[21.03.2012] bigbrother & AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

UPDATE: BB tweeted. JKS tweeted to BB


Where am I leaving for this morning?
난 이아침에 어딜가는걸까


Do you have a passport? kkk
여권챙겼냐 ㄲㄲ


Here is !!?

BB visited Team H cafe today!!!!! And he visited Tower Records @Shibuya, too. Below is his autographs.


Tooooo many mentions for our 1st album thank u!!!

tenshi_akuma’s note:
His tweet says about twitter trending event #LoungeHJPN held at 23:30 on March 20 (Japan time). You guys deserve it! 🙂

8 thoughts on “[21.03.2012] bigbrother & AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. ooh, too bad i didnt notice about this trending yesterday..
    if not, i wish to trend along too..

    its true that they, Team H, deserved it \(^O^)/

    congrats once again to Prince J & BB

  2. He asked BB if he has passport? lol. I wonder if BB have had forgotten his passport once? That was great surprise for BB went to the Team H Cafe and Shibuya Tower. Hope Team H Album Daebak!!!

  3. @sukkiefanncusa – yep! Big Brother did forget his passport last 2010 during their Lounge H performance in Japan during the same year (Feb if I’m not mistaken).. He and Sukkie went to the airport only to find out that he left his passport at home so he was left behind and had to take the next flight out…. hahaha! And since then, Sukkie has been joking him not to forget his passport everytime he travels.

    This is so nice! ^_^

    • I did Kaori, hahaha! Compare to Sukkie, I think his Japanese just like this, write in English letters.

  4. sukkie wld have join if is not for the press conference tomorrow.. awww.. nevertheless.. we are all looking forward for his LR press conference + pic storm!!!


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