[18.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

GM Lee, I am grateful because you made today fun,,, but I was down mentally for a moment T_T
이실장님, 오늘 덕분에 즐겁,,, 이라지만 전 순간 멘붕이였음 ㅠ

Heung Ro… short… really… compared to him… *cough
@minzzangde 흥부… 짧다… 참… 비교된다… 쿨럭

Well… short…

23 thoughts on “[18.10.2012] Tree-J staff twitter”

  1. He is so quiet these days. i wonder what he is doing? travelling alone? hope he is having a good rest. anyway he is going to China very soon. will definitely get to hear a lot of his news next week.

  2. I’m happy that he take time off for himself. Lets not be selfish and let him take the rest that he entitle for his hard work. Take care of yourself and be happy.

  3. Hi Susan! its not 5’10” . If you convert 182 cm into feet its about 5’11.75″. Actually it almost 6 feet. For an Asian to have such a height is already tall.

    • yeah Daryl Lade it took me a while to calculate. so..182cm/2.54( 1 inch equivalent)= 71.165354/12inches (1 foot equivalent)= 5.97113= 5ft and 9inches plus…so that means he stands almost 5’10… i also thought he is 5’11 when you end up on the first computation but when i converted it to feet it went lower.. ito ata yung isyu kay Jks na nag lie daw sa height niya nuon… but i think his 182cm height is just right …

      • Hi Susan! the .97113 has to be multiplied by 12, coz .9713 is still in feet not in inches. And that is is almost 1 foot. So if you convert that .9713 into inches it would be approximately 11.7 inches… so it almost 1 foot already.

  4. i think he’s 180cm.i saw it in Japan Tour DVD if im not mistaken. i dont really care about his height actually..i just dont think he’s above 180cm.

    • i also think he is not almost 6ft that’s why i held on to my miscalculation of 182 cm …anyway..no matter how tall he is still the ASIAN Prince…


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