[08.10.2012] jksjapan twitter

Long time no visit Fukuoka~!!! I had a great time ^^ Bye-Cri~~!!!!!
ひさしぶりの福岡〜!!!楽しかった^^ バイCri~~!!!!!

Prince arrived in Korea safely (^^) We appreciate all who warmed up and supported Fukuoka Cri Show from the bottom of our heart. See you again in Saitama super arena!!
プリンス無事韓国到着(^^) 福岡公演を盛り上げ、サポートしてくれた全ての人に心から感謝します。 さいたまアリーナでまたお会いしましょう!!

[07.10.2012] Tree-J staff & jksjapan, dancers twitter

The reason why Keun-chan became happy yesterday was he brought a water gun out of nowhere and attacked the staff. kk He is truly a sadistic Keun-chan. kk While following nimble Keun-chan and taking pictures, I feel like joining sports festival. kk The right picture is Prince putting some water in a water gun!
어제 근짱이 신난 이유는 어디선가 갑자기 물총을 가져와서 스텝들 공격 ㅋㅋ 역시 도에스 근짱ㅋㅋ 덕분에 재빠른 근짱 따라다니면서 사진을 찍었더니, 체육대회한거 같은 몸 ㅋㅋ 오른쪽 사진은 물담는 프린스!

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[06.10.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Behind the venue, food stalls (Yatai) were installed inside walls made by trailers.. It’s our first time having dinner together with all Korean and Japanese staff!!! Yes, this is Keun-chan!!!!
공연장뒤에 트레일러로 가드 벽 만들고 그 안에 포장마차를 설치하다..그리고 처음으로 한일 전스텝들과의 회식!!! 내가 바로 근짱이다!!!!

[28.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

“The world keeps turning even without me.. Change my thought that no one can do except me..” What nice these words! When I encountered them while reading, they struck home to me.
내가 없어도 세상은 잘 돌아가요..놓으세요.. 내가 아니면 안된다는 그 마음.. 이 얼마나 멋진 말인가 책 읽다가 한 방 맞았다..
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk seems to have read a book titled “Things You Can Finally See When You Stop” written by Ven. Haemin. See the detail from here.

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[26.09.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Today is Prince’s birthday on the solar calendar! ‘anan’ on-sale date! CRI-J 926 donation event day! There are many events today! The photo was taken on the shooting day for ‘anan’, Prince was reading ‘Numero’!
오늘 프린스 양력생일! 앙앙 발매일! 크리제이 926기부 이벤트날! 행사가 많은 오늘! 사진은 앙앙잡지 찍던날, 누메로 보는 프린스!

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[22.09.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

Who operates this on Facebook…? Tree-J company doesn’t use Facebook at present. There is no existing Tree-J company on Facebook. Those who operates this under Tree-J company’s name, please change the name.
페이스북에 이거 운영하는 사람 누구신가요… 현재 트리제이는 페이스북은 이용하지 않고 있습니다. 기존 트리제이 페이스북은 없습니다. 트리제이라고 페이스북 운영하시는분은 이름 바꿔주시기 바랍니다.

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