[29.05.2012] Tree-J twitter

Love Rain’s final episode finished, thank you very much for all your support messages. As promised, we upload Actor Jang’s self shot picture. Any words can’t describe our thankfulness to eels for these 65 days who always accompany Actor Jang. Seo In Ha, Seo Joon Goodbye!!!
사랑비 마지막방송이 끝났습니다. 오늘 많은 응원의 메세지 감사드려요! 약속한대로, 사랑비 마지막날 찍은 장배우 셀카모습 올려드릴께요. 65일동안 함께해준 장배우와 장어분들께 감사드립니다^^ 서인하, 서준 안녕!

[29.05.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

UPDATE: added some pics
English Translation: Sarah Ye, tenshi_akuma

The last shooting was over safely.
He gave carefully chosen gifts to the each staff.
Besides, he expressed this thankfulness with a hug, autographs and photos each and every person.
I’m really proud of this kind of him.
막촬 무사히 잘 끝났습니다 정성스레 준비한 선물을 스탭들에게 전달하고 한 명 한 명 포옹으로 인사하고 싸인에 사진촬영까지- 이런 사람이라 너무 자랑스럽습니다

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[28.05.2012] Tree-J twitter

The last shooting of “Love Rain” was over.
Since last autumn until this spring… we are happy being with Seo In Ha and Seo Jun.
We really appreciate Actor Jang and eels having a long-term shooting in safety^^
We’ll meet you in better shape! “Love Rain” Bye!
사랑비 마지막촬영 잘 끝났습니다. 작년 가을부터 올해 봄까지… 서인하와 서준으로 행복했습니다. 긴 여정 무사촬영한 장배우와 함께해주신 장어분들께 감사드립니다^^ 더 좋은 모습으로 만나뵐게요! 사랑비 빠이!

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[27.05.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

UPDATE: added some pics
In Japan “Love Rain” has just begun… In Korea “Love Rain” is almost over…
I remember the first shooting day… Beautiful In Ha… Even his hair is beautiful~
일본에선 사랑비 시작,,, 한국에선 사랑비 곧 안녕… 추억돋네 사랑비 첫 촬영날에 고운 인하 머리… 머리결도 곱다~

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