[article] First release of “Feel the Beat” MV: consecutive 30 hour filming

Source: www.people.com.cn
English translation: Aphrael


Recently, Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk revealed a series of H Films on Weibo, appealing to fans to “run quickly” to greet the coming of Team H China Year. JKS who is singing in Chinese for the first time received fans’ compliments upon the release of the song. Initially JKS was very worried about the Chinese lyrics, but at gaining the confirmation from Chinese fans, he expressed his happiness. Having had good results, JKS has never stopped his pursuit of the music he loves. JKS’ Greater China agent company HS Media, in strategic collaboration with Ocean Butterfly Music, announces the album’s digital release on 20 Feb 2013 and the physical album “I just wanna have fun” on 27 Feb in the whole of Asia.

JKS turns into “Wild MV Man” and challenges the extreme in language for new album

Actor JKS says of the MV filming for the preparation of this Korean album, “Very interesting. Although I started work from young, I had not filmed MV until I was 21 years old. Now I film MV once a month, and six MVs in this year!”

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[19.02.2013] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2013-02-19 12:00:01
What is Team H? 6
Today’s H-Film is more normal than usual.
This was filmed when I was Prince.
I remember the time we were unified with the audience
at a huge arena, at Team H party.
Team H party will start this week in Hiroshima.

Title: What is Team H? 6
H-Film きょうは久々に正常な映像でアップ。
あの広いアリーナでみんながTeam Hのパーティで

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[18.02.2013] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2013-02-18 12:01:03
What is Team H? 5
I’ll show you a really odd Team H video!
At present, BIG BROTHER just holds Japanese vocabulary lists and pretends as if he were reading.
On the other hand, look how marvelous your Boss’s speaking skill is!!

Text translation of the video:
JKS: Did you have fun, everybody? Did you have fun, you upstairs? Are you sure? Did you have fun, you at the back? I feel so good, too. How about you, Big Brother?
Big Brother: Tokyo is great [Saikou]! (Saikou means great in Japanese)
JKS: Hey, don’t pronounce Saikou, but Pshyco.
Big Brother: Tokyo, Pshyco. Pshyco. (BB is trying to say Tokyo is great.. kk)
JKS: Yeah, Tokyo is great [Pshyco]! Eels, you’re great, too!

Title: What is Team H? 5
本格的に変なTEAM Hの登場!
BIG BROTHERは現在、日本語の単語帳を持って読んでるふりだけ

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[17.02.2013] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2013-02-17 12:00:00
What is Team H? 4
This is the reality of Team H…
As I said before, as a member of Team H,
Prince is dead!!!!
Chozer!!! (Kind of ‘Cheer up!’)
I applied a compress (Japanese brand name ‘Salonpas’) for a couple of days…

Title: What is Team H? 4
これがTeam H の現実…
前も言ったけどTeam Hにおいて

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[News] JKS performs in Shanghai on 16 March: ornate style of new album revealed

Source: NetEasy Entertainment
Date: 17 Feb 2013
English translation: Aphrael

Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk is about to release his first official Korean album “I just wanna have fun”, and since the beginning of the new year 2013, his new songs have been released. After the rising popularity of the first single “What is your name”, the second song “Feel the Beat” in which JKS sang in Chinese for the first time will be released today. Recently, JKS released a few performance videos on Weibo to call out to fans to “run quickly” to welcome the coming Team H’s China year.

JKS ordered pizza for team to keep warm and challenged Chinese lyrics for Chinese fans

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[16.02.2013] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2013-02-16 12:00:05
What is Team H? 3
One H-Film is planned to be released every day!!
From today much wilder videos will be released.
This is a real video…
Ah~ Even uploading this by myself made me embarrassed.. -_-
kkkkk But, this is Team H!!!!!!
For your information, tomorrow much more embarrassing video will be released. kk kk
I give you homework today as well!!
Look for the meaning of ‘H’!!!
(This is the video we performed at Zepp 2 years ago)

Title: What is Team H? 3
wwwwwしかしこれもTeam Hだ!!!!!!
(これは2年前のTeam HのZepp公演映像)

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[15.02.2013] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2013-02-15 11:34:08
What is team H? 2
Well, as I promised, I upload h film self-edited with Ankou Producer today.
Today as well, I named this post ‘What is team H? 2’,
but for those who are curious about ‘what Team H party is like….?’,
I’ll tell you beforehand..
Today you’ll see our wilder side in the video..
For your information, our dirtier side will be released one after another tomorrow. kkkkkk
Everyone, please try to look for what ‘H’ of team H means~
We’re still struggling to find the meaning…..
Anyway, please enjoy watching this!

Title: What is team H? 2
さあ、約束どおり今日もアンコpdと一緒に直接編集した h flim upします
今日も What is team H? 2 のタイトルでお送りしますが
いったい team H の partyとはどんなだろう….というのが気になる方々のために事前におしえます..
今日はそろそろ wildに近づいてる姿を公開..
ちなみに、明日からは本格的な dirtyに近い姿がぞくぞくと公開されます ㇰククㇰクク
みなさんも team Hの 「H」 の意味を探してください~
では たのしく見てください!

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[News] Team H/ JKS official Ameba blog open

Credits: Ameba blog

As he announced beforehand, today, on Feb. 14th at 12:00, Team H/ Jang Keun Suk official blog opened on Ameba blog (a.k.a. ameblo), Japanese popular blog service. He opened this blog to promote Team H spirits to the world. And he expects that this platform is good to let people who don’t know Jang Keun Suk or Team H well realize who they are. Especially he expects to get more men’s fans! To show them, he’ll try to post one never-seen-before video each day. By doing so, even who can’t attend Team H party nearly held in Japan will understand them.
You can access the blog without registration. Big Brother already has his ameba blog, but he hasn’t updated for a while… -_-; Anyway, please access the blog often and promote it to the world! Zikzin!!


[flash news] Ticket Information for Team H Show in Shanghai March 16 2013

Credit Sukbar
Jang Keun Suk Shanghai Concert Tickets are now accepting preorder on Damai website. We suggest you to got Damai to purchase the tickets. You can choose your seat on line on Damai website. The early paid people, after Damai issue the tickets, you can choose your seat early, so please don’t wait for group order from Sukbar.

Time: Mar 16 2013
Venue: Shanghai Mercedes Benz Culture Center
Ticket order site: http://www.damai.cn/ticket_46395.html

Sukbar haven’t got notice about group order from agent company, so we are not doing group order right now. Also the tickets from group order, you can not choose seats on line, we only can guarantee you for the tickets but not good seating. So if you want to have good seats please consider carefully to join the group order through Sukbar.

When you order your tickets, please make sure it is from Damai official website, or through fan clubs which have assigned by the agent company. All the Jang Keun Suk Shanghai concerts tickets won’t use private email/message (such weibo, baidu, QQ QQ chat, mobile phone etc) to sell tickets. So please becareful and do not believe these kind of selling scheme with wiring money. They might be fraud.

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[article] Jang Keun Suk Come Back with New Album in Feb and the First Song of the Album Revealed

Original source: 永乐票务
Translation: Springsuk_USA

2013, “Asia Prince” Jang Keun Suk’s Grand Asia Agent Company HS Media and Ocean Butterfliers Music are working together. They just announced Feb 2013 will first time release Jang Keun Suk’s Korean Full album “I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN” in China. The strong joining of Ocean Butterflies Music gives real meaning that Jang Keun Suk’s music work will be released in Asia simultaneously. So Chinese fans will hear the album at the same time with other Asian countries, even have the chance to hear some the music or see the MV from Jang Keun Suk’s first full Korean album in advance.

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[news] JKS Says Chinese Is Not Easy and He misses Street Food in Taiwan_20130123

Original source: YAHOO奇摩
Translated by Springsuk_USA

Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk (JKS) will release his new album in Taiwan, this seems have extraordinary momentum. His Korean company Tree J and his Grand Asia agent company HS Media are workgin with Warner Music (Taiwan) to release his new Korean full album “I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN” in Taiwan and other Asian countries synchronously on Feb 20. Taiwan music company is up tight for this release now, especially JKS is the first Hallyu Star to release digital album on iTune with Warner Music, Everything is getting high class treat. The new album is hot on preorder now. Start from Feb 05, the digital edition will be on preorder on iTune in many Asian Countries. The CD/DVD will be released on Feb 20. Besides the big promotion through countries, this also shows JKS gets high class treatment specifically.

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[news] Team H song from New Album “What Is Your Name” will go trial release in China on Jan 25_20130122

Original source: 凤凰网娱乐, 新浪娱乐

“Asia Prince” Jang Keun Suk, recently revealed 2013 New Team H Album behind the scene pictures on weibo, within 24 hours, 50,000 fans has left comments. Also first time Jang Keun Suk has new year countdown with his Chinese fans. He was on Hunan TV New Year Countdown Show and sang a Chinese song. He said his new album is undergoing busy preparation. His first Korean single “What is your name” will be first released in China on Jan 25.

This song is talking about meeting a girl and very eagerly to know her name.

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[Info] Taiwan version of Team H album


Pre-order is available, but delivery within Taiwan only.

Latest Korean official album (12 songs)
Taiwan version Double Fun Limited Edition A with big photo-book

[Double cover CD + limited JKS freebie]

Promo price: NT$438

Product details
● 18.6 cm x 26.5 cm big hard-cover (book) packaging, a worthwhile collection for eels!
● JKS X BIG BROTHER double cover design!
● Inside is a limited JKS freebie:double side poster (60cm x 40cm)
(The poster freebie is limited in the first album launch,will not be available in future re-productions. Please look forward to the poster design which will be released soon.)
● 17cm X25cm big-sized JKS 20-page photo cum lyrics book (design different from Edition B)
● with Chinese lycrics translations
● pre-order receipt available to those who order before 19 Feb!!!

Taiwan version Luxury Collectors’ Edition B [CD+DVD]

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