[21.09.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Credit Jang Keun Suk weibo/sukbar weibo

JKS: Chinese eels, thank you very much… cri…chozer chozer… Bazaar Bazaar
【120921张根硕微博翻译】中国的鳗鱼们非常感谢~~cri~~chozer chozer~~~芭莎芭莎(翻译:土土)PS:你又偷别人的图
@张根硕 : 중국장어들 레알 땡큐~~크리~~ 쵸져쵸져~~~ 바자바자


BTS: Jang Keun Suk must get this picture from a Chinese eel’s weibo, she is the one who lives in Korea and helps lots of Chinese to order Jang Keun Suk related merchandises in Korea. Many Chinese eels ordered Korea Bazaar Oct Issue from her, you can see there are a lot. According to her, so far all the copies have been ordered and she still waiting from the bookstore if there are more to come out.

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[19.09.2012] Tree-J & jksjapan twitter

The opening day of “2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia THE CRISHOW2 in Nagoya” starts soon. Prince meets eels on his luner calender birthday! Eels, please give your support and cheering!^^ See you soon!
<2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 나고야> 첫번째 공연 곧 시작합니다. 프린스의 음력 생일날 장어분들과의 만남! 장어분들 마음껏 프린스를 향해 응원해주세요^^ 곧 만나뵙겠습니다!

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[18.09.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Weibo /Sukbar Weibo

JKS: The day after tomorrow.. Asia Prince is in Bazaar Korea (October) Chinese eels ah…! Start to save your bullets.. Korea Bazaar chozer!!! Come on let’s have a sold out!!!
【120918张根硕微博翻译】后天..亚洲王子Bazaar韩国(10月刊) 中国鳗鱼们啊….!!开始存子弹吧..韩国BAZAAR chozer!!!!来一次完售吧!!!(翻译:颖)
@张根硕 : The day after tomorrow.. Asia Prince is in Bazaar Korea(october) 중국 장어들아…!! 총알장전 시작하라..한국 바자 쵸져!!!!! 완판 한번 갑시다!!!

[17.09.2012] Tree-J staff & dancer twitter

Just for information, the earlier video with LMFAO on JKS official YouTube channel drew attention as getting more than 410,000 viewers… So for MV “STAY” we are targeting for 500,000 viewers. You’ll see a new look of Actor Jang in MV “Abracadabra”. Let’s give Prince the 500,000 viewings as a gift~
참고로, 엘엠에프에이오와 찍은 유툽 영상이 장근석 공식 유투브 채널에서 41만을 넘게 찍어서 화제가 되었던적이,,, 그러기에 스테이도 우리 50만을 찍어보아요. 아브라카다브라에서는 장배우의 새로운 모습을 볼 수 있답니다. 50만을 프린스에게 선물로~

It’s another sunny day. (>_<) Eating gummy candy, I start my morning with MV "STAY". http://youtu.be/4kK2NG4UXSY The photo was taken on the set of MV "STAY". Director Shimada Daisuke & Actor Jang Keun Suk.
今日もいい天気(>_<) グミを食べて STAY MVで始める朝 http://youtu.be/4kK2NG4UXSY 사진은 MV촬영현장 시마다 다이스케 감독님 & 장배우 pic.twitter.com/s3bN7a5Y twitter_1024

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