[10.11.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

The JKS app keeps sounding right now T_T I don’t know what caused it yet ㅠ Really sorry to disturb you late at night… We are contacting the person in charge of the app, but because it’s midnight, the investigation of the cause will be tomorrow morning T_T Please understand the situation T_T I’m also confused about the app keeps sounding hahaha T_T
지금 어플 계속 울리고 있는데 ㅠ 아직 원인은 모릅니다 ㅠ 새벽에 죄송합니다… 일단 어플 담당자에게 연락을 하였고, 새벽시간이라서 원인파악이 내일로 미뤄질듯합니다 ㅠㅠ 양해부탁드려요 ㅠ 저도 울려지는 어플에 당황중 하하하 ㅠ
tenshi_akuma’s note: This didn’t happen not all users’ app.

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[04.11.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Eels who came and see Prince on a cold day~ please be careful when you go home! Thank you always ^^
추운날 프린스보러 오신 우나기분들~ 조심히 돌아가세요! 항상 감사합니다^^

Prince’s effect on weather seems to disappear. Yesterday it was a beautiful sunny day, instead today is cloudy and windy.
프린스 날씨 효과는 사라진듯, 어제는 날씨가 디게 좋고, 오늘은 흐리고 바람 으이

[30.10.2012] jksjapan twitter

The closing date for Jang Keun Suk 20th anniversary commemorative stamps at post offices is tomorrow! You can apply on the internet by Nov. 4th. ^^ Who will get his autographed postcard~?
20周年記念切手の郵便局店頭受付はいよいよ明日で締切! ネット受け付けは11/4までです^^ サイン入りポストカードは誰の元へ~?

[29.10.2012] Tree-J twitter

“Online Game Audition 2” Press conference starts soon in Chengdu, China. Sina will webcast it live. Eels who are interested in it, please refer ot the link below.
<온라인게임 오디션2> 중국 성도에서 곧 기자회견 시작합니다. 시나에서 생중계가 가능합니다. 궁금하신 장어분들은 아래 링크로 참고하시기 바랍니다. http://t.co/jA07HHg9
tenshi_akuma’s note: I heard that the link (webcast service) wasn’t available. So Tree-J staff shared some videos on twitter.

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[28.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

As Prince was so excited to play with Suni during the encore stage yesterday, a bell fastened to Suni’s neck and baby Suni disappeared… T_T Baby Suni~ where are you? T_T
어제 프린스 앵콜중, 겁나 순이와 신나버린덕분에~ 순이 목에 딸랑이 방울과~ 아가 순이가 사라졌,,, ㅠㅠ 아가 순이야~ 어디간거니? ㅠㅠ

Prince enjoyed the encore. It was good. T_T But that baby Suni seems to get into somebody’s hands T_T I never imagined that Baby Suni 1 would lose the master T_T Grief without her photo T_T
프린스가 즐기면서 앵콜한거니까 그걸로 된거지만 ㅠㅜ 그 아가 순이는 아무래도 누군가의 손으로 갔을듯 ㅠㅠ 아가 순이 1호가 주인을 잃어버리다니 ㅠㅠ 사진도 없는 이 슬픔 ㅠㅠ

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