[News] JKS: “I have realized my childhood dream”


21 April 2011 – Jang Keun Suk has long wanted to buy a building since young, and now is the owner of a building worth 10 billion won.

This morning via our reporter’s telephone interview, JKS’ representative clarified that JKS has recently bought a 6-storey building, not for investment purposes. Since young, JKS has a liking for buildings. He is very good at being thrifty and doesn’t waste money. He bought the building from his accumulated savings. And his recent career development is very good, and he has indeed earned much.

Buying a building has been earlier than expected, but there is no other meaning in it. JKS is now very busy with his promotional activities. This has been made possible because of fans’ love, and JKS has always been working with a grateful heart.

Credits: KoreaStarDaily
Chinese translation: KeunSukChina

Download full-length MV and BTS videos

Credits and special thanks to Sukkieno1

OMG, the English-subtitled MV is wonderful!!! And it comes with all the behind-the-scenes videos too!!
Erm, if you want to keep the MV for your own appreciation …. go and download it from the mediafire website!!!

Engsub+kara Full MV Let me cry + BTS:


link online: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xib9ep_engsub-kara-let-me-cry-bonus-bts-vietnameels_shortfilms

enjoy eels:x

[20 April 2011] JKS – dinner with Ole winners


For the 20 Ole lucky winners who won a free trip to Korea and dinner with Jang Keun Suk, their dream was realized today. I recall it wasn’t easy to win too, with the option of buying lots of sweet wrappers to attach to lucky draw entries or buy lots of sweets and accumulate points. Even heard that a girl spent over thousands of dollars in order to accumulate points ….

The winners were treated to a tour of Tree-J company in the morning, and even got to see Sunni! Unfortunately, JKS had a cold and was resting at home. (Hope he recovers soon!)

Dinner today must be a really sweet affair. The restaurant was personally selected by JKS. He attended the dinner wearing a white T-shirt and denim jacket, with his hair let down. One of the prizes for the winners was a heart and key necklace and the keys are kept by JKS to symbolize that the hearts of his eels are locked to his and only he has the key (awww….so sweet ^^ ). He even put the necklace on for each girl!

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15th GCMA repeat on Astro TV

Those who missed the broadcast can watch the repeat of 15th Global Chinese Music Awards on Astro TV on Saturday 23 April 2011 at 7.00 pm China/SG time.


[Whereabouts] JKS’ possible flight to Singapore


I do not know how true this news is, so please check my blog later again for more updates.

Just want to add that I don’t think he’s arriving in Singapore tonight. Tonight, JKS has dinner with a group of fans (they won the Ole lucky draw prize for a free trip to Korea and dinner with JKS), and looking at the flight schedule, I don’t think JKS will be able to make it on any flight.

– Aphrael77


KeunSukChina’s (KSC) update @ 12.17 pm, 20 April, Singapore time

News from Thai fan janepisut, who heard it from a Tree-J staff, is that Jang Keun Suk has a cold and is flying tonight (20 April) to Singapore.


[For fun] What happened to JKS’ bangle at 15th GCMA?

Credits: lefthere1030 @ Sina
Okay, this is really funny.
JKS lost an earring at the Beijing FM 2010 and he has lost his bangle at 15th GCMA.
He was too high and swinging his arm during “Gotta Get Cha” performance, so his bangle flew out, and this Chinese eel must have combed through the video clip second-by-second to solve the mystery of the missing bangle and cut out the exact moment it was lost…. what an amazing detective eel here! …. LOL

Two learning points:

(1) We should all keep an eye out for flying accessories at JKS’ LH performances…. who knows we can pick them up!


(2) JKS should bring along more back-up accessories!

[News] JKS promotes new album & reveals ideal girlfriend type is Shu Qi


“You are Beautiful” made Korean star Jang Keun Suk popular throughout Asia. Outside of acting, at times seductive and at times cute, he continues to win hearts with his pretty boy image. Two days ago, he was in Shanghai to attend HS Media’s contract-signing press conference and to launch his Asia Tour 2011. The event venue, IFC Mall, was packed with nearly 2000 fans who were there to catch a glimpse of their idol, testament to Jang Keun Suk’s popularity.

The first present he is giving to Chinese fans is the upcoming release of his first single in China and Asia – “Lounge H the 1st”, and on 9 July, he will be back in Shanghai as a singer. Being the norm in showbiz for actors to venture into singing, Jang Keun Suk manages the transition even more smoothly as firstly, he had recorded two songs before while hosting a regular music programme previously, and secondly, attentive fans would have discovered that his roles are often related to singing as the band leader. But when JKS chose to announce in Shanghai the news of his first EP “Lounge H the 1st”, the crowd almost went wild with excitement.

While in China, he used Chinese and even Shanghai-ese sweet sayings to bridge the gap with fans, and reveals that the female Chinese artiste he admires most is

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[Video] Behind-the-scenes at Easy magazine photo shoot

Credits: sky93122

If the video does not load, please follow this link to the Youtube page.

In every single shot, JKS’ facial expression and how his eyes look are so different – he’s truly a perfect model!

I think the photo shoot was done on 15 April night after the GCMA. He had to work late into the night!