[15.09.2012] Tree-J twitter

The second day of “2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour THE CRISHOW2 in Osaka” starts soon! Eels, please be ready to have fun ^^ Let’s enjoy together today ^^
<2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 오사카> 두번째날 공연 곧 시작합니다. 장어분들 즐길 준비해주세요^^ 오늘도 장어분들 함께해주세요^^

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[14.09.2012] Tree-J twitter

Music Video “STAY”, one of songs included in Jang Keun Suk’s official album, will be released at 6:00 pm today. Eels who have been waiting for the MV, please click the link below and watch it ^^
장근석 정규앨범안에 있는 뮤직비디오가, 금일 오후 6시에 공개됩니다. 뮤직비디오를 기다리신 장어분들은 아래 링크에서 감상하시길 바랍니다^^

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[14.09.2012] Jang Keun Suk weibo + HD Screen Cuts from “Stay” MV

Credit: Jang Keun Suk weibo / jaylaqueen weibo

JKS: Kids, my new MV is out — the question is… is the story my real experience? yes? no/yes?, hahahha
@张根硕:Stay http://t.cn/zlPJpe3 얘들아 나 새 뮤직비디오 나왔쪄~~여기서 문제…이 내용이 나의 실제경험담일까 아닐까 큭큭큭

Share some HD screen cut made by Chinese eel (cri:jaylaqueen)


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[12.09.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

As soon as the train given by eels as a present started running, Prince asked me to tell him the train operation schedule everyday! Prince said he must get on it before leaving for Japan and promised to reward their present! Like this, Prince’s subway diary has started.^^
장어들이 선물해준 열차가 시작되자마자, 시간표를 매일 알려달라던 프린스! 출장전에는 꼭 타고 가야한다며, 장어들의 선물에 보답해주고프다는 우리 프린스! 프린스의 지하철 다이어리는 그렇게 시작되었답니다.^^

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[11.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

I want to ask you a sudden question even in the morning ㅡ Basically clothes should be thrown away after buying and wearing it only once? Why are people talking that I am a frugal and saving man after finding that I put on the same clothes twice?? I can’t understand -_-
아침부터 급질문 ㅡ 원래 옷은 한번 한번사면 한번만 입고 버리는거임? 왜 난 두번째입으면 다 나보고 근검절약 어쩌구 얘기하는거임?? 이해불가-_-

Boss Jang’s lunch time with acne injection. Ang What is Jang Gyaru?? I have no idea at all. kkk
장사장의 점심시간 여드름주사와 함께 Ang 장갸르가 뭐임?? 그런거 몰라몰라 ㅋㅋㅋ
tenshi_akuma’s note: The woman next to him is a doctor of skin clinic “AnG”. Sukkie seems to her client. Here is the video Sukkie attended AnG clinic renewal party ^^ Here is the official site, AnGclinic.com