[1 May 2011] JKS at airports

Credits: pochaccochu

A day late, but better than never.
pochaccochu has a string of about 6 videos capturing JKS departing from Hong Kong airport on 1 May.

And video below is of JKS driving home to Seoul from Incheon airport.

Credits: 傻子呆子二愣子 @ 56.com

Sneak preview of official Jplus photobook DVD

Credits: cri-yee&119522647 @ Sina
Shared by: Sukbar

OMG, scenes from official Jplus photobook DVD were shown at Hong Kong Cri Show!


* Information *

There are 3 versions of the official Jplus photobook.

The 60-minute DVD is only available with Jplus Limited.
It is currently available for pre-order until 10 May 2011, but it can only be delivered to Japan address.

Pls refer to this post for more details:

3 versions of JKS’ official photo-book “Jplus”!! Pre-order starts 15 April

We hear there is an international version that will be released, but at this point in time, there is no other information on what are the contents of the international version.

[Video] Smiles & Hearts ❤ ❤ ❤ at Singapore CRI Show 2011

Credits: Sh0rtiZzZ
Shared by: QQeyes007

If the video doesn’t load here, please go directly to this Youtube website.

Thanks, QQeyes007, this video would be 100% wonderful if not for all the hands and cameras that were in the way >< Her video editing skill is really professional too! ^^ Those of us who attended the Singapore Cri Show and feel down after comparing it to Hong Kong Cri Show really need our Prince's smile to reassure us that it is the difference in the venue capability and function, and that our Prince always gives his best in his performance. Of course, with a better stage and bigger crowd, the atmosphere would be better too.... The drawback in a bigger performance venue also means that JKS turns out to be a smaller figure on stage and you can hardly see his real person except on the big screen..... Sukkie, we just miss you, that's all.... ^^

[23 Apr 2011] JKS Brunch Interview

Credits: eelsusa

Thanks to niesjangeo for sharing this video!!!
I keep re-watching the interview. Love it!

This video shows all the reasons why I love JKS so much.
He’s so cute and witty, and in his words “so smart”. His genuine laughter ….

[28 Apr 2011] Channel V interview

Video & English subtitles: Aphrael77

I missed out about a minute at the beginning about the emcee talking about his trip to Korea and his impression of Jang Keun Suk.
And I thought I heard the emcee say that they will be airing more news about “Marry me Mary” often (or did he say something like the interview will be shown in parts almost every day?? I wouldn’t have time to rush home every day to record!)

[28 Apr 2011] JKS departing Incheon airport

Credits: kr1116

Our sweet Prince blowing a kiss at fans ^^

And for the pic below, we’re in agreement that only JKS can carry off this style…. a long beige overcoat and torn jeans …

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ANJELL “Still as Ever” live recording from Singapore Cri Show

Audio recording by Rongling
Video & uploading by Aphrael77

If it doesn’t load, please go directly to this Youtube page.