[02.07.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

To respond to your request for showing Guen-chan’s manicure on MUSIC JAPAN, I’ll share the photo taken by Cherry who’s in charge of shooting. Guen-chan is reading the scenario of MJ!
Music Japan에서 근짱의 네일아트를 보여주세요- 라는 리퀘스트에- 촬영담당 채리짱이 찍은 사진을 받아서 올립니다- MJ대본을 보는 근짱!

[01.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & Becky & staff twitter

UPDATE: Added his midnight tweet
UPDATE: See my comment below. “SUK kids and grilled SUK” are there 🙂

To: Becky
Becky-chan, “MUSIC JAPAN” at NHK (18:10~18:39) goes on air today! Don’t miss it! I miss you~~
“@Becky_bekiko ベッキーちゃん、今日はNHK「MUSIC JAPAN」(18:10~18:39)ほうそするんだよ!ぜひ見てね!そしてあいたいやん~~

Becky: Of course! Besides, I set the timer for recording! Because… I’m appearing on it! lol. What a coincidence!
JKS: What?? Really?? Well, I’m going to give you my autographed CD when I visit Japan next time! With my heart! ^^
“@Becky_bekiko: みますよー!ろくがも、してきました!だって…私もでるから!(笑)ぐうぜん、おなじばんぐみに。ㅡえ??まじで??じゃあこんど日本にいけばサインcdあげたいね!オレの心といっしょうに!^^

Becky: (((((((;゚Д゚)))))))))) I’ll keep it as my treasure. crazy! crazy!
JKS: How about your telephone number? kkkkkk
“@Becky_bekiko: (((((((;゚Д゚)))))))))) たからものにします。crazy! crazy!ーじゃあ。電話ばんごうは?wwwwww

Well… My number is 090-85… Hey!!
えーっとですね〜。090-85…こら!! RT @AsiaPrince_JKS:じゃあ。電話ばんごうは?wwwwww

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[29.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

I slipped off to sleep like the dead for 8 hours, lying on the sofa… Surely this time all work and no play T_T It’s hard to make a living… but need to play!
와 나 저 이 상태로 소파에 뻗어서 8시간동안 한번도 안 깨고기절…먹고 살기 힘들어요 ㅠ そのままにソフアのうえで8じがんねちゃった。今回ほんとうに仕事ばっかりだったね!あそぶこともwwww

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[28.06.2012] Tree-J staff & Frau twitter

Those who concern about me, thank you! I received a lot of energy! Even if I can’t go, I can do work with computer. Lucky! I wish everyone be healthy!! Thanks, everyone! You gave me plenty of energy! I’ll do my best from now on!!
염려해주신 모두! 감사합니다! 기운을 듬뿍 받았습니다! 뛰어다니지는 못해도 컴퓨터 앞에서의 일은 할 수 있습니다! 럭키! 다들 건강 챙기세요!! みんなありがとう!元気いっぱいもらいました!後れからも頑張ります!!

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[20.06.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Listing of Gun-chan’s going straight 2!! Mananim Recipe~~!! Without synthetic seasoning, all cooked by the owner of the restaurant with her original seasoning are artistic meals!! You must go no matter what! Especially I recommend the HongSil Noodles~!!
근짱의 직진 리스트 2 !!! 계동 마나님!! 조미료 일절없이 직접 사장님이 재조하시는 갖은 양념과 음식이 예술!! 무조건 가야 함! 홍시국수 추천~~~~!!

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