The reason why Keun-chan became happy yesterday was he brought a water gun out of nowhere and attacked the staff. kk He is truly a sadistic Keun-chan. kk While following nimble Keun-chan and taking pictures, I feel like joining sports festival. kk The right picture is Prince putting some water in a water gun!
어제 근짱이 신난 이유는 어디선가 갑자기 물총을 가져와서 스텝들 공격 ㅋㅋ 역시 도에스 근짱ㅋㅋ 덕분에 재빠른 근짱 따라다니면서 사진을 찍었더니, 체육대회한거 같은 몸 ㅋㅋ 오른쪽 사진은 물담는 프린스!
[07.10.2012] Tree-J twitter
[06.10.2012] Tree-J twitter
[28.09.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter
“The world keeps turning even without me.. Change my thought that no one can do except me..” What nice these words! When I encountered them while reading, they struck home to me.
내가 없어도 세상은 잘 돌아가요..놓으세요.. 내가 아니면 안된다는 그 마음.. 이 얼마나 멋진 말인가 책 읽다가 한 방 맞았다..
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk seems to have read a book titled “Things You Can Finally See When You Stop” written by Ven. Haemin. See the detail from here.