[15.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

UPDATE: The meaning of ‘President in pants’
President……. not the one in pants kkkkk
사장…….바지사장아님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
tenshi_akuma’s note: President in pants was Jang Keun Suk himself! He enjoyed ”Let’s pretend I’m President” the other day. See [13.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter And the man in this photo is Hyunduk, a real president (owner) of restaurant “COLA mercato”. In Korea, the person who just gives his name to a company as President and accepts payment without practice is called ‘President in pants’. If some scandals occur, this fake (name-lending) President have to take responsibilites for the company.

[13.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

UPDATE: The meaning of ‘President in pants’
Weary soul wants to drink till death… The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)”. Come! Come!
지친영혼은 술 먹고 죽으련다…논현동 돼지콧구멍 121-3 컴컴
tenshi_akuma’s note: The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)” is owned by Lee Jae Hoon, a member of K-POP group “COOL”. Some blog introduced this restaurant. Here is the one.

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[12.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter

Today I feel more proud of being Jang Keun Suk’s music producer than Director Choi Chulho^^ Please give him the highest praise~~
오늘난 최철호감독이란 내이름보다 장근석의 프로듀서란 이름이 너무나 자랑스럽다^^그에게 최고의 찬사를~~

All the staff can’t approach even the place where Actor Jang is … The roads are flooded with chasers… We’re sleepy in the bus stopped moving and get hungry… But I’m worried more about this confusion might lead to cancel his scheduled performance. Now Jang Keun Suk has been considered as one of dangerous men who creates disorder in China.
스탭들 모두 장배우가 있는 곳으로 가까이 가지도 못한다… 추격자들로 가득찬 도로… 우리는 멈춘 버스 안에서 졸리고, 배고프다… 근데 공연 취소가 더 걱정 장근석은 중국에서 질서를 어지럽히는 위험인물이 되었다

Please help us to lift his ban (for stop drinking)~~~
저희 봉인해제하게 좀 도와주세요~~~

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[11.08.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter

CRI SHOW2 in Shanghai is totally different from the one last year..! Even in a year, it’s become bigger like this… Watching the stage rehearsal, I’m feeling special… I hope we’ll have nice and safe performance tomorrow..!
작년과 너무 다른 상해 크리쇼..! 1년 사이에, 또 이렇게 커버리다니… 무대 리허설보면서, 남다른 이 기분… 내일 멋진 공연, 무사 공연..!

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[09.08.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

This was taken last year at a meeting after finishing his first arena performance. I’ve tried to reduce the amount of iPhone space… But there are a lot of photos I just can’t delete. Okay, I just can delete music T_T
작년, 첫 아레나 공연을 마치고 회의하던 모습- 아이폰 용량을 줄이려고 애써보지만… 도저히 지울 수 없는 사진들 뿐이다- 그래, 음악을 지우자 ㅠㅁ ㅠ

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[08.08.2012] @wpsnewswps twitter

Hello, eels! Let’s Jyo~ Zikzin until SUMMER SONIC! Anyway, it’s cool today^^ Please visit us WPS~
ウナギのみなさん!サマソニまでチョ~~ZikZinしましょ! 今日は涼しいですね^^WPSに遊びに来てくださいね~

[07.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Wow… as it’s the period of Asian Prince’s birthday celebration carnival, here’s the song “Miyeok guk (Seaweed Soup)”~~ Jyo~~ Phantom brothers song really suits morning..
우와…아시아프린스 탄생 카니발 기간이라고 이렇게 친히 미역국이란 노래를~~쬬~~~ 팬텀형아들 노래는 아침에 참 잘 어울려..
tenshi_akuma’s note: This is the song JKS tweeted yesterday. In Korea, it’s a traditional birthday dish in Korea. Because every women who gives a birth eats this soup because it is believed that seaweed soup helps with breast feeding. So on their birthday they thank their mother to give birth to them.

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[07.08.2012] Tree-J & staff twitter

Actor Jang Keun Suk and his lovely pet Suni dressed in matching clothes held a birthday party for Actor Jang. We’ll share the details on Princejks. com staff blog^^ See you soon.
배우 장근석의 사랑스런 애완견 순이와 커플로 옷을 맞춰입고, 장배우 생일 축하 파티를 했습니다. 자세한 이야기는 프린스JKS닷컴 스텝블로그에서 알려드릴게요^^ 조만간 스텝블로그에서 만나뵙겠습니다.

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