[10.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

As I was back from vacation, I was planning to upload my vacation diary on twitter. But there are too many pictures, so I will upload them on my homepage~! Visit the homepage~~~ Join us! Register! Chozer Chozer~~ Kya Kya~~ Title will be – Zikzin list that I’ve never experienced in my life!
휴가다녀와서 휴가다이어리를 트위터에 올릴예정이었으나 사진의 양이 너무 많아 홈페이지에 연재합니다 ~! 홈으로 놀러오삼~~~ 가입가입~~~쵸져쵸져~~ 캬캬 타이틀 ㅡ 일생동안 경험해보지 못했던 직진리스트!

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[02.09.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter

During the performance, our Boss Jang said he booked a club!!!!! He invited tour staff and managers to promote friendship. And he’s now recommending them “This is delicious!” He remains the same as 4 years ago. It’s a reason I’m loyal to him 🙂
공연 때 클럽 예약했다고 말한 우리 장보스는!!!!! 음감, 밴마, 안무단장, 매니저 화합의 장을 도모, 주도하며 “요게 맛있다고” 권하는 중! 진짜 4년 전과 변함이 없다 내가 충성하는 이유 : )

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[30-08-2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Weibo and KSC (Chinese Translation)
English Translation: Sarah Ye

We go to eat Sichuan food, MJ is obviously -_- we should feed him hot peppers to scare him. kkkk
我们去吃四川菜~MJ又自己逃跑了-_-要喂他吃辣椒吓吓才行 咔咔
@张根硕 : 우린 사천요리 먹으러 간다~ MJ또 혼자 튄다-_-고추나 겁나 맥여야지 낄낄

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[30.08.2012] Tree-J twitter

Although our flight was delayed for 1 hour, we arrived in Taiwan safely. See you this Saturday at “2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour The Cri Show 2 in Taiwan” ^^
비행기가 1시간 연착이 되었지만, 무사히 대만에 잘 도착하였습니다. 이번주 토요일, <2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 대만> 공연에서 만나뵙겠습니다^^