[TEAM H ] NEW ALBUM “I Just Wanna Have Fun” Teaser were corrected (the spelling error in previous MV) and uploaded again. Those who are interested, please check it out at Jang Keun Suk official YouTube channel.
[TEAM H ] NEW ALBUM “I Just Wanna Have Fun” Teaser 수정 업로드 되었습니다. 궁금하신분들은 <장근석 공식 유투브 채널> 에서 확인하세요.
[25.01.2013] CRI-J staff twitter
Actor Jang Keun Suk debut 20th anniversary dinner show ~ Both in Korea and Japan was over ~ Actor Jang ~!! We were happy at dinner show!! The next 20 years, 30 years, 40 years… No, we’ll be with you forever!!
배우 장근석님 데뷔20주년기념 디너쇼 ~ 한국과 일본 모두 끝났습니다~ 장배우님~!! 디너쇼로 우리 모두 행복했습니다!! 앞으로 20년,30년,40년…아니, 영원히 함께하겠습니다!!
[24.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter
Today Team H audio source was unveiled at Tokyo FM radio station! ㅡ But, those who recorded are asked to listen personally : ) ㅡ Uploading it on YouTube is not allowed. No! No!
오늘 Tokyo FM에서 TEAM-H 음원이 공개! ㅡ 하지만 녹음하신 분은 혼자 들으세요 : ) ㅡ 유투브 업로드는 No! No!
Eel: How about uploading the teaser/ promotional video… is it OK ???^^;;
Staff: Yes.
@codeinconnu 티저영상과 홍보영상 업로드는….괘않죠???^^;;
@JKS_miniimo 넵
[24.01.2013] Tree-J twitter
[22.01.2013] Tree-J staff
While preparing for 20th anniversary dinner show, I reviewed his past interview from the very old one. And I realized again that I have to protect him at any cost…
(text in the image: After all, I think it’s OK to be honest to fans eventually. JKS fuji-tv documertary on Jan. 13th, 2012)
20주년 DS를 준비하면서, 아주 예전 인터뷰부터 차례로 읽어 나갔었다 그리고, 이 아이를 절대로 지키지 않으면- 하고 생각했다
[20.01.2013] CriJ-3 Twitter
Credit: Sukbar
Eels are Jang Keun Suk’s backbones! The support event at the airport were really nice and perfectly finished!!! Even tho there were lots of great photos on the news already…. here we post these two late pictures. There will be more his going abroad pictures updated on Princejks.com and CriJ-3 FC later on. Good night.
장근석공식팬클럽Cri-J @JKS_cri_j3
장근석의 빽은 장어떼! 공항 이벤트 정말 멋지게 잘해낸 장어떼들 멋졌습니다!!! 기사에 멋진 사진들이 많이 나왔지만…^^;; 뒷북 사진 올립니다.
[21.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter
Special cocktail! ㅡ delicious!!
특제 칵테일! ㅡ 맛있어!!
130120 DS in OSAKA ㅡ Opening movie starts at 20:30 ㅡ MC ending comments at 22:56 ㅡ For 2 hours and 26 minutes, warm, happy and great time
130121 DS in OSAKA ㅡ 오프닝 영상 시작 20:30 MC 엔딩 안내 멘트 22:56 ㅡ 2시간 26분 따뜻하고 행복하고 즐거웠던 시간
[21.01.2013] Tree-J twitter
[20.01.2013] Tree-J staff twitter
I want him to be himself; feel free to cry, laugh, drink, act, sing, dance and enjoy himself freely. ㅡ He is the kind of person who derseves to be happier than anyone.
(text of the image: Leading actor, Jang Keun Suk)
언제나 자유롭게 울고 웃고 마시고 연기하고 노래하고 춤추고 세상을 만끽하며 즐겁게 그렇게 너답게 살아가기를 ㅡ 누구보다 행복할 자격이 있는 그런 사람이니까