Credits: Suk Baidu Bar
Disclaimer: I have not proceeded to making actual payment, but you should be able to complete the online purchase. Please note that I will not be bearing any responsibility should any issue occur in your transaction, and neither would I be able to help as I don’t understand Japanese. You could try e-mailing them in English.
Finally, there is a way to order Cri-J magazine.
Some general information:
Release dates:
Issue 1: 10 April 2011
Issue 2: 10 July 2011
Issue 3: 10 October 2011
Issue 4: 10 January 2012
– One issue is about 400 grammes in weight.
– A4 size
– Price of 4 issues: 8,400 yen + EMS overseas delivery.
– The total seems to be 12,800 yen (I cannot confirm this), but you should see the final amount when you are making payment via credit card.
For ordering, please follow these steps:
Go to this website
Refer to pic above.
– Input the quantity.
1 means 1 set of 4 issues.
You’re only allowed to buy maximum of 5 sets.
– For part circled in red, please enter 1 for region type.
– For part circled in blue, please enter 1 (4 issues in a set)
– Click on the yellow button to proceed to payment.
Refer to pic above for order summary.
Check that your quantity as circled is correct.
I do not see the yellow button above which is in Sukbar’s printscreen, but you can still proceed by scrolling down the page.
The above part I see is not in Sukbar’s illustration.
It should be fine to leave it blank.
If you have an existing member ID, I believe the ID field is where you can input it.
– Input your name and email as indicated above.
– Input 000-0000
– Please select from a list of pull-down options the two Chinese characters that mean “overseas”.
– Enter your own address for delivery.
– Select the options marked in red circles as above.
– Enter your desired Member ID (4 to 12 letters) and you can click on the button next to it to see if your ID is acceptable.
– The next field is not explained by Sukbar, but my guess is to enter your Password.
– Fill in your Date of Birth in YYYY/MM/DD format.
– Select the option as marked in red circle above (for delivery address), and your address will be automatically duplicated.
– If you select the 2nd option, you get to fill in a new delivery address (I think. Best to use the same delivery address).
– Select your delivery time.
Refer to pic above.
*fields required to be filled. *sending / despatch options (Command of one item only go to 2.)
1. Items together will be dispatched as soon as possible (the minimum of shipping charge – commission be applied) prepare a month delay as it’s automated, in case of particular postage.
2. Items prepared will be shipped in order( with according shipping charge – commission)
Now, I’m not very sure about these translated instructions, but I think you can select option 1 where items will be delivered together, and this seems to keep the shipping charges to a minimum.
– Select your mode of payment i.e. the 2nd option for credit card.
– Input your credit card number without dashes or space.
– Enter expiry date MM/YY.
– Check that little box below Expiry Date.
Please proceed to complete your transaction.
Hi Aphrael77,
Thx ^_^
Hi, Aphrael 77!
I’m from Russia. Do you know, can I order this magazine or not?
well, if that website accepts your purchase and if you have credit card, I would think that your order should be fine.
Again, if there is any problem during your transaction, you would have to look for that website’s email to contact them directly.
Thank you! I’ll try!:)
Sorry, Aphrael 77! It’s me again. I confuse a little about magazine’s price. Is it about 6888 euro? I can’t believe this grand sum!
First, what is the amount in yen you are looking at?
I use this currency exchange website as a guideline:
If it’s 12,800 yen, it’s around 107 euros.
hi there,
cry cry
do you have any idea whether other people have received confirmation from kboom’s cri-j ems orders? I ordered on the 8th April and haven’t received any correspondance form them except the initial order confirmation email but they haven’t even charged me, plus they haven’t been responding to my emails
sorry, I haven’t heard anything about this… since they emailed you once, it probably means they are plain slow?
that’s what I’m hoping…as long as I get my Cri-J mags~! hahaaa
Anyonghasaeyo JKS chi!!! How r u?What r u doing? Are u tired? Onieruen chornuen just to have time for update your news.Chongmun mobchie kurivonhada and hengbokhada nan, I’d to see your concert, everyday I try to count the date untill on Songkran’s festival nottem I’d like to give your new year gift for you that I pay attention to make for you.Umm!!!relax more and unjunjanghada naka.I’ll inspire you every time.Chongmun saranghaeyo my idol,my beautiful,my inspiration ,Anyonghisumusaeyo,Anyonghikasaeyo,Hansang congkanghasaeyo,Chika,Saranghaeyo,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans)