CF “Shufoo!” new vid

Credits: ShufooOfficial

New vids is out! This vid shows us their promotion plan to give Sukkie’s poster to their customers by lot. Luckily I got one! This CF vid is like a behind-the-scene vid, so you can enjoy without subtitles.


LAWSON sales campaign: Sukkie’s body pillow

Since JKS has become their sales ambassador, LAWSON has planned some sales campaign with JKS. For the newest campaign, LAWSON will offer the winner one of the most captivating gifts I’ve ever seen in my life, Sukkie’s full-length body pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you imagine if you are selected as one of the 300 luckiest winners? If I were selected, would I sleep well or not with huggy Sukkie?

Some pics of arena tour

At this arena tour, JKS has refused eels’ offer of gifts. Instead, he asks us to donate some money to the victims of March 11. He prepared the message card for people who donated.

*The message written in the card: “The bond”
Let’s take each other’s hands and live with energy. Pray for Japan!

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