[17.06.2012] Tree-J twitter

There are some JKS imposters on Twitter. JKS official twitter address is @AsiaPrince_JKS. Except this is all by JKS imposters. Eels, please be careful so that you do not fall into their traps.
배우 장근석의 트위터를 사칭하는 분들이 있습니다. 장근석 공식 트위터는 @AsiaPrince_JKS 입니다. 이외의 트위터는 모두 사칭이니, 장어분들은 조심하시기 바랍니다.

[16.06.2012] JKS Weibo

Ok… from now on, China journey diary starts! Today is the broadcast of Happy Camp~~
오케이..지금부터 차이나 다이어리 시작! 오늘 방송 될 쾌락대본영 녹화를 하고~~ (횽아들 누나들 전부 번호땀ㅎㅎ)

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[15.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

We had an emergency meeting at a restaurant this morning…
(JKS used hangul characters, but the following tweets were written in Japanese.)
If I said, everyone (or everything) would quit? Now I’m angry!!!!!!!!
아침부터 야마돌아 레스토랑에서 갑자기 컨퍼런스..이에바 젠부 야메루까나? 이마 오레 오콧테루!!!!!!!!

[13.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

I sometimes act like a fool. I admit I’m mischievous enough that there are some people in show biz who try to avoid me. But… at least I want to be a true Korean Prince of Asia for the sake of my country, not for the dishonor of my country… well, that’s kind of stuff. Anyway, it’s much harder to get rid of my baby-like-chubby belly than I imagined.
가끔은 진상처럼 보이기도 사고뭉치에다가 연예계에선 날 기피하는 사람도 있을정도로 사고뭉치인 나지만..적어도 내 나라 망신안시키는 진정한 한국인 아시아프린스가 되고싶다..그냥 그렇다고.. 근데 아가배는 참 어렵구나

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[13.06.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo (2)

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Weibo
English Translation: Sarah Ye

So now this is World Prince (the link he posted is the Korean media report about Just Crazy Album being No. 4 on United World Chart, our blog has posted this news, please click here for detail: http://jangkeunsukforever.com/?p=14095
@张根硕 : http://t.cn/zWPKNhq 이제 남은건 월드프린스인건가.

With 3 translators is still so slow, pali pali (quick quick)!!!!!
@张根硕 : 통역이 세마리느 있는데 느려터졌어-_- 콰이디엔!!!!!!!!

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[12.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Gee.. I can’t connect 3G in Changsha.. I also can’t connect wifi, either.. 3G connect will be OK when I arrive in Shanghai.. Go straight to Shanghai!!!!!
아놔..장사에서 3g안터져..wifi안터져..샹하이에오니 3g도 직진이구나.. 에헤라디야~~~ 샹하이 직진!!!!!!

If you leak the photo posted on my app, you will die.
너네어플 사진 유출하면죽어!

It’s just begun! The project to get out of a baby-like-chubby belly has set out!! Can Keun-suk get out of it and play a guitar gorgeously at CRI SHOW…!!??
시작됐다! 아가배 제거 프로젝트 가동!! 과연 근석은 크리쇼에서 상의탈의후 화려한 기타연주를 할 수 있을것인가…!!!뚜둥!!!

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[13.06.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo (1)

Credits: Jang Keun Suk weibo
English Translation: Sarah YE

Beijing, when I arrived in Beijing, it was good and comfortable. But when I got out from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, I couldn’t smile… they had to keep enforcing the security… it’s too dangerous to me and you too. Hope no one get hurt.
@张根硕 : 베이징 북경까지는 너무 편하고 좋았는데 상하이 홍차우 공항에서부터 웃지를 못했다. 안전을 늘 강요하건만… 너무 위험해… 나도..너희들도.. 제발 아무도 다치지 않았기를..

I want to be the regular guest for Happy Camp TT_TT, I like everyone so much. I love you. Give me a call when you come to Korea!!!//@JasonJang: Thank you. You’re the best. Happy Camp is a super happy and interesting program.
@He Jong (Main MC of Happy Camp): Some Korean friend would like to join you on weibo, he asked to “pay attention” to him, I will build a bridge for him!@Jang Keun Suk@ Li Wei Ja @Xie Na @Du Hai Tao Hito @Wu Xin, oh, by the way, he is in the picture. (He Jong @ all the MCs of Happy Camp)
나 쾌락대본영 고정하고 싶어 ㅠㅠ너무 좋아 모두들 사랑해요 한국오면 꼭 저나하긔!!! //@JasonJang: 谢谢你们!你们最棒!超级开心有意思的快乐大本营
@何炅 : 有个韩国童鞋想加大家微博,也要求大家关注他,我来搭个桥!@张根硕 @李维嘉 @谢娜 @杜海涛Hito @吴昕 噢对了!画面里还有他!@JasonJang

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[11.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Guen-chan’s JIKJIN (go-straight) list! naos nova at Namsan (南山)! I’ve often been there since five years ago! Their special hamburger, French cuisine and omija sherbet are highly recommended.
근짱의 직진리스트! 남산 나오스노바!특제 햄버거 그리고 내가 좋아하는 오미자셔벳을 강력추천!! グンチャンのJIKJIN リスト!南山のnaosnova!5年まえからたくさん行ってた!フランスりょりとシャベトがとくにおすすめ!
tenshi_akuma’s note: This restaurant is JKS went to yesterday. Here’s the link.

[11.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

Staff: When looking for a job, people say make sure you get at least one of the three: money, honor or laidback environment. Well, none of these seem to be reached these days.
JKS: Instead, you made what I am today.
“@codeinconnu: 일을 선택하고 결정하는데는 세 가지 중 하나만 만족하면 된다던데 돈, 명예, 그것도 안되면 널널하든가 뭐, 요즘은 그것도 아닌가보다 http://pic.twitter.com/G1SX9wBa”ㅡ대신 너넨 날 만들었잖아

[11.06.2012] Tree-J twitter

We’ve completed to register all applicants as the official full membership. For those who haven’t received any confirmation e-mail yet, please send us an inquiry e-mail, following the format below.
E-mail address: treej0804@naver.com
E-mail content: Name / ID / Nickname / e-mail address / contact information

<프린스JKS닷컴> 정회원으로 모두 전환 완료했습니다. 확인이 되지 않은 분들은 <이름/ 공홈아이디/ 닉네임/ 이메일/ 연락처>를 적어서 이메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 이메일은 프린스JKS닷컴 FAQ에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

[10.06.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

I’m in a marathon meeting with executives… I really appreciate their help T_T
The organizer is a very hard role…
However, I have a feeling that this meeting leads to a lot of progress ///
We’re going to stay working all through the night..
임원들과 몇시간째 회의중… 도와주시는 임원분들 정말 고맙 ㅠㅜ 총대맨 사람들은 힘들다… 그래도, 이 회의로 인해 많이 발전하는 기분/// 우리 회의하다가 날샐듯한,,

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