[22 Apr 2011] JKS at Changi airport


Having had no experience in chasing stars at airports, I thought I was late when I reached Changi airport at 10.15am, but it turned out I was way too early and no one else was there. Apparently Singapore is different from China.

Then I met up with friend SY, we had time to get lunch too. A couple of hours prior to JKS’ arrival time, Changi airport staff had already set up metal barricades such that it formed a path to the exit, so we knew we were at the right spot, and we took up different strategic positions behind the barricades in order to get videos with different view.

Then Rongling joined me (the first time we met up ^^ ). I noticed a white car outside the exit, and thought that it would be JKS’ transport, which turned out to be right. Rongling and I took turns to go out and take photos of the white, long limousine, and joked that his car was so obvious that it would be visible to spot on the road. After that, it was back to waiting again.

Jang Keun Suk’s flight landed at 2.20 pm. Considering that it’s possible to clear Singapore customs in 15 minutes, he took a surprisingly long time to come out at nearly 3 pm. As usual, his appearance was heralded by screams and an intensifying atmosphere. He smiled, waved and exited straight to the waiting car. At that point, the 100 plus fans who were there all lost control and we rushed out after him. The fans (minus me taking photos on the sidewalk) surrounded his limousine on the road, and his car could not move off!! After 2 – 3 minutes and some shouting and chasing by airport security, the fans cleared off the road reluctantly and immediately, JKS’ limousine zoomed off and following his limousine was another 4 Porsche sports cars that zoomed off too. If JKS didn’t make a grand entrance, he sure made a grand exit!

[youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYnz6gP8jFE]

We had to wait 1 or 2 minutes for Rongling’s husband to come by in his car, and by that time, there was no sign of JKS’ car at all. We thought we had lost him, and decided to drive in the direction of the city in case we could spot his car along the way. I didn’t have much hope, and so we chatted in the car. Besides my friend SY and Rongling, a third girl had jumped into the car with us at the airport, and I thought she was SY’s new-found friend. SY thought she was my new-found friend, so SY and I stared at each other. What?! An unknown stranger (albeit eel) had jumped into the car with us??….. I don’t know what happened, but after that we exchanged names and made friends …..

As we were talking, suddenly Rongling’s husband interrupted and said that was JKS’ car behind us on the expressway. We all turned around, spotted JKS’ long white limousine and screamed excitedly!! I must admit I screamed the loudest! It seemed that his car was deliberately going at a slow speed. We slowed down for his car to pass us, and that video is of his car passing us!

[youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3RKjnW5dtI]

We followed his car to the hotel. We jumped down from our car and caught up just as JKS came out of his car. I didn’t spot him immediately as he was surrounded by so many people. The whole group passed the lobby where there was already a whole crowd of fans waiting for him and taking pic/videos. He went up to his room.

And that was the end of my airport wait and 1st time chasing a star in a car from the airport to the hotel. It was a tremendously exciting experience. And to another friend who said that it was good that I met JKS… I can only say, I didn’t see JKS at all. Trying to capture JKS on video is good, but it means that I didn’t set my eyes on his real person at all, and really, I feel like I haven’t seen JKS at all 🙁

I’m now at Marina Square grappling with terrible internet connection, and later, I won’t be taking pic/video (unless I have the extra time) because I want to see JKS with my eyes, and not through the camera lens. I’m sure the media will generate enough pics and videos.

37 thoughts on “[22 Apr 2011] JKS at Changi airport”

  1. thank you, Apharel, your FA is so exciting:x
    Rongling’s is so lucky to have such a kind husband, I hope my man would as much tolerant as him.
    Poor you, Apharel, u couldn’t see Suk with you eyes but through the camera, so take the advantage of 2nite to see him, touch him. Wish u a best night:X

  2. hahaha…..a stranger eel had jumped into the car!!! this part is really funny!!!
    yeah that’s true…you should see him with your own eyes, sometimes we should think of our self and not too generous to others…kkkk (^u^)

    • buddy, I finally see Sukkie with my own QQ eyes and he really is like what we see from vids….I really enjoy the part when the eel fans gave Sukkie a welcome dance with Sukkie’s CF song “Just Drag” & all holding cabbage and presenting to Sukkie LOL… and Sukkie said “Thanks you, this is awesome!!”

      • I was part of that dancing group… we didn’t have enough space to dance.
        how did the dance look? Ok?

      • aphrael77, the dance is GREAT!!! combination of catchy “Just Drag” and MMM’s cabbage theme is really a good idea to welcome Sukkie & I could feel he is very touched by the eel fans for spending 1 month to prepare the dance to greet him ^_^
        All of you are really like a super Cheer team!!! I didn’t notice about how the space constraint you have for the dance as I was viewing at an angle facing the stage…

  3. Thank you for your hard effort to take videos ^^

    I’m really excited to watch them as if I were with you.

    I hope JKS’s cold has got better now.

  4. I must admit I am so excited that I can’t sleep tonight. I hold his hand twice! And I greet him in the airport, so close walk with him to the hotel lift, then take a photo just in front of him! Wa, thanks, our prince!

    • @ rongling,

      as you were so close to him several times today, pls tell me, is he really much more handsome than his pic/video/drama? as for me, he’s still a kind of fantasy, as i never see him in person. You have, so can you pls kindly describe how gorgeous and hot he is? plssss…… if you dun tell me, i cannot sleep tonight, but i think even after getting your answer, i wun be able to sleep also… imagining our price’s features… sigh

      • oh my oh my! youre sooo lucky! i was laughing by myself so hard here reading about your new friend LMAO!!

  5. So exciting…when you said that screamed the loudest, i feeled pain in my throat^O^

    Thanks for your fine described and pics/vids~

  6. Thank for the fast update. Agreed with you, I was so busy in taking video at MS just now and didn’t really have to see his real person from my own eye. It was only when JSK was going to leave MS, I have gone to the area before the lift lobby. All the eels were so excited and I was like carry away by the wave when JKS was moving from the back stage towards to the lift. He was just half a meter away from me. He is really very handsome and beautiful, fair skin with perfect complexion.

    By the way, I will try to email u the video that I have taken, considered pretty good, I guess. Do you know way to reduce file size or website that allow very very large attachment? I have taken it in HD and I think the file will be in terms of GB.

    • Please download it here to share it with us. Thank you.
      Thank you Aphrael|77 for being a generous and dedicate eel and sharing.

      • Can you teach me how to do it? I got 2 videos, one is 404MB and the other one is 1.02 GB.

    • @ chicken little,

      thanks in advance for sharing …. I’m sure there are many ways of doing it, but here’s my unprofessional way ^^

      (1) Download free Prism file converter (valid for few days before it expires)
      – convert your video file to wmv, hopefully that makes it smaller than 200 MB
      – if still big-sized, before you convert, click on “Encoding Option” at bottom and change video bitrate to 2084

      (2A) You can upload to Youtube and email me the link (will email you)


      (2B) Try uploading to Mediafire and send me the link

      Thanks so much!!

      • aphrael77, I was looking for the fans in JKS caps but couldn’t find at Marina Square….may be too many ppl but from the Changi Airport vids, you really have an eventful day too at the airport especially on the express way ^_^

    • I just came home and still excited of today’s event at Marina Square. I was there at the lift lobby too ^_^ as that is the only way he has to go through..I manage to catch a glimpse of his smiling face as he past by…he is like a Prince indeed!!! I was there from 7pm till he left and I enjoy the whole session as he is just like what I saw from vids, just friendly & so nice to see the 10 fingers greeting & hugs for fans…but I didn’t manage to take any photo as so many fans (both ladies & guys) are holding the professional cameras to take pict of Sukkie..I only have my phone camera with me LOL…and I really want to see him with my eyes, not through the lens…like what aphrael77 has mentioned ^_^

      • Have managed to reduce the file size, but the quality has been compromised as well…. Now I am trying to upload to mediafire.com, but it seems to take ages…..May be I will do Part 1 and leave part 2 to tomorrow……

  7. @ aphrael,

    thanks a lot for the video and blog, you are the most dedicated and unselfish eel. but i must really salute you.. LOL… apart from your unselfish characteristic, how can you really be able to control yourself not to chase him? if i were u, i would have chased him all the way and shouted and forgotten about the camera, or even forgotten my name…:)

  8. Just update u dearies…JKS returned to hotel abt 15 mins ago. Eels there so cute, all said so gently ‘good nite’ to him 🙂 I was too stoned to really register how JKS looked tho :p nite all, looking fwd to tomorrow’s fm!

  9. waaai~~ thanks for sharing your great experience in chasing Sukkie~~~ :3 i really wish i was there too! to all who saw him earlier, you sure are lucky! be sure to update us on his activities again later 😀 i can’t wait to hear great news again!

    thanks again Aphrael77! ^_^ <3 <3 <3


  10. Thank’s so much aphrael for sharing and updating us on what happened during the
    photograph session…Many first happened only with JKS, first meet up with new friends and I’m sure the eel who ride in your car is one of your friend and now folllowing your blog…Nice cam, you captured nice vid & photo…Though I only watch and saw pix in my my laffy, I can’t help my self to scream and shout too…hehehehe

  11. Thank you so much aphrael for giving us informations about jks, can i ask what hotel is he now? i’m already here in singapore since april 19 to wait and look for him. i just came here ‘coz of him.

  12. VERY NEAR YET SO FAR….come closer to you step by step….you make me cry like a child….eventhough it hurts …. still praying and hoping….GOD Bless you always JKS..

  13. @Aphrael AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Thanks for the fan account! The part about the stranger in the car is pure comedy hahahaha so funny!!! You’re so lucky, I hope you have a blast and take some time to have a gooood look at him at the meeting!!

    @Rongling LUCKY GIRL!!!!! I’m so envious right now lol

  14. Aphrael/Rongling, it’s a pity that I didn’t get to know you at the airport. Otherwise, I will drive behind your car and follow JKS all the way to the hotel too. So envious of you gals!! But I got to know 3 other Sporean fans, 3 Indonesian fans & 2 Malaysian fans as we were all standing just directly outside Belt 32 waiting anxiously for JKS’s arrival.
    Although I didn’t manage to buy the pass for autograph/photograph sessions, I was equally excited that night that I couldn’t sleep. That was the first time I saw JKS in person with my own eyes 🙂 Thanks for sharing your fan accounts, photos and video.
    If JKS were to come to Spore again, let’s do something for him together 🙂

    • Ha, although I complaied waiting JKS 2 hours and only catch a second of JKS, not in my own eyes but through camera lens, some more my special purchased for airport used camera, didn’t work out, I even didn’t catch a single picture in airport.

      But I am already looking forward to greeting him in his next FM in Singapore, with two lesson learned:
      1) Just look him in my own eyes, don’t waste my time to take any picture, anyway next moment there will be professional picure out in internet.

      2) Stick with friend, enjoy our accompany.

      3) Car chasing is really worth it, anyway the limousine was being drived very slow…..

      Thanks, Aphrael, SY, Ziyi, make our waiting so much fun. and welcome new friends join.

  15. hi!

    i’m a new jks fan, just finished watching mary me, mary and can’t stop scouring for his other dramas/movies…. i found your site when i was browsing about jks, just want to say thank you for a comprehensive site in english! i’m from sg too 🙂


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