JKS appears in a Chinese microeconomics textbook as an example of a powerful endorser

UPDATE: added more info about the article

Credits as tagged, summarized by Hazy Lee and QQeyes007
This article is about the competitive beverage industry in the world and the main example they used in the main paragraph is about how the 2 giant companies “Cola Cola” and “Pepsi Cola” competing with each other with war of advertising and each have their own plus & minus over the past few decades in the beverage market and the story behind them coming to succeed today. Bringing the situation back to the competitive beverage industry in China, this article mentioned about TongYi has spent a great amount to invite Jang Keun Suk as the endorser in 2012 and their sales increase by 3 to 5 times compared to previous year.

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[2014-05-12] jksjapan twitter

Jang Keun Suk’s first Japanese TV variety show in his name is finally going on air. The program is full of his natural self such as his charming side, not only his image of Prince!


[article] JKS’ first Japanese TV variety show in his name ‘Agent Jang Keun Suk’ goes on air!!

The other day we posted [flash news] JKS’ own TV show ‘Agent Jang Keun Suk’ goes on air on May 21st and finally the detail was announced today ^^

Original source: Korepo
Photo credits: Fuji Television Network, Inc.

Our long-awaited Jang Keun Suk’s first TV variety show in Japan was decided to go on air!!
Japanese fans (eels) will surely get excited to see his charming real self more than the image of Prince!!

Fuji-TV NEXTsmart variety show ‘Agent Jang Keun Suk’
May 21st (Wed) 22:30~23:00

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[News] Schedules of Team H 1st single ‘Take me’ and 3rd album ‘Driving to the highway’ are finally confirmed

UPDATE: The album release date has been changed to July 16th (June 21)
UPDATE: added where you can order their single and album (May 8th)

Source: http://a.ponycanyon.co.jp/team_h/index.html

Finally the confirmed release date of Team H new album was announced! It’s July 9th!!! Furthermore, their first single is to be released on June 25th. We can’t wait to hear their tour schedule, too.

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[2014-05-07] Team H/ JKS Ameblo

2014-05-07 18:14:38
TEAM H has finally restarted!!
TEAM H is a music group consisting of Jang Keun Suk and his friend and a sound producer, BIG BROTHER. Their long-awaited new release after an interval of about one and four months was finally confirmed! This time their first single ‘Take me’ will be released on June 25th. Furthermore, their long-awaited 3rd album ‘Driving to the highway’ will be released on July 9th! TEAM H will surely create a furor this summer!

tenshi_akuma’s note: For more detail about their new release, please refer to [News] Schedules of Team H 1st single ‘Take me’ and 3rd album ‘Driving to the highway’ are finally confirmed.