[07.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Wow… as it’s the period of Asian Prince’s birthday celebration carnival, here’s the song “Miyeok guk (Seaweed Soup)”~~ Jyo~~ Phantom brothers song really suits morning..
우와…아시아프린스 탄생 카니발 기간이라고 이렇게 친히 미역국이란 노래를~~쬬~~~ 팬텀형아들 노래는 아침에 참 잘 어울려..
tenshi_akuma’s note: This is the song JKS tweeted yesterday. In Korea, it’s a traditional birthday dish in Korea. Because every women who gives a birth eats this soup because it is believed that seaweed soup helps with breast feeding. So on their birthday they thank their mother to give birth to them.

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[07.08.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter

Actor Jang Keun Suk and his lovely pet Suni dressed in matching clothes held a birthday party for Actor Jang. We’ll share the details on Princejks. com staff blog^^ See you soon.
배우 장근석의 사랑스런 애완견 순이와 커플로 옷을 맞춰입고, 장배우 생일 축하 파티를 했습니다. 자세한 이야기는 프린스JKS닷컴 스텝블로그에서 알려드릴게요^^ 조만간 스텝블로그에서 만나뵙겠습니다.

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[article] AERA_2012.08.13-20 (“person in focus”)

Credits: AERA
English translation: tenshi_akuma

I’d like to improve myself so that people may say “Jang Keun Suk is my goal”

Jang Keun Suk is not a person who doesn’t lock himself in. Even between takes, he goes out from his waiting room to the studio, and enjoys chatting with a much elder cameraman in a natural manner. Looking at the covers of AERA back number, he said, “Ah, it’s Takeshi-san!”

Takeshi-san is Takeshi Kitano. He says he is a big fan of him. “As I’ve studied how to direct at university, he is a role model. I admire his talent which enables to express his view of the world in a two-hours movie. For example, Movie ‘OUTRAGE’ describes Yakuza’s black world funnily. I accidentally thought ‘Yakuza’s life looks interesting’ while watching.”

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