JKS iPhone application

* Updated 9 April, 11.10 pm *

This is what JKS iPhone application looks like.

Some preliminary information about the application:
– you need to be the Korean official website member before you can use the application
– the application costs US$9.99
– something about your iPhone system requirement needs to be 4.3 or above, in order to install / run this application.

Credits: KeunSukChina

24 thoughts on “JKS iPhone application”

  1. From what I see from app store, it’s in Korean (unfortunately). I have to upgrade mu OS first before I can buy the app…. Hopefully I can have it tonight ^^

  2. I have seen this app on my iphone. But all in korean language.
    Have anybody bought this app, n make sure that the langguage can be changed into english?. Tq

    • Hi henny,

      I don’t have the application, but looking at the barbeque update from JKS, the screen options seem to be in Chinese, but then, the message that JKS posted is in Korean, so you won’t be able to understand that without help of (other) translators.

      Please think twice and hold on for a few days.
      Let’s see whether more info about this app surfaces, before you rush into buying anything.

      • Ha I was too eager to buy the app! But although I’m an official fanclub member with jangkeunsuk.co.kr, I can’t login… Sigh. Wasted US$9.99!!

      • I’ve heard about this problem, but i wonder why you cannot login since you’re a member?

    • Hi Jen,

      On the right side of this blog, under “Categories”, you will see “JKS Official Fanclub”.
      Please refer to the posts there.

      Also, if you want to join the fanclub to access the app, my suggestion is to hold on for a while.
      I hear from others that the app does not seem very well stocked with JKS information yet.
      Just fyi.

      • Aphrael, are you JKS Offical Fanclub member? I am thinking to join so that the app that downloaded will not be wasted. But I think I may hold on for a while first since you mentioned that app does not seem very well stocked with JKS information yet.
        On top of that, most of the news in Fanclub website and app is in Korean that I dont understand …….

      • Yes, I’m an official member, but I don’t have iPhone, so I’m not tempted by the app at all.
        If there is any news update, I can always go to his website directly.

        You know, not that I discourage people from joining JKS official website, but I think those considering to do so should be fully aware of what you can or cannot get from the website, so you don’t end up disappointed.

        (1) It’s entirely in Korean.
        (2) Photograph updates are few.
        (3) I haven’t seen any video updates.
        (4) As an overseas member, you don’t get the freebies they give to members residing in Korea.
        (5) Membership year ends in mid or end December regardless of your join date.
        This means if you join now and pay 20,000 KRW for this year, in actual fact, you only enjoy about 7 or 8 months.
        (6) Bank transfer fees that you have to pay on both sides is around double the amount of the membership fee.

        There are only 2 reasons why I join.

        (1) Show support for JKS.

        (2) If you can read Chinese, Sukbar posts Chinese translation of JKS’ blogs in the official website.
        His messages are generally very entertaining, from as many as 3 times a day (that was exceptional when something happened in Feb this year) or as few as once or twice a month.

        (3) Oh, there is a JKS merchandise online store.
        I have not bought anything from there, but they should be able to deliver to overseas address (my guess).
        Again, in Korean.

        The Chinese websites like Sukbar and KeunSukChina are very timely with JKS news, which is where I get my news from.

        So to all those considering, this is what I think about the situation ^^

      • Don’t worry Aphrael, you’re doing a great job! I feel so ‘informed’ about JKS’s moves everytime I come to your blog! 🙂

  3. Not sure why cannot login 🙁 sad… if I’m not the only one having this problem then how come the company can launch the programme without testing it first… haiz. Problem also is that I can’t read the error message! haha

    • ya, there’s been some feedback from unhappy fans… but you can try leaving a message in English on their official website, so that they can take note and resolve the problem ….

  4. Why I’m not official JKS but I pay for APP JKS already .I can not login. That’s mean this app need fanclub to be official JKS ??? Please let me know.

      • Au, you can still log on to the App after you register under the App (free of charge). There are 2 pink buttons on the main page when u launch the App. One of them is for registration. But I cant remember which is the one unless you can read the Korean word there. Some of the functions like events seem not available to non-offical fanclub member.

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