[19.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter


[Fan Meeting] Second priority tickets for foreign regular members, the list of winners was posted on the official website– community – fan notice. Only the winner eels, please send your payment from 0:00am on 20th (Korean time).
[ 팬미팅] 2순위 해외 정회원 당첨자 명단을 공홈-커뮤니티-팬노티즈에 게시하였습니다.
당첨된 장어님만 한국시간 20일 0시 부터 입금부탁드립니다

[Fan Meeting] Second priority tickets for foreign regular members, the waiting list of winners was posted on the official website– community – fan notice. Those whose name is on the list, please don’t send your payment until another announcement.
[팬미팅] 2순위 해외 정회원 대기자 명단을 공홈-커뮤니티-팬노티즈에 게시하였습니다
대기자 명단의 회원은 입금하시면 안됩니다

[FM] Plz check our notice for the waiting list at http://princejks.com – community-Fan Notice.

Even if u r on the list, plz DO NOTmake your payment yet!!

[14.01.2014] CRI-J staff twitter


[1st priority ticket] About questions of 1st priority ticket, please use the question board on the official fan cafe. (If you’re not the official fan cafe member, use the official community – Korean board)
[1순위 티켓팅] 1순위 티켓팅 질문은 공식팬카페 질문게시판을 이용하여주시기 부탁드립니다
(공식팬카페 회원이 아니실경우 커뮤니티-한국게시판)

tenshi_akuma’s note: Now not open for oversea fans. But I think they’ll use the same way to anwer questions.

[14.01.2014] Tree-J twitter

About how to apply for tickets of ‘The Proposal of Jang Keun SUk’, please check the notice on Staff blog of the official website. Tomorrow is the day Korean official members start to apply for the tickets. For oversea members, you can apply for them on 17th and 18th.
장근석의 프로포즈 티켓 신청 공지 공식홈페이지 스텝블로그에서 확인해주세요. 내일은 한국 정회원 티켓 신청하는날입니다. 해외 정회원들은 17일~18일에 신청해주세요.

tenshi_akuma’s note: Already the notice for oversea members has been released on STAFF BLOG. Please read it carefully.

[14.01.2014] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Finally after an absence of 1 year

English translation: tenshi_akuma
Title: Angel’s castle
I swear I won’t run away from eternal enchantment [or an unbreakable spell].
So please… I beg you to stay by my side forever.

曲名: 天使の城
tenshi_akuma’s note: This unreleased new song‘Angel’s castle’ will be released as a special CD with ‘Re: -Picture Label LP Limited BOX-‘. You can read the detail about it from here. And I don’t know which is better to translate the lyrics ’解けない魔法’, eternal enchantment or an unbreakable spell? I need the whole lyrics to know what it is meant.

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[10.01.2014] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

It’s been 3 months since I had my hair cut, but why I’m still feeling awkward..? Finally ‘Beautiful Man’ finished. But, hey staff, our party after the completion has not finished yet. kk
머리 자른지 3개월이 지났는데 아직도 왜이렇게 어색하냐..예쁜남자는 드디어 끝났네. 텝들아 우리의 쫑파티는 아직 끝나지 않았다 ㅋㅋ

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[09.01.2014] Tree-J twitter

UPDATE: For your reference, please check the previous notice of the recruitment.

Additional recruitment for CriJ5 is going to start today. Please don’t miss the last chance for 3 days. From today at 21:00 to 11th midnight. http://www.princejks.com/
오늘부터 크리제이 5기 추가 모집이 시작합니다. 3일간의 마지막 기회 놓치지 마세요.^^ 오늘 밤 9시부터 11일 자정까지.