[27 Feb – News] Korean, Chinese & Japan fans queued overnight for JKS autograph

Asian fans queued overnight at actor Jang Keun Suk’s fan meeting

On 24 Feb at 4.30 pm, Jang Keun Suk met 100 fans at Codes Combine shop located in the vicinity of Hong Ik University.

For this event, only the first 100 fans according to their order of arrival can get the autograph, and there were already more than 100 fans who gathered on 23 Feb night, causing some disturbance which was soon under control.

Fans from Korean, Japan, China and Taiwan were all women and during the autograph, made some requests which JKS fulfilled. Some fans also went down on their knees in order to see eye-to-eye with JKS, and JKS joined both hands together with fans as a form of greeting.

After completing the fan autograph session,

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Kiss Sukkie? Read on … :p

As shared by shizuka (from a show that I’ve not seen before), the interviewer asked Jang Keun Suk where he would like to be kissed most.

Please ensure you are above the legal age limit before clicking to find out what his answer is!

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[24 Feb 2011] Codes Combine Autograph Session

Well, we may not be there at Jang Keun Suk’s 1-hour autograph session in Hongdae, Seoul today, but the electric atmostphere can almost be felt through these lovely pics. The media cameras must have had flashed non-stop, thus providing us with so many pics of JKS from almost every angle and in almost every pose. The media had a fun time, though I almost went crazy uploading 92 pics into WordPress blog…. ugh … an utterly unpleasant and tedious chore that is only alleviated by sweet, sweet JKS gazing at me from every pic… drooling …

As the representative of the clothing line Codes Combine, what JKS wore is naturally of great interest to me. As mentioned before, my fashion sense is really lousy, so don’t quote me anywhere! I won’t admit I said that, haha…. Anyway, I think his attire is quite cool (cos of the black leather vest jacket), youthful (that’s the bright green pants) and at the same time, funky (that strange pic on his back)… haha… How does that sound?

Enjoy the deluge of pics!! And wait patiently for the page to load fully, ha!
For more pics,

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[29 Jan 2011] TBS online broadcast of Yokohama Fan-meeting

What an extremely busy blogging night!

Unfortunately, the online broadcast was a complete let-down. The website was totally inaccessible and I only know of one eel who managed to watch it online. Guess I won’t be trying to watch online broadcasts again. The lesson to learn is, it is still better to buy the original FM DVD to support our Keun-Suk oppa 🙂

So here are just some screen captures of the show for consolation.

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[29 Jan 2011] Frontline news from Seoul fan-meeting and Lounge H

For those of us not there in person at Lounge H (LH) today, these pictures are all we are going to see.

Haha, does it make you feel like attending LH, just to experience the electrifying atmosphere our dear Jang Keun Suk whips up? ; p
p.s. any other LH pictures of JKS circulated online will of course be illegal ones (so keep them to yourselves), since JKS himself always expressly asked eels not to take pics of LH.

First, the man appeared at LH with a sexy butterfly tattoo behind his ear, said tattoo being a side product that was on sale at the event.

Then, I laughed like mad at this next titbit of news.

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Wallpapers freebie 1

Credits: sonya @ KeunSukChina

The year 2011 should be sweeter with all these JKS candy calendar wallpapers to accompany you throughout the year.
Not sure whether you’ll get the full size when you save these pics to your desktop.

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Korean CF for Codes Combine

Credits: baidusukbar

Ok, I feel guilty about posting this, because other than it’s a Korean commercial shoot for Codes Combine (a fashion clothes line assumably), I know about this as much as Baidusukbar does, which is, nothing much else.

So what all us eels are doing are just admiring his make-up in the picture above 🙂

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[27 Jan 2011] Samsung Galaxy live showcase

Now, how does one blog about an online, broadcast showcase that one has not seen? Basically, I don’t care what happened at the showcase (haha) so long as I can feast my eyes on Jang Keun Suk, and boy, was he gorgeous!

The ‘gorgeous’ part might be a bit debatable though, depending on your sense of fashion, because JKS has again managed to stir up a bit of controversy over his dressing. I suppose the point of controversy is his see-through shirt, which adds to the delectable part. My own sense of fashion is deplorable to the extent that I don’t trust my own taste, yet may I venture a small suggestion that perhaps it was that black strip across the chest that makes it look like … a bra? Couldn’t the translucent and black form other patterns i.e. straight horizontal black strips, or a heart shape, diamond shape, whatever shape? Still, overall, I think he still looks great 🙂

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