[2014-02-19] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

UPDATE: added the English translation of the lyrics ‘Around and Around and Around’

JKS: Park Shin Hye ssi~~ Give it a try (try to drink) once~~
PSH: kkk Let’s try together~~~ kk

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @ssinz 박신혜씨~~ 한 번 잡솨~봐~
@ssinz: @AsiaPrince_JKS ㅋㅋㅋ 같이 잡숴~~~ ㅋㅋ

Jeon Ingwon – Around and Around and Around (in 1988)
Going around and around.. Eels, let’s go around together~~

전인권 – 돌고 돌고 돌고 (1988年)
돌고도는거지 뭐..장어들아 같이 돌자~~
tenshi_akuma’s note: Here is the English subbed video sung by different artists. You can understand the lyrics ^^
I copied the lyrics from the MV, but it seems the artists arranged the way of singing. Anyway, here’s the lyrics. Feel Jang Keun Suk and eels going around together.

The sun rises
The sun sets
The moon rises
The sun rises again
The flowers blossom
The birds fly
They move
They get busy
People walking, people running
All doing their own thing in the same time
Going around and around and around
Going around and around and around
Meeting like it’s destiny
Breaking up then becoming rumors
Having regrets and being lost
Starting again and planning again
Crying people, laughing people
All doing their own thing in the same time
Around and around and around again
The sun rises, the sun sets
The moon rises, the sun rises again
The flowers blossom, the birds fly
They move, they get busy
Dark places, bright places
Getting ahead then falling behind
Going around and around and around
Dancing and going around
Singing and going around
Around and around and around
Happy or sad, good or bad, our life goes around
Dark places, bright places
Getting ahead then falling behind
Going around and around and around
Going around and around and around
Around and around and around
When you’re happy, when you’re sad
That’s our life history
When you’re going well, when you’re doing badly
The place we live
Going around and around and around
Going around and around and around
When you’re happy, when you’re sad
When you’re going well, when you’re doing badly
When you’re happy, when you’re sad
When you’re going well, when you’re doing badly
When you’re happy, when you’re sad
When you’re going well, when you’re doing badly
Around and around
Going around and around and around
Going around and around and around

20 thoughts on “[2014-02-19] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. Thanks for the link to the English subbed video, sis Tenshi :). Ah… He’s really graduating, isn’t he? Another end and beginning… Life indeed goes round and round and round… Wishing him nothing but the very best <3

  2. sis Kaori chan, thanks for posting the MV. It’s very inspirational song. I love it even before understanding the lyrics.

    Wowww…..JKS is soooo full of surprise, lately!!! Love love!!! EEL life is also round round round and never boring…..kkkkk

  3. our Sukkie must probably deep in his thoughts again with him sharing this song ^^ oh how i love it when he turns to thinking about his eels when he feels like contemplating on his life!
    keun suk-ssi! fightin’! hand-in-hand we will run round and round with you!
    thank you so much dear tenshi! ^^

  4. I assume this is one of those “nostalgic” songs that folks play. Nice. And so it ends, and so it begins, and so it is, moving forward and on and on.
    Roll with it!

    • As a friend and co-star, needless to say, he loves her, but I don’t think there is no special meaning between them.

      • thank’s dear tanshi. Do you think They are just good friends & JKS Just as a sister love PSH no more?

  5. Beautiful lyrics, a little sad when you think about it.

    Thank you, Thenshi. I have just discovered the video on his twitter, and checked JKS forever right away. I know that I can always count on you gays. You are so dedicated and hardworking. We are lucky to have you.

  6. Is this a sad song or a happy song?
    Imo it can be a happy song…life goes on…you laugh, you cry, you finish you start…life cycle…going around and around..
    Sukkie finish school and start his grown up life…no student no more, having fulfilled one of his big dreams…, he will marry one day and start his family…life goes around and around and we eels will 돌고 with him…

  7. It’s a bittersweet song about the life of any of us. It is pure reality. Only stay in power each of us this song to be cheerful or happy but most certainly is a happy song sad.
    ” In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life : moving forward ”
    (Robert Frost )
    Dear Keun Suk . Every morning when you wake up , please think you got a gift.
    Start a new day in your life which you should be happy and make the most .
    Confucius said: ” Our greatest glory is not acquired when you’re broke again but when you get up after you fall . ”
    Enjoy every moment of your life , enjoy your youth , make the most of what you can do in this time of your life , enjoy friends , family, co-workers , loved by all around your .
    You had a very full year . You had concerts alone and together with Team H , photo shoots and filming for Lotte Duty Free , Tongyi and you became a model for Ferrino Korean brand, MF Tongyi and Lotte Duty Free , Zikin Fest was your creation and was a success , Osaka Zikzin Fest, Zushi Fest , Summer Sonic Fest, you Chosen by Arirang TV ‘s top five star and rested for a while in Phuket , Thailand , Zikzin Fest the Tokyo one , went to Shenzhen to do the Tongyi event , you had to press conference before the Shenzhen FM began then you went to Wuhan , you were in Jeju when you did photo shoot , released your Ferrino interview , Lotte Duty Free released photo of you looking like a real prince , you made ​​a new CF in Japan for a mobile simulation game , you went to Fukuoka for acoustic show, you did another Tongyi press conference , 2014 JKS calendar arrived and Zikzin radio ‘s first broadcast , Sapporo concert, Zikzin ‘s second program aired , Tongyi fan signing autographs meeting in Seoul , Lotte Duty Free Calendar arrived , press conference of Beautiful Man , radio Zikzin uploaded part three and five . You had a kind heart as you donated 100 million won for the Philippines , a good cause ,the Victims of the typhoon , you did Tokyo Zepp tour, Bel Ami was sold to eight countries and more.
    This year has been given to you as a carousel at full speed .
    I pray for your health and want your life to be like you dream.

  8. life is like a wheel. it moves on circularly (round and around). sometimes we’re on top sometimes we’re down. sometimes we’re sad sometimes we’re happy. sometimes we stumble and fall but yet we still stand up head up high. sometimes we failed but we strive hard to succeed. That’s the same goes with dear JKS’ life. But what matters most is that, as long as he has his families, friends, love ones and EELS who will with him during that merry-go-round journey of his, he will overcome all of it’s hurdles and becomes more successful. So, we will hand in hand walk with him in a zikzin way. ♥


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