[Info] Free registration to view JKS’ full-length “Let me cry” MV & other pics on NicoNico website!
Credits and special thanks to tenshi_akuma
The MV and other pics will be up on NicoNico website from 20 April 2011 (12 noon Japan time) to 21 April (midnight) for 36 hours only.
To check time differences, you can go to http://www.timegenie.com/preferences
Below are the steps on how to register a free account in order to access the MV.
0) Visit the site(click HERE).
1) Click on the white button with TV icon ( “アカウント新規登録” in Japanese ) , in the top right hand corner.
Commemoration video by Baidu Sukbar
Credits Baidu Sukbar
—————— Message at end of video ——————
Jang Keun Suk
From now to forever
We will walk together with you
16 April 2011
Jang Keun Suk officially signed an exclusive contract with agent company HS Media for the Greater China region. To Chinese eels, this is an extremely blissful moment. Abiding by our promise, we will accompany you on the journey.
—————— By Baidu Sukbar ——————
Aphrael77’s note:
A nice video made by Sukbar in commemoration of JKS’ contract signing with HS Media, it’s a brief but illuminating showcase of JKS’ works from his younger days to date (I wonder why Hwang Jin-I is missing) – every single character is so memorable. He is Jang Keun Suk – a fantastic actor first and foremost, and a star we all love because he touches our hearts in so many ways.
His Asia Tour 2010 is just a start, and I certainly look forward to many more fan-meetings, concerts, dramas, albums and more from JKS! And 5 days to seeing him in Singapore on 22 April !!!
[17.04.2011] JKS departing Shanghai airport
JKS departing Shanghai airport, posted with vodpod
Credits: KeunSukChina
Well, this video is not very clear and we only get to see JKS for a few seconds, but the main purpose of this video is to see how popular he is!