As of 11 April, 1.18 pm China time
1. Jang Keun Suk 62,220 votes
2. Kim Hyun Joon 27,672 votes
3. Hyun Bin 3,342 votes
Thanks to all the eels who are voting, JKS is leading by a wide, wide margin! And even better news is that I can access the GCMA website during the day today, and hopefully that is the same case for all of you, which means that we can continue voting for JKS!
If we continue to vote, there is no reason why JKS will lose!
For specific instructions on how to vote, please go to this post.
yes….we’re keep voting and bringing him to the sky…
on the top of all candidates…
Wowwww … So gratefully … JKS’s top votes . He’s the best .
We love you … JKS !
Besides PC, can use handphone to vote too. I did that during last Sat & Sun coz my office blocked the access. I will cont’ to vote at home during nite time….. I hope our JKS will attend on that day & proud of the eels support
yup yup, let’s show him our support!! ^^
I also vote for Suk everyday…
I want to see him on the stage…with a happy face.
aigoo.. ^^ continue >>>
I’ve always voted JKS every hour…I set my alarm clock every hour so that I could vote for JKS…
ooh… that’s why I sometimes forget in the midst of work … I didn’t set an alarm! ^^
He’s the best !! btw what about Baeksang award????? I hope Suk will win too…
yup…i hope Suk wins Baeksang award too~~
i’ll keep on voting!♥
~new fan & i love this fansite
yeah lets take it to 1 lakh.
i just vote more … and JKS’s still leading with 98986, come’on keep voting Cri ^_~
Yeaaaaaaaah,,100682 votes right now~~go go ..eels p(^_^)q