may recall that I bought a camera in Feb this year in preparation for the FM ^^
The second thing I did was to customize an A3-sized lightboard so that I can blind JKS with it for two hours at the FM, literally so because it is very very bright. I tried it yesterday at night and it illuminated my dark room. Now I know I can use it as back-up for a black-out … lol…
The next thing I did was to go and customize this.
[CF] Nature Republic video 2
Credits: phonzzi
————————— Translated message —————————
“Japanese friends, hello, I am Jang Keun Suk. I like Nature Republic products very much, they are also popular in Korea. Please try the products, you’ll be satisfied.”
————————— END —————————
Chinese translation: Sukbar
张根硕贴吧官方微博:【槿爱SUKの视频】【0421】“日本的朋友们。大家好,我是张根硕。我非常喜欢Nature Republic的商品,在韩国也很有人气,大家一定要试一试哦,一定会满意的”
[News] JKS: “I have realized my childhood dream”
21 April 2011 – Jang Keun Suk has long wanted to buy a building since young, and now is the owner of a building worth 10 billion won.
This morning via our reporter’s telephone interview, JKS’ representative clarified that JKS has recently bought a 6-storey building, not for investment purposes. Since young, JKS has a liking for buildings. He is very good at being thrifty and doesn’t waste money. He bought the building from his accumulated savings. And his recent career development is very good, and he has indeed earned much.
Buying a building has been earlier than expected, but there is no other meaning in it. JKS is now very busy with his promotional activities. This has been made possible because of fans’ love, and JKS has always been working with a grateful heart.
Credits: KoreaStarDaily
Chinese translation: KeunSukChina
Download full-length MV and BTS videos
Credits and special thanks to Sukkieno1
OMG, the English-subtitled MV is wonderful!!! And it comes with all the behind-the-scenes videos too!!
Erm, if you want to keep the MV for your own appreciation …. go and download it from the mediafire website!!!
Engsub+kara Full MV Let me cry + BTS:
link online:
enjoy eels:x
[20 April 2011] JKS – dinner with Ole winners
For the 20 Ole lucky winners who won a free trip to Korea and dinner with Jang Keun Suk, their dream was realized today. I recall it wasn’t easy to win too, with the option of buying lots of sweet wrappers to attach to lucky draw entries or buy lots of sweets and accumulate points. Even heard that a girl spent over thousands of dollars in order to accumulate points ….
The winners were treated to a tour of Tree-J company in the morning, and even got to see Sunni! Unfortunately, JKS had a cold and was resting at home. (Hope he recovers soon!)
Dinner today must be a really sweet affair. The restaurant was personally selected by JKS. He attended the dinner wearing a white T-shirt and denim jacket, with his hair let down. One of the prizes for the winners was a heart and key necklace and the keys are kept by JKS to symbolize that the hearts of his eels are locked to his and only he has the key (awww….so sweet ^^ ). He even put the necklace on for each girl!
“Let me cry” full MV
Credits: KeunSukChina
Wow! Credits to amazing eels who can do almost everything on earth. This is probably illegal, so please don’t report me ^^