[17.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

UPDATE: added Tree-J staff twitter

Those who on DCinside (a.k.a. DC galler) attacked me about UMF… Why can’t I just have fun? Why you complain about me? Do Korean only get high with foreign renowned DJ music? Why you insult Made in Korea music without even listening to it?? I’m wondering why….. Please try it once.. T_T UMF로 나 까는 갤러들아….그냥 즐기면 안됨? 왜 자꾸 시비검? 한국사람들이 무조건 해외 유명DJ들 음악에만 신나야함? 왜 Made in Korea는 듣지도 않고 무시하려고 함?? 의문…..들어나 봐 달라구요..ㅠㅠ 
tenshi_akuma’s note: DCinside is a Korean electronic bulletin board service.

I’ll just show you what we are.
보여줄게 그냥

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[16.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

I’m home..!!

Please keep order… Don’t approach me too close! I’m going to walk out into the airport slowly~~~
질서를 지키시오… 넘 가까이 붙지말고 슬로우로걸어나가 줄라니까~~~

Back to homebred eels.. Kyaa
うぃーん、国産ウナギのもとへ キャア
으잉 국내산 장어품으로 ㄱ ㄱ ㅑ

[16.07.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

A story included in “Zikzin” is… definite finish line and direction, propulsive power, broad horizon seeing from side and back and someone else to go with. “I’ll fly to the world’s end. Let’s go together to the world’s end” would be an extension of the promise.
직진,에 포함되어 있는 이야기는- 명확한 골 지점과 방향,추진력, 옆과 뒤도 보는 넓은 시야, 그리고 함께 가는 사람들. “세상 끝까지 날아볼게, 세상 끝까지 함께하자.” 그 약속의 연장선

[15.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Thus, cultural contents are scary. They know Kimono, but not Hanbok. They know Bento, but not Dosirak.. What I learned one thing when watching a cartoon film, should I put on Hanbok when I’m DJing..?
이래서 문화컨텐츠라는게 무서운 거다 기모노는 알지만 한복은 모르고 벤또는 알지만 도시락이 뭔지는 모른다는거.. 만화보며 또 하나 배우고 간다.. 디제잉할때 한복입어야하나..먼산..
tenshi_akuma’s note: Hnbok is traditional Korean costumes. Here is the Wiki link. Dosirak is Korean food. It is packed in a lunchbox, but totally different from Japanese bento. Dosirak is completed to shake it. Here is the explanation of it.

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[14.07.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

My heart’s too full for words… The line between genius and idiot is very fine… You have my full support, my dearest genius and idiot…
이래서 천재와 바보는 종이 한장 차이라고… 천재이자, 바보인 기막힌 당신을 응원합니다…

Actor Jang Keun Suk always impresses us, people being with him and brings joy, energy and questions. Thank you. – The statement posted on MySpace in 2007. His heart never changes then and now. He always loves his eels…
장근석이라는 배우와 늘 함께 하는 사람들 여러분은늘 나에게 감동과 기쁨과 에너지 그리고 풀어야 할 숙제를 주네요 고맙습니다 – 2007년 미니홈피 시절의 글 그때나 지금이나 한결같은 마음 장어사랑 쭉…

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[14.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Here the sun sets at around 21 p.m, so I think I can do it at around 4 or 5 in the morning. Set the alarm before going to bed.. k k
여기 해가 아홉시쯤 지니까 새벽 네다섯시나 되야 가능하겠군 걍 알람 맞추고 자 ㅋㅋ

Accomplish my past-5-year desire… I don’t mean that I want to fight the world, but I just want to break through myself… New York Herald Tribune…!!
근 5년동안의 한을 풀 것이야…세상과 싸우겠다는게아니야 그냥 내가 나를 넘어서고 싶을 뿐…뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴…!!

Some made a fool of me and I did continue to make a fool of myself against such situations, while the others cried with me and continued to cheer me up.. To release those humiliation, I see the sky also cries.. I brought some samples of Zikzin bags in white or pink… but the sky cries..
하긴 누군가들은 실컷 비웃으며 나 하나 바보 만들고 있을 때 누군가들은 나와 함께 울어주고 나에게 응원을 해 줬지..그 한을 풀려고 하니 하늘도 우는구나..화이트 핑크 직진백 샘플 갖고나왔는데…하늘이 우는구나..

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[13.07.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

tenshi_akuma’s note: JKS’ real birthday and star sign were finally revealed!

Jang Keun Suk birthday is August 4th on the old calendar. Therefore, his birthday on the new calender changes every year. The day (August, 4th in 1987) marks September 26th in the new calendar (Gregorian calendar). Generally, we use the Gregorian calendar when we cast a horoscope. So Guen-chan is Libran.
근석의 생일은 음력 8월 4일- 따라서 매년 양력 생일은 달라지는군요- 87년 8월 4일은 양력으로 9월 26일이 맞습니다- 별자리는 양력으로 보는 것이지요? 그러니 근짱의 별자리는 천칭자리입니다-

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[12.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & friend twitter

Friend (bride): Something blue, something borrowed and something old : )
JKS:Congulatulations, my friend.. Like this we’re going to be mature.. When in the world my turn comes? T_T
“@yeagnam: Something blue, something borrowed and something old : ) http://instagr.am/p/M84Xd1yXna/”ㅡ축하한다 내친구..우리도 이렇게 무르익어 가는구나..도대체 나는 언제 ㅠ
tenshi_akuma’s note: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” is a traditional saying that has become a wedding custom for good luck for a bride. The often unquoted last line of the traditional bridal saying gives a hint at its origin. The complete phrase is: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe.” Each verse refers to a good luck item: Something old – continuity with the bride’s family and the past Something new – optimism and hope for the bride’s new life ahead Something borrowed – an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride Something blue – Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, “Marry in blue, lover be true.”

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[08.07.2012] Tree-J staff twitter

While shooting “Love Rain”, Guen-chan made technical drawings of the stage by himself and requested “Much closer!”… Thanks to that, we beat our brains out to find the moving lines. The photo was his drawings 🙂
사랑비 촬영 중에도 직접 무대도면을 그려가며 신선하게, 가깝게! 를 외치던 근짱… 덕분에 우리들은 머리를 쥐어뜯으며 동선을 짰다… 사진은 근짱이 그린 도면 : )

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[07.07.2012] Tree-J & jksjapan twitter

The official members, please come and take your gift! This is only given at CRI SHOW in Seoul^^ It includes Jang Keun Suk’s private life video CD! The content must not be published^^
정회원 선물 받으러 오세요! 이 선물은 서울 크리쇼에서만 드린답니다^^ 장근석의 프라이빗한 일상이 담겨있는 영상CD! 이 안에 내용은 공개불가 입니다^^

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