A holiday afternoon of a man living xxx…
혼자사는 남자의 오후… 日余地ぐらし男の休み日
tenshi_akuma’s note: He mistyped a Japanese word. Later, he found the mistake.
[04.02.2014] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
I’ve never told you a lie. It’s annoying. Stop it.
tenshi_akuma’s note: First of all, please everyone here, don’t make matters worse and too serious. Actually it seems someone (his ex-fans?) hurt him. For new eels it looks something, but for old eels we have encountered this kind of issue sometimes in the past, and we’ve learned ignoring and keeping positive is a good way to ease this kind of situation. As you know, he’s always trying to show his real self as much as possible. But as he is a human like us, there is, of course, a space even for him not to show others. If there is a secret, it does mean he tells a lie?? It means he’s not open enough?? Is it love that makes our beloved one all naked?? I’m not saying only between our Sukkie and eels. A bond should be built on the relations of trust. Sorry, for some curious eels, my personal thoughts don’t give you enough answers of his tweet. But I hope you won’t try to dig it. Finding out it is not so important. Our bond, our trust matters. I hope what others say won’t affect our loyalty. So eels, please don’t be shaken. Please keep positive and support him as always. Peace.
[28.01.2014] jksjapan twitter
[26.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter
[2.8FM] Plz check our notice for picking up the 2nd priority tickets at princejks.com so that you can pick up your ticket(s) without any problems.
[2.8FM] Plz check our notice about borrowing a translator machine at princejks.com
[24.01.2014] @zosun_hi twitter
Finally~~ I met Cha Eun-sang (It’s the name of Park Shin Hye played in drama ‘Heirs’).. huhuhu.. with this guy, my longtime little brother <<< Even both of them had to take a lot of shootings and it must have been really troublesome~~ I really appreciate their earnest labors!!!
드뎌~~~ 차은상을 만나다..ㅎㅎㅎ.나의 오랜 동생 이분도함께<<< 두분다 컷수도 많은데 고생많았수~~ 열심히 해줘 고맙고!!!
[24.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter
[2.8FM] Plz check our notice about those who have not yet make the payment for 2nd priority FM tickets.
[NOTICE] About fan meeting and autograph session related to actor Jang’s graduation ceremony, it is not based on the fact. Please don’t misunderstand.
[알림] 배우님 졸업식 관련 팬미팅이나 싸인회는 사실 무근입니다.
착오없으시기 바랍니다
[24.01.2014] Tree-J twitter
[Video Gallery Update] The video of ZIKZIN Radio was uploaded on the official website. Thanks to global actor Jang, we translated the Japanese part. Please check GALLERY – VIDEO.
[동영상 갤러리 업데이트] 직진라디오 영상이 홈페이지에 업데이트 되었습니다. 글로벌한 장배우 덕분에 일본어 부분을 번역했습니다. 갤러리 비디오를 확인해주세요.
We’ll start to accept additional applications of ‘Jang Keun Suk’s propose’ ticket. Please check STAFF BLOG.
장근석의 프로포즈 티켓 추가 신청받습니다. 스텝블로그를 확인해주세요.
tenshi_akuma’s note: Already it started at 5 pm on 24th.
[23.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter
[Support] The notice of Fan Meeting Snack Support was posted on the official website and the official fan cafe! We hope many eels will participate the event!
[서포트] 팬미팅 간식 서포트 공지를 공식홈페이지와 공식팬카페에 게시하였습니다! 장어님들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다!
[22.01.2014] Tree-J twitter
[2014 Jang Keun Suk’s propose] Fan Meeting filled with your story. Please check STAFF BLOG on Princejks.com and leave your comment ticking secret box.
[2014 장근석의 프로포즈] 여러분들의 이야기로 채워나갈 팬미팅. 스텝블로그 확인하시고 비밀글로 댓글 달아주세요.