[Jap TV] Sukkiri part 2 (Eng subs)

Video source: rizehan
English subtitles: tenshi_akuma & Aphrael77

First, tenshi, my apologies … I tend to depend a lot on the Chinese subtitles for the meaning, so if I change something you wrote and it becomes inaccurate versus the Japanese language, really sorry! …. hope the translation and subtitles turn out as accurate as possible…

Going back to this part 2 video, I also hope that JKS can attend this Sukkiri TV show in future. The hosts are all very curious about him!

[Jap TV] スッキリ Part 2

Credits: rizehan
Shared by: JKS Fans Club Malaysia

Don’t understand Japanese but can still look at our dear Sukkie ^^

PV for Malaysia Cri Show

Credits: mihodog

For those who wish to get Gold / Silver / Bronze ticket, please buy on AirAsiaRedTix.com website and do read all relevant information carefully, especially FAQs and how to exchange your email confirmation for ticket etc.

For those who wish to try for Platinum VIP which includes photo-taking pass on Sunday 5 June (VVIP tickets sold out already), the ticketing website provides the email and you can follow Rhythm Land on Facebook for more updates. If VIP tickets are still available, you’ll need to bank transfer payment to Rhythm Land and bear bank transfer fees. And RL takes a long, long time to reply.

[27 April 2011] Japan TV show

Credits: Sukbar

Thanks, QQeyes007! I saw the Jap original video but must have missed out the Chinese subbed one. Really had much fun subbing this, cos I was looking at JKS’ beautiful smile throughout … ^^

And anan magazine editor really has superb taste for choosing JKS to be on the cover!
That’s why that issue had record sales! And that magazine staff they interviewed was spot on too, in describing JKS’ unique charm.
I particularly like that part where she said for a long time, they haven’t seen anyone with the kind of charm that JKS has …
That’s our unique and lovable Sukkie!

[Fan-made MV] Oh my Darling!

Credits: keunsuk100
Shared by: lean

Argh!!! Why is JKS so irresistibly cute??
The scenes from this MV is taken out of his “Let me cry” limited edition 15-minute DVD, so for those who don’t have it, you can enjoy the 3 mins of it!

[MV] About JKS …

Credits: 所所倔 @ Youku

Mm… this may not be a comprehensive record of JKS’ charitable projects and achievements thus far (though I did learn some new information about our dear boy) …. but just sharing it until I can finish subtitling another video tonight ^^

[Video] Ole candy date

Credits: niesJangeo

This was when a group of lucky Ole winners flew to Korea to have dinner with Jang Keun Suk the day before he flew to Singapore for his FM.